i vote for swampman
[account deactivated]
additionally i would like to express my admiration for the intellectual rigor of john maynard keynes and paul krugman, the saviors of capitalism
swampman itt:
I vote to negate the next person's negative vote in a stunning display of Hegelian logic.
I negative vote for baby finland. for negative mod powers.
He will be the Anti-Mod.
He will be the Anti-Mod.
I vote for myself Lol
e: if he is the frontrunner make that 1 positive vote for the second runner-up
Edited by zhaoyao ()
You realize that we could use these powers in order to weave an inescapable causation paradox.
I cast my vote for MISTER SIX
i vote for jools
i jort for fools
this is me, barack el presidente obama, voting for jools and NOT aerdil

lmao who nominated me
whoops. apologies to my adoring fans but it was brought to my attention that the nomination process should have involved me explicitly accepting or declining the nomination and i should have taken that opportunity to decline because i dont have the time right now
[account deactivated]
i want to change my vote from me to jools and then back to me. thats called being withholding, and its the type of behavior you can expect me to stop once im moderator.
Edited by swampman ()
i anti-vote for babyfinland
In that case I change my vote to SWAMPMAN
i would like to take this opportunity to remind people that despite how awesome jools is and even though he's a really good poster, he's also british.
i would like to cast -1 vote for babyfinland unless it is permissible to cast fractional votes in which cast i would like to give each candidate -1/(n+1) votes except babyfinland who gets -2/(n+1) where n is the number of willing nominees
[account deactivated]
i vote jools
[account deactivated]
Democracy once again proves it the fairest and most effective form of self-governance.
i vote for whoever the winner was
Faggot dog has won the competition.
Crow posted:
Faggot dog has won the competition.
congrdaulations to Faggot dog.
[account deactivated]
tpaine posted:
if i was mod all i would do is change people's names to things like FullAutismSpectrumWarrior and Moredi Lagorge
theres a new feature coming where you could literally do this if you were mod. too bad you took your name outta teh hat...
god bless democracy
so who won?
who cares the fun part is voting
DRUXXX posted:
voting doesnt start till midnite apparently lol. but once again for anyone who wants to see the nazbol flag flying over lf i am your candidate. i've been a pro-nazbol poster since like... august so ya'll can tell i have commitment to the ideology
alright man, you got my vote.
Impper posted:
so who won?
im starting to think khamsekâs so-called trips to palestine were actually her just hanging out in tel-aviv surrounded by white tourists and then rationalizing it as WELL IT SHOULD BELONG TO THE PALESTINIANS ANYWAY SO IT COUNTS
Hey maggotmaster you still havent told me what to watch after lain
Hey maggotmaster you still havent told me what to watch after lain
his blog is uber depressing
[account deactivated]
thank you for beating the limes, swampman. America #1
maggotmaster had sex. congrats maggotmaster maybe you will be a bit less crazy now. was he cute. lets have a slumber party and eat kettle chips and drink red wine and you can tell me all about it