They're a way to be funny for people who aren't funny and can't be funny. Which is fine, because that's needed. This is most evident on reddit com where people literally do street jokes attributed to derp face and actually it isn't ok.
The Melbourne Shuffle is the new Harlem Shake.
(really self-consciously) w-..what is trotskyism?
(tentativley, questioningly) what is? trotskyism?
(eyes wide with apprehension)

(Biological definition from Dawkins)
The meme is the basic unit of cultural transmission or imitation. Examples of memes are: tunes, catch-phrases, clothes fashions, ways of making pots or building arches.

(Psychological definition from Plotkin)
A meme is a unit of cultural heredity analogous to the gene. It is the internal representation of knowledge.

(Cognitive Definition from Dennett)
A meme is an idea, the kind of complex ideea that forms itself into a distinct memorable unit. It is spread by vehicles that are physical manifestations of the meme.

(Simplified working definition by Brodie)
A meme is a unit of information in a mind whose existence influences events such that more copies of itself get created in other minds.

Additional Definitions and Descriptions of memes:

1. Memes are a metaphor and theory for understanding the spreading of ideas.
The word "meme", is parallel to the word "gene" and likens the spreading of ideas to that of the spreading of genes. In this metaphor, ideas are taken to be akin to viruses and "infect" their hosts so that those ideas are spread ever further.

2. Memes are the fundamental replicating units of cultural evolution. A contagious information pattern that replicates by parasitically infecting human minds and altering their behavior, causing them to propagate the pattern. Individual slogans, catch-phrases, melodies, icons, inventions, and fashions are typical memes. An idea or information pattern is not a meme until it causes someone to replicate it, to repeat it to someone else.

3. Memes represent the basic building block of culture in the same way the gene is the basic building block of biological life. On the macro scale, memes are the building blocks of culture and languages, societies, and religions. On the micro scale they are the building blocks of each human mind.

4. An idea considered as a replicator, especially with the connotation that memes parasitize people into propagating them much as viruses do. Use of the term connotes acceptance of the idea that in humans, cultural evolution by selection of adaptive ideas has superseded biological evolution by selection of hereditary traits.


The study of memes. A theory for understanding the spreading of useful information patterns (ideas). Memetics is the study of the workings of memes: how they interact, reproduce, and evolve. Memetics is analagous to genetics, which studies the same things about genes.


A virus is anything that takes external copying equipment and puts it to work making copies of itself.

Mind virus:

A mind virus is something out in the world that infects people with memes. Those memes, in turn, influence the infected people's behavior so that they help perpetuate and spread the virus.

Media virus:

A media virus is a type of mind virus. It utlilizes a media message that is a carrier of memes.

i thin k the word "Meme" is itself a meme and is a horrible virus
its liek saying me twice

thats how u say it.

babyhueypnewton posted:

i think it's interesting that memes have lost that "exclusive" feeling, and as a result memes are basically dead. even on SA with 100,000 members there was a common shared experience and a feeling of being "goons". but reddit is completely open and all the shitty memes that get posted from it onto facebook are just something about real life or some kind of generic joke with a picture. also not funny and i hate them.

reddit killed the internet i think

They are objectively funny though, I don’t know what kind of antisocial attitude you have to have to dismiss a joke or meme because it has no meaning for you

"objectively funny"!?!? you must be trollin my criminal!
In my more fanciful moments I conceive of the forums as rather like some sort of international gathering of parlour wits in the twenties.
I see them basically as a stage but the stupidest idiot on earth put mics under every single seat and about 10 min in everyone found them.
If anybody anywhere finds a thing funny then that thing is objectively funny.

Registering your disapproval by saying ‘that’s not funny’ is meaningless because quite clearly it is to someone.
Uh here, we see the part of the brain that grows you a big boner when you see a girls butt doing the thing where it's moving with the legs... now next to it is the part of the brain that reacts when a dog headbutts a mans balls while some guy does a voice over for the dog. This exact same part of the brain responds in a similar manner when the sort of sad looking bear has a thing you do that you aren't super proud of pasted over it, and yet does NOT react if instead we paste the names of streets in San Fran in a different font than impact. Science does not roll dice.
It’s really incredibly odd that this forum is, at least to it’s own members, the least divisive and hateful that I’ve come across. Even the odd spat like the jools-discipline thing was more performance art than the two norms of internet discussion:

a) Genuine hatefulness/malintent
b) People talking past each other

But I guess that’s the beauty of a Postnerd community like this one.

Keven posted:

Memes are street jokes for the 22nd century doing something mean to it doing something that you never seen do it screams from the haters got a nice ring to it guess every super hero needs his own theme music no one man should have so much power clock ticking I just count the hours

this but unironically

Also I hate the word memes almost as much as I hate the person who coined it.
Ugh you're so boring. Relentlessly rehashing the same peabrained, Babby's First Troll contrarianism for years, just to get some dick twinges out of words on a screen downvoting or quoting you or something. How many times can you buy yet another SA account to be banned within hours or perform the same tired milquetoast liberal/anti-science/patriarch routine that getfiscal or deadken or babyfinland or whoever got over years ago. Go die.
[account deactivated]

HateCuresLiberals2 posted:

Ugh you're so boring. Relentlessly rehashing the same peabrained, Babby's First Troll contrarianism for years, just to get some dick twinges out of words on a screen downvoting or quoting you or something. How many times can you buy yet another SA account to be banned within hours or perform the same tired milquetoast liberal/anti-science/patriarch routine that getfiscal or deadken or babyfinland or whoever got over years ago. Go die.

Not gonna lie I was impressed with your first post in this forum but this is pretty tepid stuff

Talk more about haplogroups or something, ‘Haha you wasted lots of money on somethingawful’ is pretty low hanging fruit compared to tackling hegemonic Judaic beta-morality no?


discipline posted:

are the "liberals" in your screen name the same as american liberals or a more classical usage

I think it’s actually an ancient Goonish word meaning ‘parents’

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

swampman posted:

People want so badly to participate but most cant because they have nothing to say that adds anything to the conversation. Memers let them join in without having to produce original thoughts. This can be good, when it relieves tension after spats or allows disparate ideas to be idiomatically unified by the social consciousness, or bad when it encourages bad posters who dont have anything to ever say, to say a lot of memes all the time and derive a false sense of inclusion by that practice. I mostly hate memes but some, I love, especially "How is babby formed? how girl get pragnent"

how do i shot web

this but unironically


parabolart posted:


uhh we call it lactationbread fucknoggin


HateCuresLiberals2 posted:

Ugh you're so boring. Relentlessly rehashing the same peabrained, Babby's First Troll contrarianism for years, just to get some dick twinges out of words on a screen downvoting or quoting you or something. How many times can you buy yet another SA account to be banned within hours or perform the same tired milquetoast liberal/anti-science/patriarch routine that getfiscal or deadken or babyfinland or whoever got over years ago. Go die.

[account deactivated]
for the last time, Milquetoast is not a meme

babyhueypnewton posted:

i think it's interesting that memes have lost that "exclusive" feeling, and as a result memes are basically dead. even on SA with 100,000 members there was a common shared experience and a feeling of being "goons". but reddit is completely open and all the shitty memes that get posted from it onto facebook are just something about real life or some kind of generic joke with a picture. also not funny and i hate them.

reddit killed the internet i think

Its just a matter of how small of a bubble you live in, and how you look at things. Im 100% sure reddit/imgur people still think those are alternative communities (compared to what? maybe, like, old ppl, people who don't use the internet?) , and feel like they're a part of some community because people want to feel that, and even better, to feel like that allows them to get some secret reference or something (the epic reddit upvote hand signal http://i.imgur.com/O6kLSRC.jpg, or the "meme" progressive ad, or just any thing online)

Makeshift_Swahili posted:

the infantalised, rote nature of nerd humour, meme culture, and nerd consumerism is something i think about a lot.

the don equis beer campaign seems almost targetted perfectly at internet generation. a series of chuck norris style jokes, then the mantra "I don’t always drink beer, but when I do, I prefer Dos Equis,"... which of course become the image macro " I don't always X, but when I do, I Y". recent snickers ads is similarly structured. ads have for a long time relied on catchphrases & jingles but at this point people are generating millions of free advertising images FOR the compa ny. weird!

people want there to be memes, , so they can feel "in on it", it's really easy to manipulate. http://qz.com/67991/you-didnt-make-the-harlem-shake-go-viral-corporations-did/ this is old but if anyone hasn't seen it its cool

i just read page 2 and swamp man posted pretty much the same thing, but im gonna post this post since i typed it already


HateCuresLiberals2 posted:

Ugh you're so boring. Relentlessly rehashing the same peabrained, Babby's First Troll contrarianism for years, just to get some dick twinges out of words on a screen downvoting or quoting you or something. How many times can you buy yet another SA account to be banned within hours or perform the same tired milquetoast liberal/anti-science/patriarch routine that getfiscal or deadken or babyfinland or whoever got over years ago. Go die.

Fuck, that reminds me, I wanted to post this earlier but I was trapped in IFAP:

You're really cool and I hope you stick around.

[account deactivated]
the Harlem Shake fad was universally despised and immediately recognized as forced and artificial by wide swaths of the internet community. Its popularity was promulgated almost exclusively by tv talk shows and adult daycare progamming like The Today Show. it was Mommy's First Meme, and proof that authenticity and organic generation are still sought and appreciated qualities in todays youth society

prikryl posted:



Cycloneboy posted:

HateCuresLiberals2 posted:

Ugh you're so boring. Relentlessly rehashing the same peabrained, Babby's First Troll contrarianism for years, just to get some dick twinges out of words on a screen downvoting or quoting you or something. How many times can you buy yet another SA account to be banned within hours or perform the same tired milquetoast liberal/anti-science/patriarch routine that getfiscal or deadken or babyfinland or whoever got over years ago. Go die.

Fuck, that reminds me, I wanted to post this earlier but I was trapped in IFAP:

You're really cool and I hope you stick around.

Shut the fuck up, Jew


GelatinousCube posted:

Trotsky isn't a meme

Superabound posted:

for the last time, Milquetoast is not a meme

some excellent meme splicing right here

grundlesworthy makes a similar point
rhizzone memes are the best i think because none of them even pretend to convey any meaning or express any emotion or dekonstrate any reaction or have any use-value whatsoever. the mexican internet brought me amphetamines in ramallah lady. being in love now doesn't fight capital. aedril's jeans bitch! now youre dead
memes were always here just now theyre decoupled from their origins, whereas before westerners all knew what diet coke break or wazzaaap meant because it had been targeted to us, now we get decontextualised everything and nothing is explained and you either 'get the ref' or you just scroll past it. this is only a problem if you prefer to identify with source processes instead of engaging with the end product