
clanzy posted:


We do live in a world where race doesn't exist. Unless you mean the human race!
[account deactivated]
Race isn't about skin, but about haplogroups and intellectual potential related to the environments we adapted to.

This pathetic liberal nonsense of wishing away ugly things about our nature is laughable, especially from supposed "radical leftists" who whine about other "liberals" when clearly the only thing being further radicalized is their own delusion with crutches like 'social construction'.

HateCuresLiberals2 posted:

Race isn't about skin, but about haplogroups and intellectual potential related to the environments we adapted to.

This pathetic liberal nonsense of wishing away ugly things about our nature is laughable, especially from supposed "radical leftists" who whine about other "liberals" when clearly the only thing being further radicalized is their own delusion with crutches like 'social construction'.

more like CRAPLOGROUPS hahaha owned

Whoa. Genetics? I'm a little uncomfortable in this territory. Let's just say: pretty sure Satan is behind it.

HateCuresLiberals2 posted:

Race isn't about skin, but about haplogroups and intellectual potential related to the environments we adapted to.

This pathetic liberal nonsense of wishing away ugly things about our nature is laughable, especially from supposed "radical leftists" who whine about other "liberals" when clearly the only thing being further radicalized is their own delusion with crutches like 'social construction'.

so i imagine your gimmick is hating liberals

An ugly thing about our nature: pride.
lol when have i ever claimed not to have delusions

fape posted:

HateCuresLiberals2 posted:

Race isn't about skin, but about haplogroups and intellectual potential related to the environments we adapted to.

This pathetic liberal nonsense of wishing away ugly things about our nature is laughable, especially from supposed "radical leftists" who whine about other "liberals" when clearly the only thing being further radicalized is their own delusion with crutches like 'social construction'.

so i imagine your gimmick is hating liberals

who doesn't?

i don't really care about skin color but european features are really important because lets face it looks count

fape posted:

HateCuresLiberals2 posted:

Race isn't about skin, but about haplogroups and intellectual potential related to the environments we adapted to.

This pathetic liberal nonsense of wishing away ugly things about our nature is laughable, especially from supposed "radical leftists" who whine about other "liberals" when clearly the only thing being further radicalized is their own delusion with crutches like 'social construction'.

so i imagine your gimmick is hating liberals

i hate liberals too, except its not a gimmick

without race wed just be translucent sacks of gurgling organs, if anything we need more race not less
im permabanned poster HateCuresLiberals58. i first started reading the rhizzone when i was about 12. by 14 i got really obsessed with the concept of "leftism" and tried to channel it constantly, until my thought process got really bizarre and i would repeat things like "surplus value" and "long live the victory of people's war" in my head for hours, and i would get really revolutionary, start seeing proletarian solidarity in the corners of my eyes etc, basically prodromal schizophrenia. im now on Hitler. i always wondered what the kind of "leftist" style of rhizzone politics was all about; i think it's the unconscious leaking in to the conscious, what mengelian theory considered to be the cause of jewish and crypto-jewish bolshevism. i would advise all people who "get" the rhizzone to be careful because that likely means you have a predisposition to liberalism. peace.

fape posted:

HateCuresLiberals2 posted:

Race isn't about skin, but about haplogroups and intellectual potential related to the environments we adapted to.

This pathetic liberal nonsense of wishing away ugly things about our nature is laughable, especially from supposed "radical leftists" who whine about other "liberals" when clearly the only thing being further radicalized is their own delusion with crutches like 'social construction'.

so i imagine your gimmick is hating liberals

Hating liberals isn't like a "Gimmick," man: it's a way of life.

everyboddy;s gonna look like Seth Godin whether they liek it or not
The Jew tpaine must give me back the baclava. The rifhtful Kookoo clan wfill haf ourf baclafa from thef Jew tfurkic THFUCKS!

AmericanNazbro posted:

fape posted:

HateCuresLiberals2 posted:

Race isn't about skin, but about haplogroups and intellectual potential related to the environments we adapted to.

This pathetic liberal nonsense of wishing away ugly things about our nature is laughable, especially from supposed "radical leftists" who whine about other "liberals" when clearly the only thing being further radicalized is their own delusion with crutches like 'social construction'.

so i imagine your gimmick is hating liberals

Hating liberals isn't like a "Gimmick," man: it's a way of life.

its Ninjas now


HateCuresLiberals2 posted:

Race isn't about skin, but about haplogroups and intellectual potential related to the environments we adapted to.

This pathetic liberal nonsense of wishing away ugly things about our nature is laughable, especially from supposed "radical leftists" who whine about other "liberals" when clearly the only thing being further radicalized is their own delusion with crutches like 'social construction'.

so nice to have a real troll instead of the same tired gimmicks from the same 2 or 3 people