dont criminalize women who wear miniskirts, criminalize the men who look at them

Sam Akaki, international envoy of Uganda's opposition Forum for Democratic Change, said: "This law will create an apartheid system by stealth. Whereas the former apartheid system in South Africa discriminated people on the basis or race, this one will discriminate people on the basis of gender. Any law that discriminates people in any way is a bad law.


oh noes i can't show my thighs in public, this is as bad as white supremacy.

[account deactivated]

getfiscal posted:

i dono, how many rich people are there

Hahaha oh no, now I can't jerk it to celebs. Ack1!!! Where do I get my prno in uganda. Help this celeb isnt nakey. Me horney :*(
Me horney me wanna see mommy nakey
come again
Jesus christ that guy wants to see his mommy nakey. Jesus

Lokodo, a former Catholic priest, suggested that victims of sexual violence invited trouble. "One can wear what one wants, but please do not be provocative," he said. "We know people who are indecently dressed: they do it provocatively and sometimes they are attacked. An onlooker is moved to attack her and we want to avoid those areas. He is a criminal but he was also provoked and enticed." Asked if men would be banned from wearing shorts, the minister replied: "Men are normally not the object of attraction; they are the ones who are provoked. They can go bare-chested on the beach, but would you allow your daughter to go bare-chested?"


if you're wearing a miniskirt at a club: no social signals or negative outcomes possible.

if you're wearing a miniskirt in a magazine: harmful social signals and dangerous for women.

make up your minds, feminists.
a law against miniskirts is way more defensible than the anti-hijab laws in france
some bro just got raped by 900 pounds worth of ladies. rip cyclonesmear
[account deactivated]

peepaw posted:

chillin at the vr simulated beach is dope in this one


tpaine posted:

Goethestein posted:

some bro just got raped by 900 pounds worth of ladies. rip cyclonesmear

how...how many ladies...:epicfear:

He was raped by a total of four different ladies, in a brutal attack that shows how damaging the Matriarchy really is to men and boys.


ilmdge posted:

i m minkahunter. this is me:

yep thats me right there, now you all know what i look like

if i was going to impersonate a pro-john feminist thats probably the pic i would use



im not reading all this crap but the counter to what she's saying appears to be "well prostitution isn't violence, therefore..." which is the bourgeois position on everything and so kind of unassailable
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
you went to palestine before you studied the middle east? how am I meant to take what you say seriously
on a more regressive note i doubt these sofa-buyin' succubi know as much about punching people in the face as their eagerness suggests, you should call them out and let them name the time and place
[account deactivated]
yeah i would say anyone doing research on Palestine would be heavily invested insofar as they have aspergers

im not reading all this crap but the counter to what she's saying appears to be "well prostitution isn't violence, therefore..." which is the bourgeois position on everything and so kind of unassailable

I really don't care about prostitution enough to read through all of this blog post, but it's pretty clear that her problem is that the researcher has approached the subject with a pre-ordained conclusion in mind and a methodology designed to reach this conclusion regardless of anything else. Also that she didn't publish in a relevant peer-reviewed journal, defined things loosely to the point of meaninglessness, made unqualified and unsubstantiated statements of value and harm, etc, etc.


discipline posted:

it's like maybe these people need to get tested for aspergers or something if they think academics aren't allowed to have opinions on their research

This is pretty much exactly the same argument that creationists make, good work.

"Durr, everyone's biased, so, I'll just pee on the scientific method."
its absurd that someone can form a hypothesis, perform an experiment that might prove such a hypothesis, and call themselves a scientist. what scientists really do is perform the experiment first, then see what hypothesis emerges from the data collected

cleanhands posted:

its absurd that someone can form a hypothesis, perform an experiment that might prove such a hypothesis, and call themselves a scientist. what scientists really do is perform the experiment first, then see what hypothesis emerges from the data collected

No you fucking idiot, they don't do either of those things. Scientists form a hypothesis, then design an experiment to try to disprove the hypothesis. Jesus Christ.


Impper posted:

i like sex

it's overrated.

i prefer a nice cognac, while curled up next to the fire placed with my choice manga.
It's called falsifiability? Am I the only person here even rudimentarily acquainted with science?
cyclone: literally the only one here who gives a shit about the rules

thirdplace posted:

cyclone: literally the only one here who gives a shit about the rules

I'm not sure what this is supposed to mean, but I'll upvote it anyway.

falsifiability: something no one has given a shit about in philosophy of science for like 50 years
I am a positivist now.
I don't get leftism's obsession with fertility reduction, reducing fertility and economic growth are almost diametrically opposed objectives. We should really focus on spreading socialist genes as far as possible *through consensual means).

I also found this.


clinical analyses based on the few available case histories of individual left-wing Italian terrorists reveal that they rarely suffered from serious personality defects; in contrast, right-wing terrorists (who are more frequently examined by psychiatrists than are left-wing revolutionary terrorists because the insanity defense is more frequently employed at their trials) showed a much higher incidence of borderline or even psychotic personalities and of drug addiction. The glorification of violence in right-wing ideologies of terrorism may also explain their attraction for mentally disturbed individuals. The West German study, however, did not conclude that right-wing terrorists (of whom twenty-three cases were included) are more likely to be unbalanced, although it noted several distinctive personality traits (see Siillwold, 1981, pp. 110-113).
what does socialism have to do with "economic growth"?
It shouldn't, socioeconomic Third Worldism and fecundity go hand-in-hand. That's all I'm trying to get people to realize.

discipline posted:

it's like maybe these people need to get tested for aspergers or something if they think academics aren't allowed to have opinions on their research

also, the person who filed the (dismissed) APA complaint against her is a phd from NZ who, you guessed it, is a person who supports the sex industry and "sex worker activism" with his work! hmmmm that is never counted as a strike against the people who criticized her methods.
