The electric phone!
guys, discipline isn't saying criminalize prostitution - (what I personally believe) she is saying criminalize johns and pimps (aka the nordic model you dummies)!. and of course, she is a good muslim, so I'm sure that the reliance on police for enforcement is a grudging compromise; she probably wants rapists justly dealt with by mobs or the families of the offended - capture and behead 'em - One Sure Blow!

me, I'm a good christian, so I would prefer if we strangled them and then burnt the bodies on stakes - but that's cultural relativism for ya

edit: fixed the chauvinism

Edited by Scrree ()

really though it's best that the movement against pimps and johns starts ASAP before liberals shift the ideology so far that buying a prostitute becomes another 'act of inalienable freedom' and loses it's social power of shame. most johns fear being publicized but I can easily see r/sexhavers/ trying to create a new mentality, bombastically ranting about a new age of scientific shamelessness.
[account deactivated]
no, but it justifies it

Scrree posted:

guys, discipline isn't saying criminalize prostitution - she is saying

don't speak for others.

what is disciplines favorite sopranos goomar
gyrofry how much do you want if i get to hit it and flip you over, maybe some oral?
maybe a reach around but no gaey stuff
[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

don't call women "chicks" donald

i call them NIGGER!!!!!!

Edit: Added bold

Edited by Skylark ()

[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

atheism causes prostitution

and it shrinks the genitalia

tumblr social justice movement demands an end to discrimination against paid-o-philes everywhere, barack obama signs a consitutional amendment that afternoon while noting 'it gets better, as you pay more'
i'll stop calling women chicks when you stop calling us johns
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

it's really remarkable how there isn't one leftist blog or magazine in the united states with any kind of following that comes right out and sez, yes, it's bad that women have to be prostitutes. prostitution is not an ideal job.

probably not true.

being a drug dealer is a shitty job probably
thats what it seems like from the wire anyway
[account deactivated]
reminder (h/t joel)

how many lives does the sane war on (some) drugs save each year?

gyrofry posted:

thats what it seems like from the wire anyway

ACtually . . . http://www.guardian.co.uk/tv-and-radio/tvandradioblog/2013/apr/04/bbc-s-seven-social-classes-the-wire-version

[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

lol @ all these millionaires cussing me out on twitter

a mediocre rap lyric

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

discipline posted:


looks like you got owned. i'm now in favour of prostitution.

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
i m minkahunter. this is me:

yep thats me right there, now you all know what i look like
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

ilmdge posted:

i m minkahunter. this is me:

yep thats me right there, now you all know what i look like

Goon Bait

The Communist Casting Bean Bag Chair Or Portable Camping Chair
MARK IT - you've made an enemy of Tits Magee this day, discipline, prepare 2 died

discipline posted:


i'm sorry i don't understand twitter, which one is you? what comments are they talking about?

[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

i didnt understand either. how do internet

i guess we're both "too old for this shit" -- Danny Glover

Well it's nice to know that Uganda is also taking a stand and following Iceland's lead

Uganda is considering extraordinary measures against women's rights that would lead to arrests for those wearing skirts above the knee in public.

The proposed law would mark a return to the era of dictator Idi Amin, who banned short skirts by decree. Many Ugandans are opposed to the idea and it has spawned a Twitter hashtag, #SaveMiniSkirt.

The government-backed bill would also see many films and TV dramas banned and personal internet use closely monitored by officials.

Simon Lokodo, Uganda's ethics and integrity minister, defended the plans. "It's outlawing any indecent dressing including miniskirts," he said.

"Any attire which exposes intimate parts of the human body, especially areas that are of erotic function, are outlawed. Anything above the knee is outlawed. If a woman wears a miniskirt, we will arrest her."

Lokodo, a former Catholic priest, suggested that victims of sexual violence invited trouble. "One can wear what one wants, but please do not be provocative," he said. "We know people who are indecently dressed: they do it provocatively and sometimes they are attacked. An onlooker is moved to attack her and we want to avoid those areas. He is a criminal but he was also provoked and enticed." Asked if men would be banned from wearing shorts, the minister replied: "Men are normally not the object of attraction; they are the ones who are provoked. They can go bare-chested on the beach, but would you allow your daughter to go bare-chested?"

The anti-pornography bill contends that there has been an "increase in pornographic materials in the Ugandan mass media and nude dancing in the entertainment world". It proposes that anyone found guilty of abetting pornography faces a 10m shillings (£2,515) fine or a maximum of 10 years in jail, or both.

The likes of Beyoncé and Madonna will be banned from television, Lokodo added. "We are saying anything that exposes private parts of the human body is pornography and anything obscene will be outlawed. Television should not broadcast a sexy person. "Certain intimate parts of the body cannot be opened except for a spouse in a private place.

"A lot of photos, television, films will be outlawed. Even on the internet, we're going to put a monitoring system so we know who has watched which website and we know who has watched pornographic material."

Lokodo expressed confidence that the bill would be passed. But according to Uganda's Daily Monitor newspaper, it has run into difficulty in the parliamentary committee stage after some members expressed concern about its implications for constitutional freedoms. MPs also warned that some traditional cultural practices could be labelled as pornographic, the paper added.

Lokodo has previously courted controversy by announcing a ban on 38 non-governmental organisations he accused of undermining the national culture by promoting homosexuality. Parliament is still pondering a bill that would impose harsher penalties for gay people.

Sam Akaki, international envoy of Uganda's opposition Forum for Democratic Change, said: "This law will create an apartheid system by stealth. Whereas the former apartheid system in South Africa discriminated people on the basis or race, this one will discriminate people on the basis of gender. Any law that discriminates people in any way is a bad law.

"If Lokodo or anyone in Uganda is serious about fighting immorality, they should fight corruption."