EmanuelaOrlandi posted:who gives a fuck?
that question is really vague / doesnt conoform to the topic i wish the questions to be asked about sorry pal try again!
littlegreenpills posted:where do you stand in terms of civil rights, limited or otherwise, for great apes and cetaceans?
once they start demanding civil rights themselves and it is made obvious that its necessary to classify them as a group which requires rights then yeah go ahead and givit to em but as of now they dont seem to really care for becoming a part of society as we know it
ArisVelouchiotis posted:Do androids dream of electric sheep?
that question is really vague / doesnt conoform to the topic i wish the questions to be asked about sorry pal try again!
Crow posted:Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
that question is really vague / doesnt conoform to the topic i wish the questions to be asked about sorry pal try again!
ilmdge posted:do you hate calling them johns, and if so, is it because you think it's a bad word or because the anti-sex work people have so fixated on it that you don’t like using it anymore?
"john" is a pretty vulgar thing to call an entire group of people, though i understand where the idea comes from. i prefer "customers" personally although im not a sex worker so i don't have the same perspective as people who are and therefor cant really have a valid opinion on the subject
fape posted:ArisVelouchiotis posted:
Do androids dream of electric sheep?
that question is really vague / doesnt conoform to the topic i wish the questions to be asked about sorry pal try again!
Okay, Fape. I have a bunch of questions but I'll narrow it down to 21. You don't have to answer all of them, alright? I'm just a bit antsy, you know. I've been wanting to ask someone about this stuff.
If I feel off tomorrow would you still love me? If I didn't smell so good would you still hug me? If I got locked up and sentenced to a quarter century could I count on you to be there to support me mentally? If I went back to a hoopty from a Benz would you poof and disappear like some of my friends? If I was hit and I was hurt would you be by my side? If it was time to put in work would you be down to ride? If I ain't rap 'cause I flipped burgers at Burger King would you be ashamed to tell your friends you feelin' me? And in bed if I used to my tongue, would you like that? If I wrote you a love letter would you write back? Would you love me if I was down and out? Would you still have love for me? Now would you leave me if you're father found out I was thuggin'? Do you believe me when I tell you, you the one I'm lovin'? Are you mad 'cause I'm askin' you 21 questions? Are you my soul mate? Do you trust me enough, to tell me your dreams? If I was down would you say things to make me smile? If I was with some other chick and someone happened to see? And when you asked me about it I said, it wasn't me would you believe me? Or up and leave me? How deep is our bond if that's all it takes for you to be gone? Could you love me in a Bentley? Could you love me on a bus? Could you love me in a Bentley? Could you love me on a bus?
Thank you for your time.
Edited by ArisVelouchiotis ()
ArisVelouchiotis posted:fape posted:
ArisVelouchiotis posted:
Do androids dream of electric sheep?
that question is really vague / doesnt conoform to the topic i wish the questions to be asked about sorry pal try again!
Okay, Fape. I have a bunch of questions but I'll narrow it down to 21. You don't have all of them, alright? I'm just a bit antsy, you know. I've been wanting to ask someone about this stuff.
If I feel off tomorrow would you still love me? If I didn't smell so good would you still hug me? If I got locked up and sentenced to a quarter century could I count on you to be there to support me mentally? If I went back to a hoopty from a Benz would you poof and disappear like some of my friends? If I was hit and I was hurt would you be by my side? If it was time to put in work would you be down to ride? If I ain't rap 'cause I flipped burgers at Burger King would you be ashamed to tell your friends you feelin' me? And in bed if I used to my tongue, would you like that? If I wrote you a love letter would you write back? Would you love me if I was down and out? Would you still have love for me? Now would you leave me if you're father found out I was thuggin'? Do you believe me when I tell you, you the one I'm lovin'? Are you mad 'cause I'm askin' you 21 questions? Are you my soul mate? Do you trust me enough, to tell me your dreams? If I was down would you say things to make me smile? If I was with some other chick and someone happened to see? And when you asked me about it I said, it wasn't me would you believe me? Or up and leave me? How deep is our bond if that's all it takes for you to be gone? Could you love me in a Bentley? Could you love me on a bus? Could you love me in a Bentley? Could you love me on a bus?
Thank you for your time.
none of those questions conform to the topic i wish the questions to be asked about sorry pal try again!
Makeshift_Swahili posted:who is your daddy and what does he do
that question is really vague / doesnt conoform to the topic i wish the questions to be asked about sorry pal try again!
fape posted:Makeshift_Swahili posted:
who is your daddy and what does he do
that question is really vague / doesnt conoform to the topic i wish the questions to be asked about sorry pal try again!
I don't believe you, Fape. You know that? Sometimes you're a real SOB (son of a bitch).
ArisVelouchiotis posted:fape posted:
Makeshift_Swahili posted:
who is your daddy and what does he do
that question is really vague / doesnt conoform to the topic i wish the questions to be asked about sorry pal try again!
I don't believe you, Fape. You know that? Sometimes you're a real SOB (son of a bitch).
all i want to do is reply to genuine political questions and you guys lay this crap on me..a man can only handle so much!!!
tpaine posted:WHO AH YOU!?
I'm someone...that works at this restaurant...
this is not a question sorry pal try again!
gyrofry posted:do you like how?
that question is really vague / doesnt conoform to the topic i wish the questions to be asked about sorry pal try again!
fape posted:ArisVelouchiotis posted:
fape posted:
Makeshift_Swahili posted:
who is your daddy and what does he do
that question is really vague / doesnt conoform to the topic i wish the questions to be asked about sorry pal try again!
I don't believe you, Fape. You know that? Sometimes you're a real SOB (son of a bitch).
all i want to do is reply to genuine political questions and you guys lay this crap on me..a man can only handle so much!!!
ey, i'm just breaking your balls a lil' bit. I don't mean nothin' by it.
gyrofry posted:what do you think about jodi dean?
she gives a bad name to contemporary revolutionists/ism
gyrofry posted:what do you think about abu nidal?
im afraid im not too well versed on palestinian politics but ill eventually get around to learning that sort of crap and get back to you
gyrofry posted:what do you think about the pope's latest stunt?
its a show, this guy is no different from the last guy, the fact that he even has any rank at all in the catholic church means that theres no way he can be anything less than a terrible oppressor
gyrofry posted:also what is it?
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind. The answer is blowing in the wind.
Edited by ArisVelouchiotis ()
gyrofry posted:what do you think about trotskyism?
revisionist bordering on opportunist bullshit
gyrofry posted:also what is it?
revisionist bordering on opportunist bullshit
prohairesis posted:in your o what will replace finance capitalism
with the way the world is headed atm my best bet is that if nothings done to counter it, the current system will smoothly and without much notice become a sort of imperialist fascism and that will eventually devolve into techo-feudalism
Edited by fape ()

gyrofry posted:brezhnev: nomenklatura apparatchik malaise-meister OR architect of the golden age of socialism, rehabilitation of stalin and promoter extrordinaire of global proletarian internationalism