So according to Eldad Beck, at a recent rally after jummah last Friday the Muslim Brotherhood held a rally wherein they decried zionism as evil, and also cited a popular passage from the Qu'ran which commands the muslim to kill all jews.
Arab hate: A Muslim Brotherhood rally in Cairo's most prominent mosque Friday turned into a venomous anti-Israel protest, with attendants vowing to "one day kill all Jews."
Some 5,000 people joined the rally, called to promote the "battle against Jerusalem's Judaization." The event coincided with the anniversary of the United Nations' partition plan in 1947, which called for the establishment of a Jewish state....
...However, most worshippers who prayed at the mosque Friday quickly left it before the Muslim Brotherhood's rally got underway. A group spokesman urged attendants to remain for the protest, asking them not to create a bad impression for the media by leaving....
...Muslim Brotherhood spokesmen, as well as Palestinian guest speakers, made explicit calls for Jihad and for liberating the whole of Palestine. Time and again, a Koran quote vowing that "one day we shall kill all the Jews" was uttered at the site. Meanwhile, businessmen in the crowd were urged to invest funds in Jerusalem in order to prevent the acquisition of land and homes by Jews....
These are the people that are going to be running Egypt...
Like how are news outlets in the USA going to explain to USAians who have almost certainly never heard of the MB? I wouldn't be at all surprised if this article gets cited by someone in the USAian news media as an indicator of how crazy and dangerous the MB is
DRUXXX posted:
lol actually there is no quote in the qu'ran about killing all jews and the never said anything about killing all jews at the rally. this shit still got run as a legitimate news story, though! ahahahaah!
wtf ? please cite where in the qur'on it does not say to kill all jews good book on the subject
deadken posted:
islamic economics is def not socialism m8
theres no essential opposition between the two. unless you have rigidly dogmatic definitions of each for no reason
discipline posted:
they're saudi 5th column and are cheap lazy sell-outs in general
yeah, they're like a weird entire group of COINTELPRO provocateurs

DRUXXX posted:
DRUXXX posted:
lol actually there is no quote in the qu'ran about killing all jews and the never said anything about killing all jews at the rally. this shit still got run as a legitimate news story, though! ahahahaah!
all the different Hadith more than make up for lack of jew hate in the Quran
babyfinland posted:
jews have never lived better than under muslims, and that includes living under other jews
That is NOT what bubba gump shrimp co has told me. See you in ramallah. FOOL
tpaine posted:
holy shit! It's been almost ten years since david bowie's last album!
he's spent most of the past decade being afraid of americans.
deadken posted:
in other news, i would probably have sex w/ racist tram lady
well if that were the case, we wouldn't have the problem!
deadken posted:
in other news, i would probably have sex w/ racist tram lady
right there in the carriage?
DRUXXX posted:
salafism is a joke lol. how can there be a salafi party in the military-run state election?
i dont think the salafis have a party per se (political parties probably haraam according to them or something) but they run independent candidates from within their organization
babyfinland posted:
jews have never lived better than under muslims, and that includes living under other jews
that is such trite nonsense, subjective terminology mired in clear bias
no where and no when did jews enjoy greater privelege than they do in Israel and in the united states right now.
BehemothTheKatte posted:babyfinland posted:
jews have never lived better than under muslims, and that includes living under other jewsthat is such trite nonsense, subjective terminology mired in clear bias
no where and no when did jews enjoy greater privelege than they do in Israel and in the united states right now.
that is such trite nonsense, subjective terminology mired in clear bias
no where and no when did jews enjoy greater privelege than they do in Israel and in the united states right now.
littlegreenpills posted:
right there in the carriage?
is the carriage occupied... then there would be a miscarriage... of justice... haha...?
littlegreenpills posted:deadken posted:
in other news, i would probably have sex w/ racist tram ladyright there in the carriage?
if itd shut her up
babyfinland posted:DRUXXX posted:
salafism is a joke lol. how can there be a salafi party in the military-run state election?i dont think the salafis have a party per se (political parties probably haraam according to them or something) but they run independent candidates from within their organization
actually they have multiple parties, the main one being al-nour (arabic for "the nerds")