
hey posted:

drwhat posted:

being australian must own

DUring 'Straya day one of my mates was hanging at a bar in the Canadian rockies having a pint. Anyways, this big 'ol aussie lady came up to his table and asked why they weren't so happy on the best day in the world. and the whole time while she was talking she would repeatedly poke my m8 in the chest. it would be like: "oi" *poke* "why" *poke* "Aint" *poke* "you" *poke* "smilin" *poke*.
We're all convinced she was just fucking with us and just putting on a whole act. Cause nobody couldn't honestly be that fucking horrendous. but then we keep on remembering that she was an australian and that's how they all fucking act. crikey.

lol this reads like that goon story where he throws the pizza at the youths who try to talk to him

i know it's hard to believe if you're Canadian but some cultures make a virtue of being gregarious and extroverted. But if it made you upset, i apologise on behalf of all australians for the interruption of your friends' no doubt thrilling conversation about woodchip prices and tim hortons.

sounds loike IWC is cahlin' you a liar mate! well, woht izzit then, eh? was that lady a cunt or are you callin IWC a liar? i reckon, you two outta go outside and settle this loike gentlemen, eh? c'mon mate...c'mon mate
Let's not fight. Come on people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together, try to love one another right now.

Here's a legendary Canadian band leading a beautiful Australian chant. ~ unity ~

I can't sleep and I'm reading Seven Pillars of Wisdom for some reason. He was a stodgy imperialist but he wrote some decent stuff.

"All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible."

Edited by ArisVelouchiotis ()

[account deactivated]
i dont post

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Like most lurkers, one of my daily struggles is finding a worthwhile tv show to watch.
na mate seven pillars of wisdom is legit Gud, i mean he understood and advocated for the men he worked and fought with a hundred times better than any of your fuckin armchair antizionists and subaltern theorists or whatever
Lurker Aspie Muslim Economist checking in again. Would anybody be interested in an effortpost about how two basic features of orthodox economic theory--diminishing marginal returns and the utility framework of economic models--have extremely egalitarian implications, and the contortions the economics profession has gone through in the past century to avoid such conclusions?

Aspie_Muslim_Economist_ posted:

Lurker Aspie Muslim Economist checking in again. Would anybody be interested in an effortpost about how two basic features of orthodox economic theory--diminishing marginal returns and the utility framework of economic models--have extremely egalitarian implications, and the contortions the economics profession has gone through in the past century to avoid such conclusions?

Definitely not interested.

I hope you're not thinking of writing it and posting it, because I definitely won't be reading it.

you should Write That Post
i actually already wrote that post but then i just printed it out and use it as toilet paper because only shit should ever associate with it

Aspie_Muslim_Economist_ posted:

Lurker Aspie Muslim Economist checking in again. Would anybody be interested in an effortpost about how two basic features of orthodox economic theory


[account deactivated]
What's with this 509 bad gateway business?

Hey. Why is the Rhizzone inaccessible at certain points in the day? Why are there points in the day? Hey.


Edited by ArisVelouchiotis ()

[account deactivated]
That definitely makes sense. Thank you.

Edited by ArisVelouchiotis ()


Dusz posted:

i dont post

same here fellow lurker

so instead of educating people of the things they know and being self-critical and having a good sense of humor it's tradition in LF for people with giant fucking egos to just exit. Cool
[account deactivated]
i found this place because i was searching for information about cyclonopedia about which i have Opinions

but you're all trots when it comes to music
[account deactivated]
now THAT'S more like it
[account deactivated]
whats trot music
[account deactivated]
It's imperative that we curtail the dissemination of Trotskyite-Rightist music on the Rhizzone. We must uphold the correct line, comrades.


postposting posted:

i found this place because i was searching for information about cyclonopedia about which i have Opinions

but you're all trots when it comes to music

what are the opinions?

all your questions on trotrykim answered here

KilledInADuel posted:

postposting posted:

i found this place because i was searching for information about cyclonopedia about which i have Opinions

but you're all trots when it comes to music

what are the opinions?

well it's been a minute now, and i have a real bad memory b/c of the drinking, but mostly regarding the significance of the book's framing device and its relation to the process of reading the book itself. In fact, i would argue (i think) that the book possesses a strong central narrative, and that narrative is entirely within the 'incognitum hactenus' with cyclonopedia itself as really just a footnote or appendix which provides context to the foregoing. The 'story' then, is about what happens when one reads cyclonopedia, a story which the reader re-enacts and inhabits by reading on.

gonna go grab my copy and refresh my memory to try to come up with something far more coherent.

*also by trots about music i think i meant something about listening and consuming music from a detached perspective unconnected from the actual material process of its production, but mostly i was making a terrible joke

good point
we all HATE justin beiber!!