
KilledInADuel posted:

ArisVelouchiotis posted:
I was thinking a little about music in political struggle. You can almost deduce the quality of the cause from the quality of the music. Compare civil war-era red music and white music, and compare irish republican music and loyalist music. Look, I'm not saying this is scientific. It's just some food for thought for the lurker checkpoint #46354.

Honestly, "Dixie" is a much better song than the maudlin and funereal "The Grapes of Wrath"

because secession was correct


swampman posted:

animedad posted:

nobody posts on saturdays

yes because im painting an alligator in my bathroom

haha. that sounds dangerous though.


KilledInADuel posted:

ArisVelouchiotis posted:

I was thinking a little about music in political struggle. You can almost deduce the quality of the cause from the quality of the music. Compare civil war-era red music and white music, and compare irish republican music and loyalist music. Look, I'm not saying this is scientific. It's just some food for thought for the lurker checkpoint #46354.

Honestly, "Dixie" is a much better song than the maudlin and funereal "The Grapes of Wrath"

um that's Battle Hymn of the Republic and it owns sorry


KilledInADuel posted:

ArisVelouchiotis posted:

I was thinking a little about music in political struggle. You can almost deduce the quality of the cause from the quality of the music. Compare civil war-era red music and white music, and compare irish republican music and loyalist music. Look, I'm not saying this is scientific. It's just some food for thought for the lurker checkpoint #46354.

Honestly, "Dixie" is a much better song than the maudlin and funereal "The Grapes of Wrath"

There's a lot of great union music. Many of the greatest songs of the time were written by irish immigrants who were committed to the union cause.

I just listened to We'll fight for Uncle Sam for the first time in years and I noticed that the third verse is pretty brutal

We soon got into battle: we made a charge of bay'nets:
The Rebel blaggards soon gave way: they fell as thick as paynuts.
Och hone! the slaughter that we made, bedad, it was delighting!
For, the Irish lads in action are the divil's boys for fighting.
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

Alright. I know that many of you hate new folk/post folk/whatever-the-fuck but I think that you phil ochs fans will like this song.

Edited by ArisVelouchiotis ()

[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

i only hate freak folk and anti-shoegaze

Well, I'm with you there. Death to the wretched abomination that is anti-shoegaze.

music is bad, and, gaey. i only listen to white noise, and, sometimes, a single drawn-out tone. a hand-drum is also acceptable.

deadken posted:

music is bad, and, gaey. i only listen to white noise, and, sometimes, a single drawn-out tone. a hand-drum is also acceptable.

You might enjoy this

(people with headphones on: lower your sound before playing this)

Edited by ArisVelouchiotis ()

[account deactivated]
Last night I dreamed that I was the protagonist in a famous Soviet film called Spring on Zarechnaya Street. I was a jovial Soviet proletarian who falls in love with a sophisticated young teacher. It was nice.

Dreams tend to fade quickly but I distinctly remember having a conversation with the woman in a snow-covered Russian park. It was just like the scene at 1:25. Oh, I'm writing this bevause the thread is empty and I'm drunk. Cheers.

This is the best drinking song of what some folks in this foul year of Our Lord, 2013, are now calling the twenty-tens. I vaguely remember some poster in the old LF claiming that he was in the band but who knows if its true. It would be an odd thing to lie about.

the walk home tonight was a magnificent shitshow.

Edited by ArisVelouchiotis ()

longtime listener first time caller
am i cool yet

fuck ireland and the irish


Edited by edward ()

how u post youtube

deadken posted:

music is bad, and, gaey. i only listen to white noise, and, sometimes, a single drawn-out tone. a hand-drum is also acceptable.

u only listen to youre own posts???


edward posted:

hi lurker edward, your youtube videos have to be plain http:// and can't be youtu.be and then you can post them. hopefully ths helps you out so we can get more youtubes posted in this thrwad

Edited by ilmdge ()


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

fuck ireland and the irish


ArisVelouchiotis posted:

KilledInADuel posted:

ArisVelouchiotis posted:

I was thinking a little about music in political struggle. You can almost deduce the quality of the cause from the quality of the music. Compare civil war-era red music and white music, and compare irish republican music and loyalist music. Look, I'm not saying this is scientific. It's just some food for thought for the lurker checkpoint #46354.

Honestly, "Dixie" is a much better song than the maudlin and funereal "The Grapes of Wrath"

There's a lot of great union music. Many of the greatest songs of the time were written by irish immigrants who were committed to the union cause.


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

fuck ireland and the irish


he's part of the Kingdom, mate.
i figured he just hated st patrick's day and boston like me

animedad posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
fuck ireland and the irish


The overrepresentation of Irish culture (in proportion to their tiny numbers) in our media and history and arts is only rivalled by one other group that we obviously all know, let’s give some other peoples a chance huh? Oh wow your daddy got locked up by the british and Mary died of a broken heart fiddle-de-dee.

being australian must own

animedad posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

fuck ireland and the irish



animedad posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

fuck ireland and the irish



Ironicwarcriminal posted:

fuck ireland and the irish

lol at deadken upvoting this

i'm still convinced he's gonna become a Tory


fuck ireland and the irish


The overrepresentation of Irish culture (in proportion to their tiny numbers) in our media and history and arts is only rivalled by one other group that we obviously all know, let’s give some other peoples a chance huh? Oh wow your daddy got locked up by the british and Mary died of a broken heart fiddle-de-dee.



drwhat posted:

being australian must own

DUring 'Straya day one of my mates was hanging at a bar in the Canadian rockies having a pint. Anyways, this big 'ol aussie lady came up to his table and asked why they weren't so happy on the best day in the world. and the whole time while she was talking she would repeatedly poke my m8 in the chest. it would be like: "oi" *poke* "why" *poke* "Aint" *poke* "you" *poke* "smilin" *poke*.
We're all convinced she was just fucking with us and just putting on a whole act. Cause nobody couldn't honestly be that fucking horrendous. but then we keep on remembering that she was an australian and that's how they all fucking act. crikey.

well? why weren't you smiling, mate? sheilas got a point

Edited by Chthonic_Goat_666 ()