[account deactivated]

blinkandwheeze posted:

Crow posted:

here is the response you both deserve:

when did i do any of this, crow? if i did i certainly apologize for doing so. but i'm not sure i did. and yeah, okay, emotionally charged language from the male perspective against women almost necessarily fall into chauvinistic structures, that's hugely problematic, jools should be more conscious of how his posts appear to others. but i'm not responsible for what tone jools takes but this is a playground for ideas and i think i am capable of getting past his rhetoric and sympathizing with the content of his ideas. what problems do you have with what i actually said?

at this point i am kind of drawing to the end of my shock & outrage and just falling into apathy, so i'll try to be brief:

there is a huge moralistic component to "criticism" i have seen in these sorts of internet spaces, maybe its interlocked with the first world, but it's actually pretty demoralizing to go through these motions over and over. it's basically a very deep well of resentment, and of course it doesn't have to do with particular individual figures per se, not even institutions or system designated 'capitalism' / 'imperialism' / 'patriarchy' (or 'socialism or 'misandry' for that matter), but it's a kind of generative of personal traumas. that is, it's a deployment of personal misery, circumstances beyond ones control, etc. this is the how the self-loathing in wddp played out alternatively between ego-stroking of self-destructive habits and, more importantly, hysterical denunciations of perceived wrongs, in reality ambiguous at best.

the fact that it took on a certain nature, while indicative (as nietzsche points out with socialists), is not actually determinate. the kind of 'leftist' form it took probably has more to do with the particular historical instance of symbolic (eg. obama darkhorse, terminal anticommunism) & economic crisis (2008 crisis), rather than an actual 'essence' of communism or leftism in general. so you have people sort of 'play-acting' revolutionary communist party, where it's important to attack certain individual tendencies in other members, when in fact this is a faulty fantasy. ie. it isnt in the space of like life-or-death struggle, but pure virtuality that's more about fighting your own personal demons rather than moderating a healthy (or for that matter, flagging) political organization.

so you have intentional (or, worse for me to admit, unintentional) misreadings, you have these sort of impassioned public denunciations of friends, sidewipes kind of brought up obliquely (where only two or three people actually know what it means), calculated to cause maximum damage. and all of this takes place in the space of ambiguity. this is crucial, in the space of ambiguity in language (particularly the large gap left open in textual communication, free of physical cues), you kind of see a play of psychological drama. a projection. so like, you take a small little tv show article written on a website that has a real dearth of content, and then attack it for what it DOESNT say, for what content DOESNT exist on the website, and attack the person for NOT MENTIONING WHAT IT DOESNT SAY, and make it an essential, symptomatic 'thing-of-that-person'. that's indicative of this psychological drama being acted out in these sorts of broadsides.

or like when you talk about the carnegie foundation, there's alot of like completely constructed assertions about what discipline was saying, like "Oh since you think palestinian identity is rooted in the countryside, well then you must be saying this and this dismissively about urban palestinians". when its like, this person 1) has lived in palestine, 2) has done research on the way palestinian identity is rooted from the countryside, and 3) how NGOs and developers are working with the Israeli authorities to basically re-make the palestinian identity in an urban neoliberal landscape. and then linking the outrage or cynicism that the (very brief) article contextualizes the sneering ideology at play in the CF with 'condescension towards Russians & Caucasians' is a leap that boggles my mind, a Russian-Caucasian. like it's at the point when, to make your point on what discipline DIDNT say, one has to dismiss the *very idea of communist propaganda*. bWUH?!

i remember the thing mistersix was saying shortly before he stopped posting. i think it was during another wave of denunciations and when people were at each other's throats. everyone was complaining about the lack of content, or the quality of the writign and the posts, and kind of dragging each other through the dirt and it had its tinges of self-loathing and whatever. and he was like, well, if you don't like that there is a lack of content, why dont you write something, why dont you fill in the gap with what you want to see in this forum. you know, instead of dragging each other through the dirt for the sake of 'criticism', how about relaxing a little and trying to generate these new forms of what you want to see, enact your critique rather than try to stifle it. because people are paralyzed as it is with their personal struggles, and it seems to be sometimes not only is something written just for the sake of contention, but frequently with a huge ego investment, a written gesture of resentment through the veil of illness. like, i really have no will to write anything for this website with the sort of mean-spirited shit i see. its no longer even in the stages of 'oh, I should write something about this on the rhizzone', and more of a 'i should go start an anonymous blog'.

otherwise, i seriously suggest kind of settling down, and taking a much more kinder view of people that arent auspiciously your enemy. especially ones that honestly try to strive towards worthy goals. because, otherwise, truly youre only lashing out at yourself. PEACE.

[account deactivated]
I have fond memories of visiting Toronto's Chinatown with one of my best friends as teenagers and we bought two coconuts and strolled away like worldly people all smug until we got a few blocks away and had to figure out how the fuck to open them and started banging them on the curb like mad monkeys

the coconut water tasted so good tho. I love u coconut
speaking of Miss March, what people did was debate her article and not make personal accusations of certain things. german joey, god rest his soul, actually wrote a whole front page article putting forth his own opinions. none of this had people at each other's throats. and yet, now we have fuckin tiny blogs and temp jobs being the root of life-and-death struggle. like, if you're going to be doing that shit, i'd much rather just read tpaine's post history
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

a katana is useful to open a coconut but the katana will get dirty do you have to wipe it on your pantlegf

the canonical blade for coconuts is a machete but I am sure a katana will do. Always wipe your blades. Especially after contact with acids such as in a fruits.

[account deactivated]
we either had trimmed tan coconuts that you get that look like yurts, or standard brown coconuts. if you get the yurt coconuts from a street guy he usually opens the top for you with his machete. coconuts.

Easy there, kiddies. Let the real men do the coconut work

i take your point on palestine crow but i think the first part of that post is projection lol
and the end of that post too
lol woa man maybe you should sleep on it
seriously though you basically restated a lot of what i was trying to say to khamsek - particularly in respect to moralism, which i think is at the root of attempts at representation and punditry - but in this weird view-from-nowhere zizekian way.

additionally you contradict yourself on... more than one occasion.

first you complain about people play-acting at revolutionary communism (which i've uh, complained about more than once) and then you complain about my approach of attempting to write not "on" but "about" leads to a point where "one has to dismiss the *very idea of communist propaganda*. bWUH?!"

isn't it kind of weird, when, according to you, we're not a revolutionary party or whatever, to have communist propaganda as our main goal or something?

anyway, what do you understand by communist propaganda here? isn't engaging in actual critique, rather than criticism, the basis of all communist propaganda? like, marx didn't just take the gotha program and say "well we should actually do the opposite of this because what lassalle says is good is actually bad and vice versa", he engaged in immanent critique of that thing. which is really what i'm suggesting taryn should have done. yes the article is very short - perhaps it's too short to address the subject matter substantially?

and at the end, i think you completely misidentify what leads to the mean-spirited attitude. like b&w said above, i don't think i called dean a fucking moron due to chauvinism (is calling lloyd blankfein a fucking moron antisemitic?), but because of substantial issues that i had with the stuff she writes. the problem is, neither you nor khamsek ever actually bother to engage with anything, i either get weird appeals to authority (like the phd thing above or being told to "ask her myself" after i tried to get some idea of what khamsek's reading of dean was), or i get irrelevant ink-clouds, like you spewed out in the zizek thread. that's the kind of thing that really generates a mean-spirited attitude, a sense that criticisms of a substantial nature get derailed and abstracted to other issues.

this is also why i regularly accuse you of not reading anything, because the manner you (fail) to engage with what i or others say indicates you probably have no idea what you're talking about.

additionally, yes, MM's post about cybersyn generated some serious discussion - but neither goey nor mistersix are around any more to say that kind of thing. i was really disappointed when i spent a week writing 8000 words that the most interesting comments i got were on fucking twitter than this place, where i mostly got boring agreement with no contribution rather than any development or dispute.

it just seems really weird you making a post about how everything sucks when you're really part of the problem yourself man. it sucks when you post pictures to run away from a discussion.
[account deactivated]
damn the lurker thread is goin off. shame y'all dont post this stuff in every thread
OP discipline texted me on saturday and i woulda met you but i was in the bronx. way to post!
also lol at talking shit on bndub he is the most best poster

jools posted:

and lmao at ipbanning thug lessons


he was already in infap and posted once, maybe every 6 months (and it was only about anime).
oh wait heres a more relevant murakami bit


Crow posted:

\so you have intentional (or, worse for me to admit, unintentional) misreadings, you have these sort of impassioned public denunciations of friends, sidewipes kind of brought up obliquely (where only two or three people actually know what it means), calculated to cause maximum damage. and all of this takes place in the space of ambiguity. this is crucial, in the space of ambiguity in language (particularly the large gap left open in textual communication, free of physical cues), you kind of see a play of psychological drama. a projection. so like, you take a small little tv show article written on a website that has a real dearth of content, and then attack it for what it DOESNT say, for what content DOESNT exist on the website, and attack the person for NOT MENTIONING WHAT IT DOESNT SAY, and make it an essential, symptomatic 'thing-of-that-person'. that's indicative of this psychological drama being acted out in these sorts of broadsides.

ugh okay to further add to what jools has said already the problem i have with this is that you're reducing the argument that has taken place for quite a while to the little slights that jools started making relatively recently, as if the basis of this tension is the few sentences of bickering about discipline's reading of deadwood. but that isn't the case, i think it's clearly not the case, we have both posted extensively about the theoretical positions we hold that these tensions stem from, i think it is far from ambiguous what these positions are. jools wrote a roughly eight thousand word post. i elaborated sentiments we share on this issue extensively in this thread. it is true he has taken a roughshod and emotionally charged approach lately but jools has been expressing himself quite clearly in the jodi dean thread, as have i. while you also entered into discussion in the previous zizek thread and now in the dean thread, which i appreciate, i can't say the same for you. you have repeatedly replied with pithy little sentence long snipes, posted pictures of animals in place of saying anything, and you have a pretty disarming tendency of changing the subject of conversation. which look, okay, i should make myself clear that i don't actually have a problem with that. your snipes are often funny, so are the pictures, and i see no fault with approaching a question from a number of different angles. what i have a problem with is you accusing us of ambiguity and the veiling of resentment, identifications of misreadings when no alternative is being offered, bringing up the dearth of content when we are active in establishing what little it has.

which brings me to the other problem i have with this post, like look, you're going to bring this be the change you want to see in the world shit to me? who has taken more initiative in establishing discourse here than i have? who edits the front page? who on this forum writes as much as i do, besides discipline, and while she is of course entitled to, even herself has moved her productivity to a personal blog? who started the reading group which repeatedly brings in a larger number of visitors to this site than almost anything else and, despite the expressed interest of so many people here, was repeatedly the sole contributor to discussion? who else is earnest enough to be accepted to postplace, despite an incurable affliction of fail aids? and i'm not fishing for compliments here, i don't need thanks, i absolutely write for my own sake. i like posting here. i have enough self-control that if i had a big enough problem with the way discourse works here i would stop posting. to be even clearer, i don't have a problem with the fact that other people here conduct themselves differently, getfiscal could say more with a paragraph than i could with an entire essay, tpaine, Keven, Meursault or yourself are able to make this place a billion times more bearable with just a handful of words. but to come at me with this why dont you write something shit? and then you peddle this garbage, 'i really have no will to write anything for this website with the sort of mean-spirited shit i see', as if this negative charge has always existed, as opposed to something that emerged entirely in the last few months or so? as if you were writing fucking novels here before jools decided to castrate zizek? what was your excuse then? i think your a great poster crow but please stop pretending with this shit. peace

this barnyard guessing game is tearing us apart

blinkandwheeze posted:

it is true he has taken a roughshod and emotionally charged approach lately

im not as smart as any of you guys and i generally hate to post earnestly, or purport to speak on anyone's behalf BUT

it seems to me that what you've stated right here is 99% of the basic problem and what has "triggered" the reaction from discipline. it would be cool if jools would take a different (dare i say?) tone, and yet keep on keepin on with the substance of his criticism and even keep on sneerin to some degree from his various manors

ok well cya

a typical New york city disease that you catch from a grease puddle, or bus exhaust cloud, where you become obsessed with writing in a "I'm going to write this" way, which leaps into your skeleton because the incredibly jarring constancy of sensation demands constant rational analysis to keep up with. This is why theres so much stuff written about NYC "As If Its The OInly Place On Earth" because anyone who comes here and has a soul is moved by the profound neglect of person to person and person to earth all packed into tiny little space right under great concentrations of wealth and power. You start channeling so many ideas that it seems mad to let them all drift off forever. Its a good thing and you are not supposed to bother people in "Im going to write this" mode because sometimes they actually do write it and sometimes its valuable. "More shit, more peanuts"
That was a staggeringly long gyrofey post. What is going on anymore these days
WOWZA this thread got bananas i was surprised to see all the new posts but i guess somebody had a case of the mondays!
when dildo malone saw there were 300 new posts he was like "wow, thats a lot of lurkers!"
It's also the case that with the anonymity and distance provided by the internet, posters are emboldened by a lack of consequence to their thoughts and musings. Consequently, when then barriers begin to dissipate through social networking and real life interactions, the consequences of baser human nature and behavior begin to have adverse effects. While a strange poster on the internet can be ignored, never replied to again, once the person has entered the real, perceived slights can be amplified. hence reality drama. This can be avoided by simply going outside

cargojorts posted:

i lurk because the long downfall of red ken becoming the whitest person in the world is really interesting to me



deadken posted:

cargojorts posted:

i lurk because the long downfall of red ken becoming the whitest person in the world is really interesting to me


You still got a long way to go, Bucko.

jodi dean
i have Ascended
i thing i wrote is being printed in an australian post-trot magazine. next stop, an occasional column in the observer. i will take a hammer to the gates of Punditry and blind everyone within with the glare of my Whiteness
is there anybody in there