HenryKrinkle posted:i liked LF
Scrree posted:Might as take advantage of my double post and ask Where is that Great Gay Fascist anyways?
Second this, come back Tsargon
Noosphere posted:I still lerk for the deleuze posting, but thats been happening less and less frequently.
You can find Deluzian thought in anything though. For instance: these snipes and arguments between prominent posters here that rise up from below the surface, twist and turn in unpredictable directions and then retreat back below the surface. These arguments are often rooted in years of personal histories and Millenia of ideological or political history. There is no beginning or end or middle to these interactions, there is no ‘point’ to them, no resolution and arguably very little meaning: it is a multitude and it is unconscious and it is the perfect illustration of the principles of the rhizome.
Oh, and I want to give a quick shout out to Impper and the other bookish posters for turning me on to Celine, Mishima, Limonov, and a couple of other writers. I send my gratitude to all of the Good Posters.
I mean what does an admin do and what does a mod do? What powers do they have? What rules are there? From what I can tell all of this is utterly arbitrary, people get probations out of nowhere for nothing, it’s awesome.
HenryKrinkle posted:ugh that hasn't aged well
the end is still pretty alright

i miss LF

innsmouthful posted:i lurk because i just don't spend enough time on the internet to post often. i do like theory chat and philosophy chat thou and i only came here because of it. also fascism.
i'm still waiting for that albania post
In Lowtax’s defence though that Cliff guy that made fun of photos + Evil Jeff K + the ICQ pranks were all pretty fucking funny at the time.
Aspie_Muslim_Economist_ posted:SariBari posted:My fellow mostly-lurkers or total lurkers,
After a delightful weekend up north with our Queen of the Rhizzone, discipline, I have come to ask you to leave your hideaway for a moment. Why do you lurk and for how long have you been reading these funny-broken-intelligent-disgusting conversations? Do you organize or participate politically offline? Do you lurk out of love or hate of this place? Most importantly to me: if you are another lady lurker, what keeps you from participating in discussion? Plz don't lurk this thread! lurklurklurklurk.I lurk because I think I generally don't have much to say that is funny or interesting. I've been lurking since the pr0n haul megathread, and what little I have posted began with mspaints of anthropomorphic dicks and later devolved into posts about economics and academia. I don't actually do anything leftisty other than (hopefully) exposing college students to leftist perspectives on economics along with the standard neoclassical fare, so my lack of bona fides is another reason I don't post much.
only a small handful of people here are politically active, i think, but that's all about to change with the impending launch of the Rhizzone Party
Lysenko posted:Is this one of those checkpoints where a bunch of arabs get murdered?
no i think it's just one of those checkpoints where you save your game. lurking is like grinding forever and never fighting the boss.
HenryKrinkle posted:i liked LF
and that is why you must lurk
and it's not like I know shit about shit. so come on lurkers. join in the great torrent of useless words
MadMedico posted:Aspie_Muslim_Economist_ posted:
SariBari posted:
My fellow mostly-lurkers or total lurkers,
After a delightful weekend up north with our Queen of the Rhizzone, discipline, I have come to ask you to leave your hideaway for a moment. Why do you lurk and for how long have you been reading these funny-broken-intelligent-disgusting conversations? Do you organize or participate politically offline? Do you lurk out of love or hate of this place? Most importantly to me: if you are another lady lurker, what keeps you from participating in discussion? Plz don't lurk this thread! lurklurklurklurk.
I lurk because I think I generally don't have much to say that is funny or interesting. I've been lurking since the pr0n haul megathread, and what little I have posted began with mspaints of anthropomorphic dicks and later devolved into posts about economics and academia. I don't actually do anything leftisty other than (hopefully) exposing college students to leftist perspectives on economics along with the standard neoclassical fare, so my lack of bona fides is another reason I don't post much.
Is that patton oswalt in a keffiyeh in your avatar?
That's Philly rapper and adult convert to Islam Vinnie Paz.
gyrofry posted:i only think about internet forums when im having sex
Same here. And I never think about internet forums.
I've been lurking since before LF existed and I'll continue lurking long after the last remnants of LF have died. I am the Ur-lurker. I lurk outside of time and space. I have always been watching and will continue to watch long after the last LF-poster has departed this realm of existence.
mongosteen posted:LF was cool until it got overrun by qq social justice babies
actually, WDDP circa 2011-2012 was the pinnacle of LF.