DRUXXX posted:
Isn't that what they all are?
in more southerly latitudes theres a generous sprinkling of libertarians and their allies
What is outstanding is that the Occupy Dallas movement has not cost the city of Dallas one red penny, at least according to Gawker. The reason is because of the peaceful protesters. Beginning on October 6, movement committees recognized as "working groups" were specifically designed for the expertise of volunteers who wish to help the protesters.
But more than anything, what has separated Occupy Dallas from movements like Occupy Wall Street and Occupy Oakland is a continued cooperation with the city's local police and city government, in addition to a continuous appreciation for the Dallas Police Department that has worked out for both sides.
now, to be fair, both the truth of the article (which uses numbers conveniently prior to a protestor eviction event) and the merits of costing $0 were strongly contested in the comments. but it was posted proudly nonetheless
mistersix posted:
Yeah, I went to occupy austin and it was p much 45% liberal and 45% libertarian then like 10% straight up hippies and anarchists
DRUXXX posted:mistersix posted:Yeah, I went to occupy austin and it was p much 45% liberal and 45% libertarian then like 10% straight up hippies and anarchists
a scientific survey based on empirical observations through beer goggles
DRUXXX posted:mistersix posted:Yeah, I went to occupy austin and it was p much 45% liberal and 45% libertarian then like 10% straight up hippies and anarchists
yeah i avoided occupy austin because i aint a FUcker
With so much at stake, it should come as little surprise that climate deniers are, on the whole, those most invested in our highly unequal and dysfunctional economic status quo. One of the most interesting findings of the studies on climate perceptions is the clear connection between a refusal to accept the science of climate change and social and economic privilege. Overwhelmingly, climate deniers are not only conservative but also white and male, a group with higher than average incomes. And they are more likely than other adults to be highly confident in their views, no matter how demonstrably false. A much-discussed paper on this topic by Aaron McCright and Riley Dunlap (memorably titled “Cool Dudes”) found that confident conservative white men, as a group, were almost six times as likely to believe climate change “will never happen” than the rest of the adults surveyed. McCright and Dunlap offer a simple explanation for this discrepancy: “Conservative white males have disproportionately occupied positions of power within our economic system. Given the expansive challenge that climate change poses to the industrial capitalist economic system, it should not be surprising that conservative white males’ strong system-justifying attitudes would be triggered to deny climate change.”
NounsareVerbs posted:
The current chant is "the people united will never be defeated"
Granfalloon Technique
This section may contain original research. Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding references. Statements consisting only of original research may be removed. More details may be available on the talk page. (November 2007)
The granfalloon technique is a method of persuasion in which individuals are encouraged to identify with a particular granfalloon or social group. The pressure to identify with a group is meant as a method of securing the individual's loyalty and commitment through adoption of the group's symbols, rituals, and beliefs. In social psychology the concept stems from research by the British social psychologist Henri Tajfel, whose findings have come to be known as the minimal group paradigm. In his research Tajfel found that strangers would form groups on the basis of completely inconsequential criteria. In one study Tajfel subjects were asked to watch a coin toss. They were then designated to a particular group based on whether the coin landed on heads or tails. The subjects placed in groups based on such meaningless associations between them have consistently been found to "act as if those sharing the meaningless labels were kin or close friends."
Researchers since Tajfel have made strides into unraveling the mystery behind this phenomenon. Today it is broken down into two basic psychological processes, one cognitive and one motivational. First, knowing that one is a part of this group is used to make sense of the world. When one associates with a particular group, those in the group focus on the similarities between the members. This is different from people not in the group. For "outsiders" differences are focused upon and often exaggerated. A problem with the granfalloon is that it often leads to in-group, out-group bias. Second, social groups provide a source of self-esteem and pride, a form of reverse Groucho Marxism as in his famous remark "I don't care to belong to any club that would have me as a member."
The imagined communities of Benedict Anderson form a similar concept. Therapist Grant Devilly considers that granfalloons are one explanation for how pseudo-scientific topics are promoted.
Granfalloon in popular culture
In the 1997 video game Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, a boss was termed Granfalloon. It took the form of a huge ball of naked human corpses held together from within by a monstrous tentacled parasite. The monster's original Japanese name was Legion, as it is now called in the later translations.
On the Carole King album Tapestry, James Taylor is credited with playing the Acoustic Guitar and the Granfalloon
Granfalloon (fanzine) is the name of a Hugo Award-nominated science fiction fanzine.
i need cool radical articles and agitprop vids (and maybe pictures)
Your Facebook Page is now linked to Twitter.
You're now sharing your page updates on Twitter as OccupyAdelaide. You can always .
time for tHE rHIZZONE to shine! beat back the white supremacist hippies!
swampman posted:
a wealth of info here..
Warning: Something's Not Right Here!
llco.org contains malware. Your computer might catch a virus if you visit this site.
revolutionary virus?

tpaine posted:
occupy adelaide? what the fuck? isn't australia nothing but drop bears, clock spiders, and giant fuckoff snakes? No thanks! I'll occupy something else, methinks. *takes a quick peek at adelaide* Fuck That Thing! Shyeah, adelaide has a frog that makes your balls whither when it looks at you?? won't be occupying that shit. jesus fuck!
Word is, we'll take Occupy Austin next, and rile up the white nationalist hippy hornets' nest
banks and embassies and operating hours. creation and recreation and creative and recreative. lab and lobby and occupation and sport and moving goalpost and cap and flagtrade. blue ink.
a read-only file can only be interpreted by the machine as malware. doth the machine protest against thine art?

jools posted:
dont go on LLCO's site for a while, theyve been hacked. It was announced on their facebook recently.
prime suspects: barack obama, bernard bernanke, MIM=CIA pigs, dennis (fuck you dennis), the patriarchy
Crow posted:
so OccupyLA got raided and shutdown, supposedly "peacefully", no tear gas, i dont think any pepper spray was used, ~200 arrests
when i'm back in austin for sxsw if the occupy stuff is still going on i fully intend to go and espouse the values of national bolshevism in texxxass