My fellow mostly-lurkers or total lurkers,

After a delightful weekend up north with our Queen of the Rhizzone, discipline, I have come to ask you to leave your hideaway for a moment. Why do you lurk and for how long have you been reading these funny-broken-intelligent-disgusting conversations? Do you organize or participate politically offline? Do you lurk out of love or hate of this place? Most importantly to me: if you are another lady lurker, what keeps you from participating in discussion? Plz don't lurk this thread! lurklurklurklurk.
7 views and no replies. lurking!
Hi i'm from reddit /r/ communism and y'all are hate mongers and i spend most of my time contemplating suicide
beautiful little strawman
oh dear, wasted.

42 views and two responses, gyrofry doesn't even count. the nerve of the lurk!
lurkers are cool.

mongosteen posted:

lurkers are cool.

yeah but can they please holla for a minute though?

i think some of them are bots, and i wish we had more bots posting here
i lurk here and generally read things you people suggest when i have time
I don’t really get the idea of lurking on a site like this. Despite the occasional insightful and sincere back-and-forth, I thought the whole point of this thing of ours was a way for white people to play the dozens? If we were looking to actually organize and make a difference then we’d be joining the church or a social democratic political party.
[account deactivated]
We should hold like a Lurker of the Week back and forth interview. Like maybe tpaine can lead one of them and it'll be just an entire thread of only tpaine posts to a lurker that maybe logged in one time to index the website.
we need a "lurker of the week" frontpage feature, where we get a lurker to give us her top 5 desert island albums and her favorite recipe slash cocktail

stegosaurus posted:

we need a "lurker of the week" frontpage feature, where we get a lurker to give us her top 5 desert island albums and her favorite recipe slash cocktail

I disagree, this kind of frivolity robs the pictures of dead Syrian kids of their emotional weight.

the 403 errors keep me from posting
i think it just takes time for many people to eventually start posting. i literally just started posting on LF about 2 weeks before maggotmaster got the forum destroyed. and that was after a good 6-8 months of reading everything (including the things in the archives) posted on LF. at the time the more active LF posters would completely destroy you if you posted something even slightly ignorant (i don't mean that as a criticism, i think it is a good thing) so it makes sense to lurk as well. also i think many people have basically zero experience learning about and applying marxist thought to their daily lives. there have been countless posts on old LF about this wherein posters would share that they were an economics major or whatever with a master's degree and they literally only had one class throughout their entire academic career wherein they got to learn about marxism. so even in academia, the alleged institution of communism, there is no experiences to be had to learn about and apply marxist thought. consequently, it is entirely understandable why the average person is unconformable posting and instead lurks, because if they post something ignorant (which is likely because basically they can't learn anywhere else) they will be destroyed by their fellow posters. that's what i think anyway

raptornomics posted:

i think it just takes time for many people to eventually start posting. i literally just started posting on LF about 2 weeks before maggotmaster got the forum destroyed. and that was after a good 6-8 months of reading everything (including the things in the archives) posted on LF. at the time the more active LF posters would completely destroy you if you posted something even slightly ignorant (i don't mean that as a criticism, i think it is a good thing) so it makes sense to lurk as well.

This was why I loved LF, i’d find smart people and harangue them from a point of antagonistic ignorance and make them defend and explain their ideas in the manner and method which best suited me. It was like going to university but you can yell at the lecturer so much that he will devote all his time to you. I dunno it’s weird, that’s how I learn

*jools sits in his magnificently appointed manor at blandwick-upon-glorpington and sneers at teh n00bs*

Edited by gyrofry ()


gyrofry posted:

*jools sits in his magnificently appointed manor at blandwick-upon-glorpington and sneers at teh n00b*

This reminds me…..King Ralph was TV a few days ago and I watched a little bit of it and it’s amazing how much even 22 years ago seems like an entirely different planet. He falls in love with some northern stripper lass and they go to her town and everybody is white and looks like they’ve just been laid off from the british Leyland factory! No kebab shops or call centres or Sky TV or even Chavs!


gyrofry posted:


Jools told me that this is what he wants played at his funeral

I skimmed through the lf archives late last year and there’s still plenty of lols but the amount of white noise is more than I remembered.

‘ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff’ and that sort of stuff. It was fine though because LF’s main accomplishment was (with me and many others I presume) to offer critiques of liberal thinking that most of us didn’t get from school, media or friends. I don’t think it was neccesarily about pushing Marxism….after all Impper Is A Fascist Now but still very much in the lf mould.

Btw I don’t really know what I’m talking about I’ve been up for 50 hours straight now
im a lurker
LF was a meritocracy of jokes, thinking up a great one-liner—the briefer the better—kicked off an endorphin rush.

Edited by MadMedico ()


MadMedico posted:

LF was a meritocracy of jokes, a meritocracy of jokes. Thinking up a great one-liner—the briefer the better—kicked off an endorphin rush.

That’s what I got addicted to the anti-science gimmick. I started it in some thread about the F-35 and found out that whenever I made threads critical of science they would explode….such a thrill….so lame…..so cool

I love lurker
i don't post much because i am smart and funny, but the funny posters here are funnier than me and the smart posrters are smarter than me.
This forum is more tragic than ‘funny’…..not tragic as in all the posters are sad specimens but tragic as in there’s a grand tragedy being played out and we’re watching it like those old muppet men at the theatre

MadMedico posted:

LF was a meritocracy of jokes, a meritocracy of jokes. Thinking up a great one-liner—the briefer the better—kicked off an endorphin rush.

hen SA started it was a site where snarky, funny, and sometimes nerdy people collided who made fun of the internet and the world in general with pretty much no limits. Nothing was sacred, people would say things that were considered offensive and shocking by the mainstream. However many people were funny, intelligent, and talented. Debate was actually of a higher discourse than you'd imagine. People had different talents. Some were good writers. Some good photoshoppers. Some could do long parody. Some short insults. Others quick jokes or puns. SA was like a chaos generator of humor. People threw everything to the wall to make it stick and often the jokes you'd hear on SA would hit the mainstream days or weeks later. SA also started a lot of important internet memes.

As time went by, there was a culture change which I'm sure someone with a better memory than I could detail better. But after a few years a lot of the funny people were gone...some went nuts, some got banned. More and more things were deemed "off limits" or offensive. People began to report people whose opinions differed from theirs, or who offended them.

A lot of the change seemed to come from older, female posters who somehow gravitated towards the site...the "catladies"...women in their late 20s-40s who were often fat, single, and thought they were funny. They came to SA for the "dangerous" humor but upon arrival sought to "fix" it and make it better, safer, and more like a Hallmark Shoebox Greeting card. They made their way into the mod and admin team and changed the culture of the site.

Years later, there was a subforum of Debate and Discussion called Laissez's Faire, which started as I don't know what, but by it's peak had become a forum of bitter hard left stereotypes. There were Marxists who wanted to throw down the system (along with a whole rogues gallery of other college communist types), militant feminists, hardcore race theory people, outspoken GLBT types and a smattering of self diagnosed Aspergers/Depression people. The most bitter, angry, and harsh of all these were the people who were self loathing majorities. The actual Black Black Studies majors weren't half as annoying as the white ones, there were numerous self hating male feminists, born rich Communists, etc.

They circlejerked a lot in there but over time decided they needed to change the rest of SA to be more like their desired worldview. They burst out of LF and began to "call out" supposed cases of racism, misyogyny, gay bashing, rich privilege, etc in every forum. They ganged up on threads in organized attacks, planning who would throw down which study or graph, best ways to shame or troll their "enemies" etc.

There was a backlash against them both, so much that many of the Catladies were taken out of power or muzzled for a time, and LF itself was destroyed and many of it's more vocal and bitchy adherents banned when they just didn't get what was going on.

But those attitudes have become part of the DNA of SA, and you have mods like Eggplant Wizard carrying the Catlady banner and daily bannings for "wrong thought." Thread invasions by LF people aren't organized, but they still happen, just because so many people are around that think that way now. So it's easy for one person to start attacking someone else for misogyny in a Ask/Tell or TVIV thread and a few more will come out of the woodwork and pile on.

It's hard to see because a lot of the older threads aren't on the Internet Wayback Machine or Archives. A lot of the worsening of the site came as it got bigger and there were more and more subforums, and stupid rules like not being able to post new stories in GBS without a probation (GBS IS NOT AN RSS. USER IS ON PROBATION). Some people got older and moved on, and newer people went to newer forums instead of joining SA. Certainly the charging $10 thing was controversial, and debatable as to it's effectiveness (I wouldn't know; I joined early and never paid). But the Catladies and LF Krew were certainly good examples of two groups trying, failing, but ultimately succeeding in changing the nature of the forums.

that's sure a whole lot of words i didnt read about an internet foryum
i only think about internet forums when im having sex
important internet memes
It's kind of a long story but I'll give you the highlights. LF started as the lightly moderated political forum of Something Awful with a focus on Ron Paul. The name was a joke. It evolved. It was almost entirely people making fun of Ron Paul and his personality cult. Over time people started making effort posts about such things the nightmare that is our criminal justice system, social justice in general, as well as the ideas of Karl Marx. The lack of moderation was made up for by basically shouting people out of the forum who were stupid MRAs and concern trolls. Gradually the complexion of the forum shifted from liberal to socialist. SA being a comedy forum I guess you could say that the LF clique's philosophy was Groucho Marxism.

Eventually the admins and the FYAD* clique decided that LF was a "Retarded Forum for Faggots" because of the marxism, renamed it as such and appointed FYADers in charge who banned people for violating absurd rules like not putting a picture of Bart Simpson in every post or for whatever. They also created a new status called forum cancer that caused anyone who posted in LF to experience annoyances such as a changed avatar or a picture of the pokemon ponyta sometimes appearing whenever you hit the "submit reply" button.

Ultimately, they wound up deleting the forum outright. The trigger being a FYAD posting a threat against the presidents life and Lowtax getting a visit from the secret service. The LF community was misblamed. I was a fool and tried to kiss the asses of the mods to try to get them to undo what they did, changing the system from within. I wasn't really that much of an LF poster when it was on the forums but I did enjoy the prison thread and the other effort threads.

I wound up alienating both sides of the drama. My acount was made FYAD only so that FYAD could abuse me for a week. While FYADbanned, I made friends on IRC among the social justice posters who were still left and were having their own conflict with the mods. LF ultimately moved off site. Conflicts within the community caused the community to go through multiple incarnations. I was not really involved with it until "post garden." I had a rocky start as I was not really part of its evolution from liberalism to socialism.

*FYAD stands for Fuck You and Die. Its the "post whatever" forum for gross pictures and flame wars that has a cliquish culture with a nothing is sacred since of humor. They are loved by the admins and many of the moderators came from that cliqu
Is this one of those checkpoints where a bunch of arabs get murdered?
I've been posting more lately but I wouldn't call myself a regular. I started to read LF in it's last days and one day while searching for Tsargon the greats fascism thread I stumbled upon this here forum. I lurk here because it helps me recognize that most of what surrounds me is completely bullshit.

also it keeps me both humble and pious.
Might as take advantage of my double post and ask Where is that Great Gay Fascist anyways?

SariBari posted:

My fellow mostly-lurkers or total lurkers,

After a delightful weekend up north with our Queen of the Rhizzone, discipline, I have come to ask you to leave your hideaway for a moment. Why do you lurk and for how long have you been reading these funny-broken-intelligent-disgusting conversations? Do you organize or participate politically offline? Do you lurk out of love or hate of this place? Most importantly to me: if you are another lady lurker, what keeps you from participating in discussion? Plz don't lurk this thread! lurklurklurklurk.

I lurk because I think I generally don't have much to say that is funny or interesting. I've been lurking since the pr0n haul megathread, and what little I have posted began with mspaints of anthropomorphic dicks and later devolved into posts about economics and academia. I don't actually do anything leftisty other than (hopefully) exposing college students to leftist perspectives on economics along with the standard neoclassical fare, so my lack of bona fides is another reason I don't post much.


Aspie_Muslim_Economist_ posted:

SariBari posted:

My fellow mostly-lurkers or total lurkers,

After a delightful weekend up north with our Queen of the Rhizzone, discipline, I have come to ask you to leave your hideaway for a moment. Why do you lurk and for how long have you been reading these funny-broken-intelligent-disgusting conversations? Do you organize or participate politically offline? Do you lurk out of love or hate of this place? Most importantly to me: if you are another lady lurker, what keeps you from participating in discussion? Plz don't lurk this thread! lurklurklurklurk.

I lurk because I think I generally don't have much to say that is funny or interesting. I've been lurking since the pr0n haul megathread, and what little I have posted began with mspaints of anthropomorphic dicks and later devolved into posts about economics and academia. I don't actually do anything leftisty other than (hopefully) exposing college students to leftist perspectives on economics along with the standard neoclassical fare, so my lack of bona fides is another reason I don't post much.

Is that patton oswalt in a keffiyeh in your avatar?

post anthropomorphic dicks
i liked LF