Impper posted:i got paid to have sex once
how much did he pay u, lol zimbabwe
mongosteen posted:the quote on the top of the page reminds me of a time i inadvertently caused a lot of Buttmad on wddp when bradley manning was first being abused in prison and people were like "those people advocating for bradley manning are racists because they don't care about nonwhites in the prison system" and i was like, first, every person advocating for manning is a pretty radical leftist who probably opposes gitmo and the american prison system, and second, people are more likely to be supportive of political prisoners than for example methheads who steal bicycles, and they said that was fucked up, because if i had said crackheads who steal cars, that would have been racist, and how the fuck do i get away with being so racist, in their imaginactment
Haha, delicious. Those truley were the best of times...
Edited by wasted ()
Not at all.
You’re not? You know there’s a white guy writing, Jeb Lund.
His name is Jeb?!
Jeb Lund, yeah.
What the fuck is a Jeb?! Jeb Lund. Where he from, Africa?
No, he lives in Florida.
Jeb Lund?
What the fuck?! That ain’t no fuckin’ name, yo. That ain’t that nigga’s name. You can’t be serious. Jeb Lund. Get the fuck outta here.
You’re telling me you haven’t heard about him before.
I ain’t really paying much attention.
I mean, it’s pretty big if a weird looking white...
Wow, Jeb! The nigga’s name is Jeb. Jeb? Nigga named Jeb Lund. What the fuck, man?! Is he serious? That ain’t his fuckin’ name. Ima tell this nigga when I see him, “Stop that bullshit. Stop that bullshit” “That ain’t your fuckin’ name.” Your momma ain’t name you no damn Jeb.
but get this...her maid doesnt
ilmdge posted:disciple im with you on the smartphone thing though i just think it's funny. if you dont mind feedback from an idiot baby that wants to crawl back inhis mamas womb, i thought that was a good article. you very successfully and sharply juxtapose the individualist treatment of womans rights against a societal one. i assume it strawmans ms two last names with the implication she thinks "the very institution that shapes his thinking is not in and of itself oppressive" but the overall point is still a strong one. cheers
what's the deal with rehabilitating johns and bringing pimps into the "sex worker" umbrella though?
Crow posted:ilmdge posted:disciple im with you on the smartphone thing though i just think it's funny. if you dont mind feedback from an idiot baby that wants to crawl back inhis mamas womb, i thought that was a good article. you very successfully and sharply juxtapose the individualist treatment of womans rights against a societal one. i assume it strawmans ms two last names with the implication she thinks "the very institution that shapes his thinking is not in and of itself oppressive" but the overall point is still a strong one. cheers
what's the deal with rehabilitating johns and bringing pimps into the "sex worker" umbrella though?
arguably drug arguments could work in the same way but i think the facts might be reversed on that matter. that is, individual drug use probably doesn't cause much harm, but drug use in general and the trade surrounding it causes a lot of harm, so that it is plausible that it should be illegal. it's just that the weights here are off - the harm caused by prohibition is obviously large in many countries and medicalizing the problem might be better in terms of outcomes.
the only thing really is that when i read the word smartphone i wanted to throw something against the wall.
tpaine posted:I used ghost chili in my cooking once... I'm not gonna try to even describe how hot it is in terms of taste, because I basically couldn't eat it at all. Let me just put it this way: after I was done cooking, cleaned my hands, etc. I took a leak. Later that evening, I was enjoying some fellatio from the missus, who promptly had to run to the faucet and drink her weight in water... some residue from the ghost chili was apparently still left on my dick, despite me having carefully washed my hands.
lol how could you not feel it but a chick boppin you cant wtf
discipline posted:I finally wrote something about this:
it's really, really good and the part i found most compelling was when you named the agents (male leftists who don't want to let go of their porn/whores/strippers) who give access to voices like MGG's. it's beyond willful ignorance on their part, she's literally a Fucking Tool.
you also held her accountable for dismissing the majority of prostitute's experiences with no libfem/laborgrrl padding about "respecting her experience". i don't understand why she and similar peep show tourists continue to get leeway on this point. it's the most obvious indicator of the lefty boys club and their intellectual dishonesty. there is good empirical work already done on prostitution, its decrim and legalization models, and plenty of studies about who makes up this billion dollar industry. thankfully, n. europe did the hard work of cracking women into dollars and cents for us back in the 1980s-90s. it's complete denial and sexism from this part of the left which continues to puff up selected "sex worker advocates". but hey, who cares. let's sell more books/issues/page clicks by gawking at sophisticated whores.
discipline posted:I finally wrote something about this:
thats dope
discipline posted:do you think it was ok to use her picture? I feel like it really encapsulated a lot of what that article was about. like, I know the comment about 2 last names is sort of a low blow but this lady literally called abolitionists sexually neurotic
discipline posted:donald I'm going to write a whole book on smartphones
i want to encourage you in your projects in a spirit of loving kindness but i will never, ever read that book.
discipline posted:do you think it was ok to use her picture? I feel like it really encapsulated a lot of what that article was about. like, I know the comment about 2 last names is sort of a low blow but this lady literally called abolitionists sexually neurotic
it's entirely appropriate for this gasbag. her narcissism is actually starting to reach harmful heights so fire away. also, if you ever want to throw up, read her nasty, kitten-voiced, pretentious letter to Ira Glass requesting that he pwetty pleeeeaze stop enforcing his trademark against her for that This American Whore podcast. on that hater's note,