
discipline posted:

I work for a really evil place of business and hear the words "the right kind of people" a lot. funny how that comes up everywhere nowadays

why not burn the place down and collect unemployment?

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
it only comes up in the right kind of places, actually
once you're in, you're in
you should try listening to the new robert palmer tape
[account deactivated]

Crow posted:

What I'm interested in is, what are these financial backers? Rich people? Socialists from Old money families?

minor nobility

[account deactivated]
in maoist organizations it was common for cadre to be required to hold jobs and donate half their income to the organization.

discipline posted:

LOL financial backers

speaking of financial backers...

tpaine posted:

Crow posted:

Welp, I guess it really is time to start the Rhizzone party

i'll make the website

tpaine can make the website, and ill actually make the websites. i have a whole line of websites coming out actually that we can hopefully use to bankroll this operation

spacebook.com, space enthusiasts will share cool photos of space here
gracebook.com, a site for sharing bible passages and holy thoughts
acebook.com, a meeting place for bridge players, cribbage players, spades players, and other card aficionados
bakebook.com, a crowd-source recipe sharing website, top recipes will be voted up and trend
bakedbook.com, not to be confused with bakebook, this is a trip report website for marijuana users

another thing 1970s organizations did was like tell you okay betty now you're going to detroit to become an auto worker. and you went and did that. and you paid half your income to the organization still. and you tried to radicalize your colleagues.

of course, that's sort of silly, but then again, so is leftism.
I was actually in the same branch as Marcial, and they portrayed all that as Nati getting really strange around a woman comrade, getting turned down by her, and then they went on the rampage against the PSL. Haven't yet read that page all the way but it'll be interesting to see their side. All the criticisms against me about history and inactivity were all given by our presidential candidate who is also in that branch.
[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

LOL financial backers


[account deactivated]

Crow posted:

Welp, I guess it really is time to start the Rhizzone party

but seriously, to me, how i read, it sounds like there is a 'big gap that needs fulled' here. like if you really want to do this why not get in touch with community organizers? start to get a feel for how the system works from the inside? then network and after awhile start an aggregate organization for community outreach with communism as a secondary goal. ya? sound like a plan? r H i z z o n E usA
a lot of people here are so repulsive the best way they could serve the leftist cause is by telling all their coworkers about libertarianism and how important austerity is
eg me

littlegreenpills posted:

a lot of people here are so repulsive the best way they could serve the leftist cause is by telling all their coworkers about libertarianism and how important austerity is

what's sad is that the people here are probably less embarrassing than 99% of people in official leftist organizations in the usa

in response to that, littlegreenpills, if i may, id like to propose internet activism. everyone knows lf revolutionized thousands of people, thats why the cia-run somethingawful had to close its most popular forum. and how about this: did you know there is a top secret mossad program called "megaphone" that sends alerts to zionists when they need them to uphold israel in the comments sections of online articles? there was even that article i think we all read about intelligence agencies literally posting on and derailing message boards. well, gosh, if the cia and mossad both recognize the viability of internet propaganda, i think we should too. afterall, we're internet people. you wouldn't think i'd need to tell this to a forum that has a thread dedicated to conservative chain emails, but apparently i do. besides the temporary success of lf, i've also heard success stories involving a radical community of furries, the infilitration of the brony movement, and the conquest of the video game industry by the social justice movement. all this without ever having to leave your room and repulse people with your hideous visage, breath, and social "skills"
I'm not basking in it I really am a repulsive person and I don't think I could radicalize anyone if I tried
i like the idea of providing services, i would probably be happy to donate/be part of an organization that provided something and oh hey by the way marxism is correct

animedad posted:

i like the idea of providing services, i would probably be happy to donate/be part of an organization that provided something and oh hey by the way marxism is correct

in all honesty yeah, a service helping comrrades find comrades. yopu post something like "hey im a budding comerade looking to learn" and share some interests and someone refers to you to actions and events or link you some articles in the hidden pdf forum. doesnt matter if youre a trot or go to psl meetings or any of those splits because this wouldnt be a Party with like an official line, just a site for hookin comrades up. although maybe we should make passive aggressive behavior toward trots official policy, while still begrudgingly offering help


ilmdge posted:

in response to that, littlegreenpills, if i may, id like to propose internet activism. everyone knows lf revolutionized thousands of people, thats why the cia-run somethingawful had to close its most popular forum. and how about this: did you know there is a top secret mossad program called "megaphone" that sends alerts to zionists when they need them to uphold israel in the comments sections of online articles? there was even that article i think we all read about intelligence agencies literally posting on and derailing message boards. well, gosh, if the cia and mossad both recognize the viability of internet propaganda, i think we should too. afterall, we're internet people. you wouldn't think i'd need to tell this to a forum that has a thread dedicated to conservative chain emails, but apparently i do. besides the temporary success of lf, i've also heard success stories involving a radical community of furries, the infilitration of the brony movement, and the conquest of the video game industry by the social justice movement. all this without ever having to leave your room and repulse people with your hideous visage, breath, and social "skills"

please keep this is the political cartoon thread


discipline posted:

hey so what are your plans now? What's the next step?

Back @ work phoneposting so excuse phone typos and brevity.

I'm mulling over going back to my hometown of Oakland. I have a lot more contacts in the bay area, many active red friendly anarchists, some of whom are ex psl and iso (or still semi active but disgruntled) and some of whom are childhood friends of mine. I'd ideally like to build a multi tendency organization with them there that actually resolves these organizational issues and tries to build a communist workers movement in a national hotbed of such activity (that I know very intimately having grown up there and been a part of) and go from there. That's why ways out though and I still have some time to go down here in socal which i will probably spend studying and theorizing on my own, while continuing to attend ANSWER demos that i can get excited about. Maybe reach out and speak with both Nati and Ian, the latter I know personally.

On Natis document, since names have been named, Ian was the organizer that left causing the branch to go into organizational chaos. Carlos was expelled ages ago before my time but probably after too long, and I think I heard it was the same sort of thing as now with him essentially resigning before he was expelled. I never got the racism thing at all from Ian or leadership , but the arrogance and certainly most definitely. I believe Nati got really involved on Occupy politics stuff and kept at it even after the evictions fwiw


Edited by prikryl ()


discipline posted:

I was talking about this with somebody to the point that I don't think there is anything wrong with cadreism or having a group that meets separately from the general group or whatever, but that has to go hand in hand with aggressive recruitment and acceptance of criticism or else it's just a country club

how do you know


ilmdge posted:

animedad posted:

i like the idea of providing services, i would probably be happy to donate/be part of an organization that provided something and oh hey by the way marxism is correct

in all honesty yeah, a service helping comrrades find comrades. yopu post something like "hey im a budding comerade looking to learn" and share some interests and someone refers to you to actions and events or link you some articles in the hidden pdf forum. doesnt matter if youre a trot or go to psl meetings or any of those splits because this wouldnt be a Party with like an official line, just a site for hookin comrades up. although maybe we should make passive aggressive behavior toward trots official policy, while still begrudgingly offering help


[account deactivated]

animedad posted:

i like the idea of providing services, i would probably be happy to donate/be part of an organization that provided something and oh hey by the way marxism is correct

it really would be nice to see organisations step into this again but its depressingly expensive and requires more discipline then most parties can even begin to muster

that is even more embarrassing when people can do it apolitically, i mean i know they have the cash to do it which we don't but they can get people who actually take initiative as well

only time ever successfully got to do that kind of stuff was when getfiscals church friends got involved and even that was done in a very separate way to the campaign and only worked with asylum seekers on an individual priest basis

prikryl posted:

I'm mulling over going back to my hometown of Oakland. I have a lot more contacts in the bay area, many active red friendly anarchists, some of whom are ex psl and iso (or still semi active but disgruntled) and some of whom are childhood friends of mine. I'd ideally like to build a multi tendency organization with them there that actually resolves these organizational issues and tries to build a communist workers movement in a national hotbed of such activity (that I know very intimately having grown up there and been a part of) and go from there. That's why ways out though and I still have some time to go down here in socal which i will probably spend studying and theorizing on my own, while continuing to attend ANSWER demos that i can get excited about. Maybe reach out and speak with both Nati and Ian, the latter I know personally.

its well worth going to a place with contacts when you go independent but its worth keeping it at the reading group stage early on so you can mix with the rest of the left without sectarian shit before you build any serious organisational structures especially cos independent marxism tends to attract as many egos as it does people actually sick of what passes for the left in imperialist states

[account deactivated]
they're really good.

discipline posted:

hey so I'm going to go to the PSL meeting in two weeks, would you like to give me any pointers prikryl? I read the website cover to cover

First, you need to learn the secret handshake (here: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100324090718AA4FqFy )

Second, you need to know the secret passcode to gain admittance. The password is "I'm Atheist".


discipline posted:

hey so I'm going to go to the PSL meeting in two weeks, would you like to give me any pointers prikryl? I read the website cover to cover

pointers? idk, what exactly are you trying to accomplish??

most PSL meetings (the public forums) afaik have you sit in a room, be read 3 talks around a theme, answer 3-4 public questions after each talk, have a collection bucket passed around, and then boom, it's over. rinse, repeat every week. usually nearly everyone in the room is already a member unless it's a forum on a specific popular thing happening in """the community""" that week i.e. the anaheim protests, chris dorner, occupy, etc.

Edited by prikryl ()

check out scientology too. it's got a free personality test. there's no pressure, and you can keep your current religion, it's more about personal excellence.

animedad posted:

i like the idea of providing services, i would probably be happy to donate/be part of an organization that provided something and oh hey by the way marxism is correct

is it easier to hawk gyros wrapped in trot papers or trot papers.


getfiscal posted:

scientology. there's no pressure, and you can keep your current religion,
