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In American culture, it is highly offensive to mic check your executive bureaucrats when they are blabbering some bullshit

discipline posted:
I like how fatherly he is when he tells us "it's alright"

he needs to practice his 'stern but compassionate' listening face a bit more in the mirror imo

e: http://twitpic.com/7i1q0o

Edited by xipe ()

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Xeni Jardin: What's this I hear about you guys building a drone to compete with the TV news choppers?

Tim Pool: Well, everyone's seen that Polish video, the "Robokopter," right? We got lot of emails from people saying, "Why don’t you guys use an aerial drone to get overhead shots?," and it was really interesting to see all these coming at the same time. Someone actually donated, just a few days ago, $500 towards the purchase of the AR.Drone toy from Walmart. But it can’t stream and it can’t broadcast the video to a computer in which I could do a desktop capture.

So I spoke with Geoff Shively, and he said, we have got plans for a hack that’s going to make this essentially the most badass drone— "The SkyWitness," is what he calls it. But it’s going to be able to travel between wave points, so that I can send it to Henry based on whatever signals he is using, get an aerial overhead to fly over Zuccotti park. I think Geoff may build it with Noisebridge and with help from other hackerspaces. It looks like we are going to have a drone soon with an aerial camera to add to the mix.

a promising hackathon project for occupy-affiliated hackerspaces?
i wish i got paid for listening to people i didn't have to do anything for.
John A. Pike III, identified as the police officer who pepper-sprayed a line of sitting Occupy movement protesters Friday on the University of California, Davis campus may have more in common with the discontented 99 percent than previously suspected.

Pike, who was placed on paid administrative leave pending an investigation into the Nov. 18 incident, last year emerged from a bankruptcy where creditors took possession of his pickup truck, his wedding ring, his barbecue grill, several handguns, and even $265 worth of clothing.

Pike earns more than $110,000 a year as a UC Davis police lieutenant. But federal court records and county mortgage records reveal that Pike and his wife, Erica, borrowed heavily before the 2008 financial crisis, and were left insolvent when the value of their Roseville home declined.

Source: The Bay Citizen (http://s.tt/149Pk)
Jesus Christ $110,000

Crow posted:
Jesus Christ $110,000

no salaries too good for our boys in blue :patriot:

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
Hey yo T money real talk me you really think that cop makes 9k a week? I might tryda get me a new job.
[account deactivated]
I meant /month but yeah, I'll be at yer next local occupy protest pepper sprayin mawfuckaz and I'll roll home to my wife and five kids with my brand new hyundai veloster for that kinda money!
i make 9k posts a month
budget cut all social services from women and children immediately imo.
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
I was in a wal mart last night watching the spectacle with my friend who got some video games. the games went on sale at 10 pm, big electronics like TVs not until midnight. we got there like 9:45, place was already too packed to really move through comfortably (it's open 24 hrs so like people jammed in and waited for the sale to start). headed to the back where the games were, waited in line a bit, got our stuff and turned around. took us like fifteen minutes to squeeze our way back to the front of the store and get out, and like that was before all the items people really wanted were even out yet. later we went to check out a best buy at midnight, about half an hour line in and three hour line to actually buy anything, we checked around and the shit we wanted wasn't on sale so we just left

the whole thing was kinda weird to watch but I didn't see any confrontations while I was out. probably just how this area is

stocks are still dropping so I assume sales data is mediocre so far
what games did u get
[account deactivated]
my friend he got some of the new console shooters that I don't keep track of (Battlefield 3 and something else, forgot). it's DARPA-co-developed brain conditioning but w/e I let him make his own decisions

I been wanting to get skyrim but it wasn't on sale or anything so I didn't buy anything
is it that hard to pirate games like skyrim that you dont need an online component for?
Obama is coming to take all your barbeque grills.

Crow posted:
is it that hard to pirate games like skyrim that you dont need an online component for?

it's super-easy but i could see wanting to pay for it on the grounds that it makes getting updates easier + bethesda games are notorious for being really buggy at release (but better after patches)

me, the only video game i've paid for in the last decade is dwarf fortress

[account deactivated]
Only games I've paid for in the last decade were madden 2002, madden 2003, madden 2004, madden 2005, madden 2006, madden 2007, madden 2008, madden 2009, madden 2010, madden 2011, and madden 2012
I'll probably just pirate it if it doesn't drop in price after the winter, mainly it's that 1) sometimes developers leave in small things that kick in to mess with the game if it's pirated that the cracking teams don't pick up on and disable until they're discovered later, and 2) patches/upgrades can be kind of a pain without a paid copy for some games. I actually don't know whether/to what extent these apply to skyrim tho maybe I'll just do it later. gotta write some reports before the semester ends tho, be easier if I don't look
[account deactivated]

thirdplace posted:
Crow posted:
is it that hard to pirate games like skyrim that you dont need an online component for?

it's super-easy but i could see wanting to pay for it on the grounds that it makes getting updates easier + bethesda games are notorious for being really buggy at release (but better after patches)

me, the only video game i've paid for in the last decade is dwarf fortress

meanwhile, back at the batcave, everyone wants to breathe, just breathe, and nobody can and many say "we will breathe later, gator." and most of them don't die b/c they are AMC'S THE WALKING DEAD

yeah, i always pirate it, i was wondering if lately they rolled out some sort of online verification system that was a hassle to overcome


tpaine posted:
DRUXXX posted:
Only games I've paid for in the last decade were madden 2002, madden 2003, madden 2004, madden 2005, madden 2006, madden 2007, madden 2008, madden 2009, madden 2010, madden 2011, and madden 2012

john madden

Wow I'm very lucky to not have been stupid enough to actually come to meet you in Ramallah.


tpaine posted:
DRUXXX posted:
Only games I've paid for in the last decade were madden 2002, madden 2003, madden 2004, madden 2005, madden 2006, madden 2007, madden 2008, madden 2009, madden 2010, madden 2011, and madden 2012

john madden

[account deactivated]
Video games?! Damn near killed 'em!

edit: Sorry, wasn't caught up on the thread and missed the discussion shift to Islam. To contribute: دخان الاعشاب
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بلدي نيغا

Occupy Seattle is a bunch of hippies and Obama liberals ugh
Isn't that what they all are?