/r/Communism Rules and Guidelines
This specific subreddit isn't here to convert people, it is here to facilitate discussion between marxists.
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Posts Asking Entry-Level Questions Will be Removed.
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If you do not like the style of moderation of this subreddit, you are free to leave. There are other subreddits, and other forums on the Internet, that are better suited to you. If you feel you have a legitimate grievance, message the moderators. Making a post on the subreddit, or in other subreddits, will result in a ban.
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Non-Marxist Posters are not Welcome Here.
/r/Communism is strictly a Marxist forum. Non-Marxists are strongly encourage not to post here. If you feel the need to ignore this warning, do not advertise your ideology. You will be banned. This rule also applies to Zionists, police, and members of the armed forces of Capitalist nations.
winning lots of converts im sure
"this is a forum dedicated to marxism. anyone who does NOT accept ten thousand bourgeois conventions as elevated by the west will instantly be banned. talking about the most powerful + influential country in the world will result in a ban. people merely interested in critical debate, self-criticism, etc. will be banned. new converts are NOT allowed. any complaints will result in a ban. thanks, and enjoy chatting about communism in a safe and free space"
VoxNihili posted:i legit think the entire sub is an attempt to stifle any real interest in marxism
"this is a forum dedicated to marxism. anyone who does NOT accept ten thousand bourgeois conventions as elevated by the west will instantly be banned. talking about the most powerful + influential country in the world will result in a ban. people merely interested in critical debate, self-criticism, etc. will be banned. new converts are NOT allowed. any complaints will result in a ban. thanks, and enjoy chatting about communism in a safe and free space"
this is how every "safe space" is
HenryKrinkle posted:
DildoMalone posted:don lieku for permamod
don lieku sounds like someone who runs a successful, eponymous used car dealership in honolulu
derpface: welcome to ifap! are you familiar with the statisicts relating to rape-by-envelopment? no? well
discipline posted:idonlieku posted:I would feel safer and more comfortable in a forum of liberal conservatives than I do here.
I hope you all die.absolutely you would, because true revolutionaries don't "hope", they put their own two hands to a task
don't kinkshame plz
idonlieku posted:liberal
Edited by jeffery ()
ilmdge posted:He didn't "become" a furry, he was born one.
stegosaurus posted:first rosa lichetnstein, now reddit, when will our untrammeled dominance of virtual weirdo left spaces end
my legacy as mod
stegosaurus posted:first rosa lichetnstein, now reddit, when will our untrammeled dominance of virtual weirdo left spaces end
so much redundancy here...
postposting posted:sig test
MadMedico posted:It turns out that Bradley Manning first brought his stuff to the New York Times and the Washington Post but they turned him down.
And it was the CIA who finally took his stuff.