kliman's book (and kiss) is on my list but I like him already because, A) Phd, University of Utah and B), his page has the laughing devil emoticon all over it

jools posted:

did you demod me because i ifapped you for posting irritating soapbox slogan bullshit in the KRJ thread

I wouldn't worry about who did it or why. Your moderation tenure was done for once I reported the "jools is mod" bug in the bug reports thread.

I agree with Jools criticisms, but I don't think they're that relevant to Limits To Capital per se. Limits to Capital is exactly as advertised, a great summary of all 3 volumes of capital with a slight bias towards Harvey's school of geography. Out of the stuff that goes beyond Marx's writings, the chapters on rent, spaciality, and credit are great, the chapters on imperialism and finance capital suffer from some of the problems Jools outlined.

Maybe I'm looking with rose tinted glasses, I read The Condition of Post Modernity more recently and was mostly unimpressed. Strange that his work because popular rather than Frederic Jameson, who came first and actually confronts post-modernism critique on it's own terms in addition to analyzing the economic conditions of its existence.

I haven't read Fine's book but doesn't he suffer from all the same problems without the creativity of Harvey?

palafox posted:

cleanhands posted:

imo the french should leave puns to the big boys

why don't you show them how it's done, ~big boy~

(for full effect, please pretend that I whispered "big boy" coyly in your ear while stroking your chest with one hand and gently fingering a large yummy sandwich, perhaps a tuna melt or spicy openface meatloaf thing, the choice of sandwich is yours, with the other hand)

what, why wouldnt you bite into the sandwich. is this your first time doing this

david humvees neoliberalism book was good and i like his lectures on capital but condition of postmodernity didnt seem able to explain what the condition of postmodernity actually is so i gave it up to read the bible. true story

ilmdge posted:


it was brought to my attention that this link didnt work but it does work, just not when you click on it from the rhizzone, so just copy and paste into your browsers my friends. a fun little read by flannery oconnor if anyone wants to share some thoughts

ilmdge was probated until (Feb. 23, 2013 11:10:55) for this post!

Hell yeah the bible.

cleanhands posted:

palafox posted:

cleanhands posted:

imo the french should leave puns to the big boys

why don't you show them how it's done, ~big boy~

(for full effect, please pretend that I whispered "big boy" coyly in your ear while stroking your chest with one hand and gently fingering a large yummy sandwich, perhaps a tuna melt or spicy openface meatloaf thing, the choice of sandwich is yours, with the other hand)

what, why wouldnt you bite into the sandwich. is this your first time doing this

i was trying to be polite and not talk with my mouth full, which is something my mom told me about once and, i don't know, i guess i took it to heart. i'm also happy to tenderly cover you in a thin spray of halfchewed food


Crow posted:

Hell yeah the bible.

h*ck yes


palafox posted:

cleanhands posted:

palafox posted:

cleanhands posted:

imo the french should leave puns to the big boys

why don't you show them how it's done, ~big boy~

(for full effect, please pretend that I whispered "big boy" coyly in your ear while stroking your chest with one hand and gently fingering a large yummy sandwich, perhaps a tuna melt or spicy openface meatloaf thing, the choice of sandwich is yours, with the other hand)

what, why wouldnt you bite into the sandwich. is this your first time doing this

i was trying to be polite and not talk with my mouth full, which is something my mom told me about once and, i don't know, i guess i took it to heart. i'm also happy to tenderly cover you in a thin spray of halfchewed food

Please Manners

rule 23 of self-shots: make sure your face is more prominent than floorpizza
[account deactivated]

Impper posted:

looks like someone is about to get swole

[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

what are those things with the ranch sauce, corn muffins?

highly likely they are "garlic knots," for the uninitiated, that means dinner rolls with garlic salt and butter on them

[account deactivated]
there are 16 of them.
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
they are quepapas from Pizza Hut
they are quepapas from Pizza Hut

Impper posted:

they are quepapas from Pizza Hut

they're bringing the hobbits to isengard


"They only send out twelve Quepapas per order, so there is always a fight" They mystery deepens!!
here's what i'm currently reading:


Black Struggle, Red Scare: Segregation and Anti-Communism in the South, 1948-1968
Jeff Woods
LSU Press, 2004 - Social Science - 282 pages
A spellbinding account of the alliance between the forces of southern segregation and anti-Communism. At the height of the cold war, southern segregationists exploited the reigning mood of anxiety by linking the civil rights movement to an international Communist conspiracy. Jeff Woods tells a gripping story of fervent crusaders for racial equality swept into the maelstrom of the South's siege mentality, of crafty political opportunists who played upon white southerners' very real fear of Communists, and of a people who saw lurking enemies and detected red propaganda everywhere. Concentrating on the phenomenon at its most intense period, Woods makes vivid the fearful synergy that developed between racist forces and the anti-Communist cause, reveals the often illegal means used to wash the movement red, and documents the gross waste of public funds in pursuing an almost nonexistent threat. Though ultimately unsuccessful in convincing Americans outside of Dixie that the civil rights protests were run by Moscow, the southern red scare forced movement activists to distance themselves from the Marxist elements in their midst--thereby gaining the sympathy of the American people while losing the support of some of their most passionate antiracist campaigners. A product of exhaustive research including the latest literature on this increasingly popular subject, this is the first book to consider the southern red scare as a unique regional phenomenon rather than an off-shoot of McCarthyism or massive resistance. Addressing the fundamental struggle of Americans to balance liberty and security in an atmosphere of racial prejudice and ideological conflict, it is especially relevant today and will be equally compelling for students of civil rights, southern history, the cold war, and American anti-Communism.


Impper posted:

is this the unemployment pizza contingency

I'm reading The Pizza Contigency the new robert ludlum novel. its a fucking corker
yes indeed it is
to draw an accurate comparison. today for a quick lunch i had a single slice of pizza. it made me feel a little heavy and greasy. the meal on that floor nest is approximately 72x as much bread and cheese as my lunch today.

swampman posted:

to draw an accurate comparison. today for a quick lunch i had a single slice of pizza. it made me feel a little heavy and greasy. the meal on that floor nest is approximately 72x as much bread and cheese as my lunch today.

thanks for admitting you're a lightweight. that's hard to admit.

yes, i admit, i've lost my ability to cram endless quantities of empty nutrition through my digestive system like forcing a boot through a pant leg, i truly miss getting diarrhea immediately after eating, as the impact of fresh pizzas into the surface of my stomach would send shock waves through the long tube of previous pizzas crowding my bowels, as if radiohead were doing a surprise live show for pizza particles in my fucking asshole
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

i ate 2 hot dogs at midnight for dinner


I ate 2 bananas
sliced up safeway chicken over pasta-roni, served with one cold beer (sierra nevada) & one lukewarm i forgot to finish drinking from the night before.
poutine et sambuca
[account deactivated]