parabolart posted:
i have a bunch of ideas but i dont know how to initiate. like i pretty much withdrew outta school cause of this
try this: next time you find yourself replying to a post with more than a few sentences just keep typing more sentences and more sentences and more, wherever it leads you, and then edit the whole thing so it has a cohesive theme and there you go.
but then again i am permabanned so it might take me a while.
Svartit posted:
I wanted to write an epic piece titled "Who is like you amongst the gods YHWH" following the chronciles of the world's most venerated imaginary being, from its modest begining as a canaanite volcano god married to a fertility godess to the ultimate divine being, the one who's very existance is synonymous with transcendence, from a god to God, the heavy weight champion of the western hemisphere.
but then again i am permabanned so it might take me a while.
hi amir
Lykourgos posted:
God is real, see aristotle for further details
i wrote a paper last night about comparing the translations of aristotle into islamic and christian medieval contexts
Lykourgos posted:
God is real, see aristotle for further details
you should make a thread about greek whatever. and one about chinese whatever. or a single thread for both idk.

Svartit posted:
I wanted to write an epic piece titled "Who is like you amongst the gods YHWH" following the chronciles of the world's most venerated imaginary being, from its modest begining as a canaanite volcano god married to a fertility godess to the ultimate divine being, the one who's very existance is synonymous with transcendence, from a god to God, the heavy weight champion of the western hemisphere.
but then again i am permabanned so it might take me a while.
well take your time
Lykourgos posted:
Yeah, I'll do that, I want to make one about the guanzi chapters because you said mean things. but right now I have a murder I have to get done by monday and I'm literally still in the office this friday evening
you might not want to post your plans to commit crimes on the forums
if only i had listened to mozi

aerdil posted:
mohism is the best chinese philosophical school and if u disagree then u are an enemy of the people
mozi was a bourgeois fuckhead. nongjia4life
aerdil posted:
mohism is the best chinese philosophical school and if u disagree then u are an enemy of the people
Should the ruler be unrighteous, seven disasters would result for that nation. These seven disasters are: (1) Neglect of the country's defense, yet there is much lavished on the palace. (2) When pressured by foreigners, neighbouring countries are not willing to help. (3) The people are engaged in unconstructive work while useless fools are rewarded. (4) Law and regulations became too heavy such that there is repressive fear and people only look after their own good. (5) The ruler lives in a mistaken illusion of his own ability and his country's strength. (6) Trusted people are not loyal while loyal people are not trusted. (7) Lack of food. Ministers are not able to carry out their work. Punishment fails to bring fear and reward fails to bring happiness.
____ TUI
__ __ below
____ K'AN
K'un / Oppression (Exhaustion)
The lake is above, water below; the lake is empty, dried up. Exhaustion is
expressed in yet another way: at the top, a dark line is holding down two light
lines below, a light line is hemmed in between two dark ones. The upper
trigram belongs to the principle of darkness, the lower to the principle of
light. Thus everywhere superior men are oppressed and held in restraint by
inferior men.
Times of adversity are the reverse of times of success, but they can lead to
success if they befall the right man. When a strong man meets with
adversity, he remains cheerful despite all danger, and this cheerfulness is the
source of later successes; it is that stability which is stronger than fate. He who
lets his spirit be broken by exhaustion certainly has no success. But if
adversity only bends a man, it creates in him a power to react that is bound in
time to manifest itself. No inferior man is capable of this. Only the great
man brings about good fortune and remains blameless. It is true that for the
time being outward influence is denied him, because his words have no
effect. Therefore in times of adversity it is important to be strong within and
sparing of words.
When the water has flowed out below, the lake must dry up and become
exhausted. That is fate. This symbolizes an adverse fate in human life. In
such times there is nothing a man can do but acquiesce in his fate and remain
true to himself. This concerns the deepest stratum of his being, for this alone
is superior to all external fate.
Crow posted:
aerdil posted:
mohism is the best chinese philosophical school and if u disagree then u are an enemy of the people
Should the ruler be unrighteous, seven disasters would result for that nation. These seven disasters are: (1) Neglect of the country's defense, yet there is much lavished on the palace. (2) When pressured by foreigners, neighbouring countries are not willing to help. (3) The people are engaged in unconstructive work while useless fools are rewarded. (4) Law and regulations became too heavy such that there is repressive fear and people only look after their own good. (5) The ruler lives in a mistaken illusion of his own ability and his country's strength. (6) Trusted people are not loyal while loyal people are not trusted. (7) Lack of food. Ministers are not able to carry out their work. Punishment fails to bring fear and reward fails to bring happiness.
lol the wikipedia page is really bad
I have been reading a chapter a day, and then writing a page or two detailing the content. Here is the first chapter, so you can see the style. Feel free to give suggestions/criticism; it's a rough draught but all the content is there.
Planned Fiscal Management
Style: A short dialogue between Duke Huan and his chief minister, Guan Zhong. Duke Huan wants to know how to manage his kingdom; Guan Zhong criticises the duke and then offers an economic idea. The focus is on how the state can obtain the resources it needs to function without imposing new taxes on the people.
Political/Economic content:
Agricultural work must be done during specific parts of the year. Corvee labour takes the people away from their fields. Misuse of corvee labour disrupts agricultural work, and the result is a reduced harvest.
A reduced harvest, combined with taxation, may be too much for the people to bear. Banditry may arise, and civil war could break out. With proper planning, however, the state can obtain whatever it needs without disturbing agricultural work or imposing new taxes. Proper planning consists of the following:
(A) When it is time to sow the crops, spare the people from corvee labour and hand out loans for them to buy seed.
(B) When the new crop is harvested, have the people repay the loans in grain. Store the grain in the state granaries.
(C) When grain becomes expensive, purchase whatever the state desires. Announce that because the state is cash-poor, it will use grain to an equal value to pay the bill.
Grain is plentiful, and therefore cheap, when the new harvest is brought in. By having the loans repaid in grain at this time, the state can fill up the granaries. As time progresses, the amount of grain in the kingdom will shrink, making grain more valuable. The state may then disgorge the granaries, and obtain whatever it needs without imposing new taxes.
“If the country lacks reserves, the fault lies with its administrative orders.”
That's it; I've been doing one for each chapter, and ultimately I'll compile them together to make a comparison essay. I also wrote a short introduction to the text. After that groundwork is complete, I'll see about writing something that resembles what I've seen on the front page.
btw, the quote sucks for chapter 1 because there's literally no good quotes. Sorry. As far as I know, there is nothing in english online like what I'm writing; in fact, I cannot even find an english translation of the guanzi online.
swampman posted:
the sad fact is that i write better and more from a prompt than from nothing.
maybe we should do a thing where someone posts a thread containing a prompt and then over the course of a week people can post their responses to it and the best ones get posted to the front page for benefit glorious nation of rhizzone
discipline posted:
hrmmmmm maybe we should set up a contest with prompts?
Nerds, make it so
discipline posted:
hrmmmmm maybe we should set up a contest with prompts?
Lykourgos posted:
cant believe noone else has said that this is really kewl!!!!!!!!!
germanjoey posted:Lykourgos posted:cant believe noone else has said that this is really kewl!!!!!!!!!
Thanks, I'll make a new thread and post them all together when I'm finished. At this rate I'd say that they should all be done in two or three weeks
tpaine posted:
can someobody PLEASE give me some amphetameines so i'm not so depressed! thanks lady!
lol oh man