most people seem to agree with my decision to demod jools in febuary of this year, but i just wanted to clear up some of the questions that a couple you have brought up and any others you may have regarding the probations and the demodding.

a new year is a chance for us to look forward, to try and remember to be forward-thinking, but also not to forget our mistakes. as we know, certain bodies become luminous when heated. their luminosity disappears after some time, but the capacity of becoming luminous afresh through the heat of the people's struggle is restored to them by the action of a spark, and also by the action of revolution. the fire of revolt, spread from the farmlands of the land to the steps of the palace itself, which became hot like burning sun when it reached to the houses of the poor or common folk; this spark of freedom started from the inner soul of the people. It is our duty to defend that spark.

our goals may be only a dream, but im here to tell you a dream can spark the fires of revolution; can and will, if we continue to dream it. hidden, the dream sleeps In the forest and waits In the celestial spheres of the brain. when we communicate that dream, the flame awakens and the people will be victorious . it is a responsibility, but responsibility is the true strength of the people against the global actors which of bourgeois nature.

i tried to let jools dream that dream, to be the spark that started the blaze of peoples revolution, but he did not do so. 2013 is a year for looking forward. we cannot forget jools mistakes, but we can continue on, constatnly looking to the future, his and ours.

Edited by EmanuelaBrolandi ()

what we need is more gagerstein and cyclonetoy mods and less jewel mods.
mods: the op has been cleared for publishing
you are gay
how do you like my writing impper
jools was not demodded, he was deposed. no royalty
you write exactly like the director of the illinois unemployment office.

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

most people seem to agree with my decision to demod jools in febuary of this year, but i just wanted to clear up some of the questions that a couple you have brought up and any others you may have regarding the probations and the demodding.

a new year is a chance for us to look forward, to try and remember to be forward-thinking, but also not to forget our mistakes. as we know, certain bodies become luminous when heated. their luminosity disappears after some time, but the capacity of becoming luminous afresh through the heat of the people's struggle is restored to them by the action of a spark, and also by the action of revolution. the fire of revolt, spread from the farmlands of the land to the steps of the palace itself, which became hot like burning sun when it reached to the houses of the poor or common folk; this spark of freedom started from the inner soul of the people. It is our duty to defend that spark.

our goals may be only a dream, but im here to tell you a dream can spark the fires of revolution; can and will, if we continue to dream it. hidden, the dream sleeps In the forest and waits In the celestial spheres of the brain. when we communicate that dream, the flame awakens and the people will be victorious . it is a responsibility, but responsibility is the true strength of the people against the global actors which of bourgeois nature.

i tried to let jools dream that dream, to be the spark that started the blaze of peoples revolution, but he did not do so. 2013 is a year for looking forward. we cannot forget jools mistakes, but we can continue on, constatnly looking to the future, his and ours.

I did not know he was mod and I did not know you were mod

the real question is why aren't jools & blinkandwheeze instated as permamods yet
because ypu touch yourself at night

Impper posted:

you write exactly like the director of the illinois unemployment office.

i hate illinois bureaucrats

De mod my balls fucker bitch. Your on notice. Please publish this to the front page next to some corpses.

blinkandwheeze posted:

the real question is why aren't jools & blinkandwheeze instated as permamods yet

why? ifap is for posters like cycloneboy in need of serious treatment frmo our worthy ifap orderlies, but jools commits people to the institute everytime he reads a post he doesnt like. thats why!

i think cycloneboy should have his sentecne commuted to time served and demodding
i think cycloneboy should have mod powers restored with the proviso that he can't discuss rape or women in any context
glastnost! perestroika!

ilmdge posted:

blinkandwheeze posted:

the real question is why aren't jools & blinkandwheeze instated as permamods yet

why? ifap is for posters like cycloneboy in need of serious treatment frmo our worthy ifap orderlies, but jools commits people to the institute everytime he reads a post he doesnt like. thats why!

Damn. Imagine a forum comprised of nothing but Jools-approved posts. Awful.

remod jools. long live the status quo ante

corey posted:

ilmdge posted:

blinkandwheeze posted:

the real question is why aren't jools & blinkandwheeze instated as permamods yet

why? ifap is for posters like cycloneboy in need of serious treatment frmo our worthy ifap orderlies, but jools commits people to the institute everytime he reads a post he doesnt like. thats why!

Damn. Imagine a forum comprised of nothing but Jools-approved posts.



wasted posted:

i think cycloneboy should have mod powers restored with the proviso that he can't discuss rape or women in any context

yes and both him and supperabounds have spent a lot of time getting well and could be given conditional release if the warden has time on his schedule to review their cases. on the other hand, ggw, ejk, and thug lessons seem to be seriously ill and need further observation. mustang needs a thing to do.

free doug, free paradol (another random jools victim)! i dont even know what happened to DrMortezaMohit or swirlsofhistory, perhaps no one does

proposed background change for the institute

e: whoa. WOW. didn't know all the new posters got sent away. rip

Edited by jeffery ()

i see no one can even make an attempt to refute the points stated in my op, it is so rock solid. i figured as much...
Well have fun reigning over Cair Paradol

statickinetics posted:


yeah, rip

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

blinkandwheeze posted:

the real question is why aren't jools & blinkandwheeze instated as permamods yet

if this wins in a popular vote we can do this

what, and never have another idiot king contest? you must be joking

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
Where afr all the goodbpostd

statickinetics posted:

Where afr all the goodbpostd
