have any of you considered that your arguments and opinions against johns would be pretty fucked up if you replaced "johns" with "black people"? yeah. pretty mindblowing how bad that would be, if you did that. im dead ken
decriminalize prostitution, criminalize the johns the pimps and the madams, redress the balance of power; give the girls a weapon to strike back at everyone who mistreats them. even if sex workers still exist after that there would eventually be no more prostitution "industry" surely, it would become suicidal to profit from someone else selling their body

For all of the “social ills” pinned on prostitution – crime, decaying property values, disease, violence, and a whole host of supposed moral failings – history shows us that none are inherent to the practice of selling sex. In fact, the only constant in prostitution, aside from the exchange itself, is the willingness of people who sell sex to maneuver around the law, discrimination, and social stigma in order to continue to work.

I say “willing” in a deliberate pushback against our contemporary ideas about sex, sex for sale and consent: the false premise that no one, and in particular, no woman would sell sex if she had any other options. It's an absurd notion, given the endurance of the sex trade and the explosion of considerable other options for women's employment. From personal experience, I can tell you that there are as many reasons people sell sex as there are people who do it. This is the truth that shapes the social, legal, and economic environments in which we produce and consume commercial sex.

Cops, governments and social reformers are part of those environments, too, and in their own ways, each profits from commercial sex. In these same American cities today, vice cops arrest suspected customers to fill seats in “johns' schools,” where the men are lectured by employees of social reform projects that aim to abolish prostitution with “scared straight” tactics. Vice cops draw a salary from making these arrests, and the anti-prostitution lecturers are paid, too – sometimes from the fees paid by those arrested and funneled into the programs as a way to avoid conviction. The programs themselves create an incentive for cops to police the sex trade, and they support a professional class of people – anti-prostitution campaigners – who make a living attempting to abolish the ways other people make a living.

When we ask ourselves what prostitution is really like, and imagine what it could be like, we have to consider the role that those opposed to prostitution have played in perpetuating “social ills” in the sex trade, so that it's nearly impossible to imagine the sex trade without them. Still, they fight to contain and isolate the sex trade in America, as have they have for centuries now. Yet, despite ensuring that their targets now have little recourse against them, they just keep losing.

you are an idiot
and this is coming from the guy that used to post under 'Idiot!'
Like, gee, i wonder why prostitution was legal on the settlerist genocidal homefront! Really progressive, why don't you rape these women rather than the native women, and risk miscegenation! DUmass
1. dumass 151 up, 43 down
An illiterate's version of dumb ass.
The dumb ass writes dumass for dumb ass.
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dumnass dum ass dumn ass dum dumn
by Alexandre Dumas Feb 13, 2006 share this add a video
2. dumass 131 up, 44 down
This is how idiots spell dumbass.
It's dumbass, not dumass, dumbass.
buy dumass mugs & shirts
dumass dumbass dumas ignorance stupidity
by Balls 2 Heavy Jul 22, 2006 share this add a video
3. dumass 51 up, 15 down
The main plot of an A&W Root Beer commercial that aired several years ago in the USA, which depicts a man at a job interview repeatedly saying the name of the company and the boss--pronounced incorrectly--as "dumbass" instead of "Dumass" (without the "B" and pronounced "doo-mas"), which ironically ends with Mr. Dumass saying, "what a dumbass!"
Interviewee: Mr. Dumbass, I can bring a lot to Dumbass and Dumbass. I'm a go-getter! Dumbass material all the way! So, am I your man, Mr. Dumbass?
Interviewer: The name... Is Dumass.

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dumbass a&w anw root beer rootbeer commercial dumass
by EdWaRdW818 Feb 27, 2008 share this add a video

4. dumass 69 up, 50 down
1.One who's level of intelligence is comparable to that of their own ass.

2.One who's actions suggest that they might be thinking with their own ass, though it, like their brain, lacks the ability to make intelligent decisions.

See also dumnass
dum ass
dumn ass

(Don't spend too much time on these alternatives, sperm-for-brains. They all mean the same thing.
Jesus. Dumass.
Maybe if you weren't such a dumass, people wouldn't kick you.
buy dumass mugs & shirts
by kyleisnotajew Jul 29, 2005 share this add a video
5. dumass 30 up, 20 down
stupid person.
also Alexander Dumas from the Shawshank Redemption. When the redneck mispronounces the authorof the Man in the Iron Mask and Tim Robbins'character sets him straight.
Shut up Monsieur Dum-ass!
buy dumass mugs & shirts
by doggbutt Sep 24, 2003 share this add a video
6. dumass 9 up, 12 down
-Bay Area way to describe as an adjective something extreme.
My Jordans is dumass clean.
buy dumass mugs & shirts
dumb stupid very alot dumb ass super
by Leemo79 Sep 28, 2006 share this add a video

7. DUMass 21 up, 24 down
The University of Massachusetts in Dartmouth.
Person 1: I graduated from DUMass.

Person 2: That seems appropriate.
buy dumass mugs & shirts
dartmouth dumbass massachusetts umass university of massachussetts
by Abbietimesamillion Sep 13, 2006 share this add a video

marimite posted:

it's sad how many leftists think that when compared to prostitution, it's preferable to do manual labor or be confined to domestic drudgery and raped by one's husband. this doesn't mean johns shouldn't be demonized however, as capitalist exploitation pretty much comes from buyers abusing their position vis a vis sellers.

lol, just saw this. Good shit.


Crow posted:

Polyamorists all

the quote on the top of the page reminds me of a time i inadvertently caused a lot of Buttmad on wddp when bradley manning was first being abused in prison and people were like "those people advocating for bradley manning are racists because they don't care about nonwhites in the prison system" and i was like, first, every person advocating for manning is a pretty radical leftist who probably opposes gitmo and the american prison system, and second, people are more likely to be supportive of political prisoners than for example methheads who steal bicycles, and they said that was fucked up, because if i had said crackheads who steal cars, that would have been racist, and how the fuck do i get away with being so racist, in their imaginactment

Crow posted:

Like, gee, i wonder why prostitution was legal on the settlerist genocidal homefront! Really progressive, why don't you rape these women rather than the native women, and risk miscegenation! DUmass

Paying a woman for sex is a little scuzzy, but it isn't rape. Also in a lot of these early settlements with very lopsided gender ratios there weren't really any options for male bachelors.

[account deactivated]

Crow posted:

Bread science is real

i cant tell the difference between female empowering choices and me hating myself any more
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
in legal brothels, white citizens of the nation they are in are almost certainly not trafficked and probably not abused.

discipline posted:

also most of the women trafficked out to brothels in settler nations were enslaved.

Source plz


MadMedico posted:

discipline posted:

also most of the women trafficked out to brothels in settler nations were enslaved.

Source plz

quentin tarantino presents quentin tarantino's django unchained


MadMedico posted:

discipline posted:

also most of the women trafficked out to brothels in settler nations were enslaved.

Source plz

what the fuck you think indentured servants were? you dont think any of them were prostitutes?

http://immigration-online.org/605-indentured-servitude.html :

In theory, an indenture was a voluntary contract, at least for adult males. In practice, most contracts involved an element of coercion or deception. Just under half of the 307,400 migrants from the British Isles to the thirteen colonies between 1680 and 1775 came as free citizens. Seventeen percent were criminal convicts, and 33.7 percent were indentured servants. The convicts, who had been convicted of felonies, served their sentences of transportation as indentured servants to private individuals rather than in state-managed labor camps.

British law also allowed involuntary apprenticeship of orphans, illegitimate children, and children whose families could not support them. Such forced apprenticeship might include transportation across the Atlantic. English poor laws dictated that adults who were capable of supporting themselves, but had no visible means of support, could be compelled to work. Vagrants, beggars, prostitutes, and able-bodied paupers could be forcibly indentured. For the most part, people who made a conscious choice to immigrate to the colonies for economic gain or to take advantage of greater religious and political freedom borrowed money for relocation costs, calculating (correctly) that a person with any skill or education could redeem the debt in a shorter period and be free in the interim.

I'm guessing here you'll argue that women forced into indenture servititude were calculating their economic gains by going out in the wilderness with a bunch of filthy, murderous men! Let's read on...

For some members of the British underclass, forcible relocation and involuntary labor provided a door of opportunity, but these were a minority. One-third of those transported did not survive until the end of their indentures. During the seventeenth century, contracts often provided for a modest land grant upon completion of service, but by 1700 good land had become scarce, and a newly freed servant who had no developed skills had few resources to begin a new life. Some settled on the frontier in Appalachia. Others remained with their old employers as ostensibly free laborers.To a large extent, their descendants remained a permanent underclass of poor whites, landless or tied to unproductive land, poorly educated, and little attached to cultural norms that had not served their forebears. Some, especially those who still had strong family ties, returned to England.

Wow! Now that's definitely skeezy, but not a situation that likely has trafficked women! Ima fucktard!

Here's some more fuckery:

Women who voluntarily emigrated from England to America did so to leave the unemployment, homelessness, and hunger. Single indentured women were mostly “convicts, rogues, prostitutes, and cheats” (http://ws.web.arizona.edu/ws200/fall97/grp11/part3.htm). Contracts might include education during servitude and at the end the distribution of new clothes, an animal, and sometimes land. This helped persuade people to disregard the bad stories heard about the colonies. Child snatching and the kidnapping of women to serve as wives of plantation owners or colonists became commonplace. Huge profits made from tobacco required manpower to be maintained and increased, so women were needed to breed and increase the fragile population. [Ed: What a paradise!] Children twelve years and older were the target for child snatching because they were easy prey. They were homeless and hungry and mostly were better servants than convicts were.


Virginia was one of the first states to make laws dealing with indentured servants:

Women servants who gave birth to children by their masters could be punished by two years of servitude with the churchwardens after the expiration of their current term.

Nice! Well I guess you and the retard are right, about women loving to live in settler killer camps, it definitely wasnt two hundred years of Deadwood.

but white woman human trafficking is just part of the tale, the trafficking of indigenous (and african) women, hand in hand with colonialism and subjugation, was even more prevalent

From "Relocation Revisited: Sex Trafficking of Native Women in the United States":

Trafficking in the United States long predates the current legal regime in power; the tactics used by sex traffickers today were used against Native peoples from the first moment of contact. These tactics were pioneered by the Spanish and Portuguese, the French and the English, the Dutch and the Russians. All of these invaders colonized the “New World” and its occupants. Colonial legal systems historically protected (and rewarded) the exploiters of Native women and girls and therefore encouraged the institutionalization of sexual subjugation of Native women and girls. This dynamic continues today, albeit in a different guise. Anderson and Andrijasevic explain how contemporary interventions into sex trafficking fail to contextualize the state’s role in the social problems of oppression: “Concern becomes focused on the evil wrongdoers rather than more systemic factors. In particular it ignores the state’s approach to migration and employment, which effectively constructs groups of non-citizens who can be treated as unequal with impunity.”
In the context of indigenous populations, the problem is complicated by a different factor—the displacement of Indian people and dispossession of tribal lands.

“European contact brought with it an almost exclusive emphasis solely on the sexuality of native women.” 104


Quite simply, European gender expectations were not met by most Indian cultures. 107 Where an Indian woman might be making a very individualized decision to engage in sex with men she had only recently met (as
happened from time to time), the European observer might interpret
that behavior as promiscuity (at best) or prostitution (at worst). 108
These misunderstandings resulted in Europeans developing a distorted view of Native women’s value to their own people. Another important dynamic in considering the relationships between Native women and European men was the gender imbalance; for the first 300 years after contact, there were far more Native women than white women on the continent. 109

White men, therefore, “sought Native women to fulfill traditionally female roles as cooks, guides, and nurses as well as traders, interpreters, converts, sexual partners, wives, and rape victims.” 110

Just as human captivity is not unique to Europe, the Americas were not devoid of arranged marriages and dowry practices prior to European contact. However, settlers often incorrectly interpreted Native marriage ceremonies as commercial business transactions.111

The conception of sexuality itself was fundamentally different. Cultural practices related to sexuality varied widely among indigenous groups. In some cultures, for example, there was no taboo against extra-marital sex. Monogamy was not embraced by all indigenous people as the critical foundation of the family unit. Most European observers did not fully understand these cultural values because the worldview was so fundamentally different. These traditional practices
were often misunderstood by European observers, who interpreted the marriage arrangements as a form of prostitution.112

This perspective lessened the social value of Indian women to the Christian observers, and later would be used as one of the justifications for paternalistic and punitive policies governing Native women’s behavior. At the same time, this perceived devaluation of Native women likely laid the foundation for much of the indifference and denial that came to pervade “New World” responses to sex crimes against Native people. 113


On the “second voyage,” Michele de Cuneo, one of Columbus’s shipmates, kept a
journal in which he boasted of his rape of a Carib woman—referencing his apparent experience with schools of “harlots.”120

anyway, you can read this shit on your own

Edited by Crow ()

professional prostitutes: legit and should be listened to
professional anti-rape activists: suspicious, verrry suspicious

cleanhands posted:

professional prostitutes: legit and should be listened to
professional anti-rape activists: suspicious, verrry suspicious


cleanhands posted:

professional prostitutes: legit and should be listened to
professional anti-rape activists: suspicious, verrry suspicious

[account deactivated]
oh yeah? well what about eleanor of aquitaine? did you just get buried or did you just get BURIED
[account deactivated]
you can't, like, own things, man
source: joss whedons firefly
women could own property

Margaret married at age 19 and gave birth to a daughter a year later. Soon afterwards her husband died in a gun battle in the streets of Victoria. Margaret�s second husband succumbed to cholera in 1852, leaving her with two more young daughters to support. Within four years Margaret married the richest rancher in the county. She bore four more children and partnered in running the ranch until 1867, when a yellow fever epidemic spread along the Texas coast. Margaret ministered to her ailing family as best she could, but death relentlessly claimed her husband, four-year-old son, 15-year-old daughter, two daughters who had married the previous year, and an infant grandson.

Now sole owner of the ranch, Margaret capably managed operations and enlarged its holdings. In 1873 she drove her own herd up the Chisholm Trail, accompanied by several ranch hands, her three surviving children, and her six-year-old granddaughter. The group succeeded in reaching the booming cowtown of Wichita, Kansas, but Margaret fell ill with trail fever and died in a local boardinghouse before she could sell her cattle.


In 1840, a stagnant canal drained through the center of Washington, dividing the area where the Smithsonian Castle stands from the rest of the city. The area was called “The Island.” A few blocks to the east is where Mary Ann Hall settled, started a business, saved her money, and where she eventually built a large, three-story brick home. Mary Ann was just in her early twenties, and the neighborhood was–rough. Nearby neighborhoods were nicknamed “Louse Alley,” and even “Murderer’s Row.” While the census records show that most single women here listed their occupation as seamstress or laundress, Mary Ann’s occupation isn’t recorded anywhere. But all the physical evidence indicates she was an extremely successful businesswoman.

District of Columbia court records show that at the time of her death, Mary Ann Hall was worth a grand total of $87,000, with no debts–that’s well over $2,000,000 in today’s dollars. The records also show a list of her belongings, which included Belgian carpets, oil paintings, an ice box, numerous pieces of red plush furniture, as well as an inordinate number of sheets, mattresses, blankets, feather pillows and comforters.


1905 Madam C.J. Walker
Carving the Path for Women Entrepreneurs
Considered one of the 20th century's most successful women entrepreneurs, Madam C.J. Walker built her empire out of nothing. Her parents were former slaves, and she was orphaned at the age of 7. In 1905, she created Madam Walker's Wonderful Hair Grower, a scalp conditioning and healing formula. Walker had a personal connection to the product since she suffered from a scalp ailment that caused her to lose most of her hair. She eventually expanded her business to Central America and the Caribbean. By 1917, Walker held one of the first national meetings of businesswomen in Philadelphia, the Madam C.J. Walker Hair Culturists Union of America convention. Walker's hard work and perseverance carved a path for women entrepreneurs, the African-American hair-care and cosmetics industry, and the African-American community as a whole.

1909 Elizabeth Arden
Making Over America
She brought makeup from the stage to everyday life and slowly developed a global empire. Elizabeth Arden, born Florence Nightingale Graham in Woodbridge, Ontario, moved to New York at the age of 30 to pursue her dream of building a cosmetics corporation. There she began working with a chemist to create a beauty cream, something new for the cosmetics industry at that time. After traveling to Paris in 1912, Arden became the first person to introduce the concept of eye makeup to American women and offered the first makeovers in her 5th Avenue salon. Arden died in 1966, but her brand became as well-known across the U.S. as Singer sewing machines and Coca-Cola. At the end of its fiscal year in June 2007, the company reported $1.1 billion in net sales, up more than 18 percent from $955 million in 2006.
thanks goatstein, in the 19th century women won more rights, great research, lol

discipline posted:

uh, SOURCE PLEASE! SOURCE for your RIDICULOUS CLAIM That women were forced to do ANYTHING in an age where they were unable to own property

typically, women could own property unless and until they were married, at which point their property (and their identity, effectively) became the property of their husband

During most of American history, women’s lives in most states were circumscribed by common law brought to North America by English colonists. These marriage and property laws, or "coverture," stipulated that a married woman did not have a separate legal existence from her husband. A married woman or feme covert was a dependent, like an underage child or a slave, and could not own property in her own name or control her own earnings, except under very specific circumstances. When a husband died, his wife could not be the guardian to their under-age children. Widows did have the right of "dower," a right to property they brought into the marriage as well as to life usage of one-third of their husbands’ estate. Though a married woman was not able to sue or sign contracts on her own, her husband often did have to obtain her consent before he sold any property his wife had inherited.

Apart from such generally applicable laws, many women were in a position of legal dependence as a result of their particular situation, be it youth, poverty, or enslavement. Since coverture, and with it the right to dower, started to erode in the first half of the nineteenth century, wealthy fathers and husbands often left their daughters’ estates in a trust. The assumption was that women would be better off with the fruits of the estate than with power over money or property that could be taken from them through marriage before their sons were old enough to take charge of the estate.

Outside of the legitimizing context of property ownership or family identity, women might effectively be rendered non-persons. Since they had limited means of economic survival outside marriage, some indigent women ended up real or virtual wards of the state or town in which they lived. In British-Colonial America, where institutionalization of the poor was not the norm, a woman’s appearance on town poverty roles probably meant not much more than that the town took financial responsibility, however minimal, for one who could not do so herself. By the nineteenth century, however, poverty came to be seen as a personal flaw, though poor women were less stigmatized than poor men until the late nineteenth century. Nonetheless, women were subject to labor impressment and loss of independence of decision once they crossed the threshold of the poorhouse.

i suppose its simply a distinction on what period "women couldn't own property" refers to.
due to anti-man legislation property does not include the hearts of nice guys everywhere #death2vapids

VoxNihili posted:

discipline posted:

uh, SOURCE PLEASE! SOURCE for your RIDICULOUS CLAIM That women were forced to do ANYTHING in an age where they were unable to own property

typically, women could own property unless and until they were married, at which point their property (and their identity, effectively) became the property of their husband

But nowadays when a women gets a divorce she gets to keep her property AND gets her husbands! hahaha. what a crazy world we live in


cleanhands posted:

professional prostitutes: legit and should be listened to
professional anti-rape activists: suspicious, verrry suspicious

Didn't know the two were mutually exclusive.


MadMedico posted:

cleanhands posted:

professional prostitutes: legit and should be listened to
professional anti-rape activists: suspicious, verrry suspicious

Didn't know the two were mutually exclusive.

its a dichotomy that only exists within pro-rape bourgeois journalism but by all means make me out to be the bad guy, instead of a nice guy, which i am