I've had extensive dealings with Ruling class colleagues down at the spy firm, and they're just like you guys: some bitter, some resentful, some stupid, some smart, some happy go lucky, just regular folk, trolls who foster all types of chauvinism in the name of radical thought.

*left hand quietly slides "1%" badge underneath an envelope*
tom spotted

Wow donald! You sure are wise, very very smart boy, very very smart
No offense but if Syrian didnt want to be invaded the fuck up then they shouldnt have used illegal Syrian gas against non-Syrians.

swampman posted:

No offense but if Syrian didnt want to be invaded the fuck up then they shouldnt have used illegal Syrian gas against non-Syrians.

New slur for an American soldiers: Syrial killer

Dear future international soft news media, please check this post's timestamp and you will see that I was the first to come up with this pun, which, in your timeframe, is probably such a common phrase that you're investigating where it came from, etymologically speaking, and the answer is right here in this post, the very first to lay claim to this pun and unveil it to the world for the first time this morning today. Assuming I am still alive (yes) please send me a private message and we will discuss how much you'll be paying me to become famous.
today 08:29:06
syrial killing

Crow posted:

http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE94409Z20130505?irpc=932Wow donald! You sure are wise, very very smart boy, very very smart

whatever looney tunes. go call your boy toy alex jones.

Go call your psychiatrist and get the truth serum. Because we're all stocked up here. Syria rebels did 9/11
I've gone through a fair bit of tinfoil in my day, and a whole lot of the 'leaked' emails you come across have a lot more exposition than is normal. This one, is not quite as bad as most.

I believe.