Sitting in a district PLC about horizontal and vertical curriculum creation and compliance with education standards I began to doodle down a path of trees and mushrooms.
I wondered "What is a Standard?".
The talk of horizontal and the vertical brought me to thoughts of the rhizomatic and the arboreal.
The neurons in the brain, a rhizome of dendrites, is the chaos of the productive classroom, thousands of woven threads, independent lines of flight and inquiry. The Standard a Tree, arboreal structured knowledge requirements. trees planted to give uniform shape and structure to the environment. a fundamentally political structure to serve political purpose.
but, because political systems are also rhizomatic in nature any arboreal structures they plant will ultimately become ungrounded and collapse, littering the forest floor. Every election cycle another system of standards to replace the last so a new group of actors can make their mark and take their turn leading the bull by the ring.
the classroom then is a forest ecosystem, new shoots, old growth, decaying fallen trunks and the fungi breaking down the dead wood into fertile soil. teaching, the weaving of neurons, digesting ungrounded and fallen standards.
In that way, the standard is necessary to the process of learning. The attempts to ground the intellect is the piston that drives the cycle. It seems wrong to moralize one part of the cycle over any other.
So, I ended my first dream with a platonic cycle
I wondered "What is a Standard?".
The talk of horizontal and the vertical brought me to thoughts of the rhizomatic and the arboreal.
The neurons in the brain, a rhizome of dendrites, is the chaos of the productive classroom, thousands of woven threads, independent lines of flight and inquiry. The Standard a Tree, arboreal structured knowledge requirements. trees planted to give uniform shape and structure to the environment. a fundamentally political structure to serve political purpose.
but, because political systems are also rhizomatic in nature any arboreal structures they plant will ultimately become ungrounded and collapse, littering the forest floor. Every election cycle another system of standards to replace the last so a new group of actors can make their mark and take their turn leading the bull by the ring.
the classroom then is a forest ecosystem, new shoots, old growth, decaying fallen trunks and the fungi breaking down the dead wood into fertile soil. teaching, the weaving of neurons, digesting ungrounded and fallen standards.
In that way, the standard is necessary to the process of learning. The attempts to ground the intellect is the piston that drives the cycle. It seems wrong to moralize one part of the cycle over any other.
So, I ended my first dream with a platonic cycle
But education isn't a static cycle
its a cyclone.
Education moves, and movement requires excess.
I tried to construct a trisome, the arboreal the rhizomatic and the excess. but I was stumped at what this excess might be.
until I remembered oil, the universal narrative lube.
oil seemed to fit. oil is the undigested plant litter of ancient eons, before the rhizome could wind its digestive tendrils the dead wood just pied up.
plato could only pontificate because a slave was growing his wheat, the academy only grew out of such excess. just as my doodles come from global capitalism and burning oil.
its a cyclone.
Education moves, and movement requires excess.
I tried to construct a trisome, the arboreal the rhizomatic and the excess. but I was stumped at what this excess might be.
until I remembered oil, the universal narrative lube.
oil seemed to fit. oil is the undigested plant litter of ancient eons, before the rhizome could wind its digestive tendrils the dead wood just pied up.
plato could only pontificate because a slave was growing his wheat, the academy only grew out of such excess. just as my doodles come from global capitalism and burning oil.
why did leftists stop organizing students to smash the academy? I think what was particularly pathetic about occupy is that, aside from protesting tuition hikes, students just attached themselves to faculty issues as if their interests are one and the same, when that clearly isn't the case.
maritime why did you change uour avatar but its still anime? why its still anime?>
*sinks his tendrils beneath the dew soaked detritus of the forest floor and gives a strange shudder*