guyotaat is incredibly difficult to read

Impper was probated until (Feb. 25, 2013 07:32:47) for this post!

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dammit joel

Impper posted:

guyotaat is incredibly difficult to read

coma's a quick and easy read but it's also the least interesting of his books. still ok though. It's funny because fred hersch, the pleasant jazz pianist and longtime aids sufferer, came out with an extended suite about his coma hallucinations at the same time and both works are so different in scope

watched Herzog's Lessons Of Darkness


drwhat posted:

watched Herzog's Lessons Of Darkness

when will I have time to make the comprehensive herzog thread i dreaming about!!!

Maybe every great herzog thread starts with a single goosestep..
[account deactivated]

go back to telling us all how black people only live in north america

That's not what I was saying at all. Afrikans in North America are qualitatively different than the rest of the first world because they are the ancestors of slaves brought there, rather than immigrants. Actually, I left out another important group, indigenous peoples. Hard to keep track of all the people I oppress as a white petit bourgeois. Anyway, these groups are qualitatively different from immigrants insofar as integration involves losing a political claim that's essential to the history of their circumstances. They cannot integrate without discarding who they are. Of course, settlers see them the same way, so that Amerikkkan history is a continuous slow genocide. One might be tempted to say that the inner distance the immigrant can maintain is simply a reflection of the real distance in cultures. However, it's easy to see that these special groups and immigrants will become increasingly similar as capitalism progresses, for as we all know, the corollary for neo-liberal society is biopolitics, the mechanization of genocide. I think this will first appear as the disorder in inner-city slums intensifies, so that they become both concentration camps and flashpoints of international black markets for bodies. Across Amerikkka these are becoming holes in the geography as the government withdraws from these areas. South Central LA is actually a very good example of this, as conditions there have deteriorated far past what they were in the 90s: almost all medical services have left, not even Walmart will set up shop there, police are distinct from society as an occupying force, and wild dogs roam the streets.

However, I'm digressing a bit. What's important is that immigrants and former slaves / indigenous peoples, for the time being, require qualitatively different kinds of struggle. White people must both keep immigrants at a distance so that they do not tempt them into reactive behavior, while embracing former slaves / indigenous peoples as symptomatic of their inner negativity. This is where the language of purification becomes useful. What's important to this is that it's not a metaphysical concept like purity. For example, if I were Fascist, I would think various institutions in society are poisoned by some devious element. However, what this ignores is that the institutions themselves are poison. What is poisoned are people, and for those that are especially infected, like white people, hygiene becomes a revolutionary asset. Before white people can focus on building solidarity, they must purge themselves of reactive forces and take deterritorialization to the limit. They must isolate themselves from their current peers and take the lonely life of travel, so that they might some day be worthy of new peers. Because if you're an exploiter there's only one true path, and that's class suicide.

So say there's a ML conference near me discussing real shit going on in India. That's cool, but what's important is: can I do anything significant for them? And what I'm here to say is probably not, and that's the case for most white people. In fact, there's a lot of things I'm incapable of and a lot of things I'm capable of fucking up, even if I focus on oppression here. For example, in America there is a major shift among Maoist groups towards prison activism. But there's a very fine line between getting someone thrown in solitary because I was propagandizing Bob Avakian's hackery to them and actually helping prisoners. Same goes for teaching inner-city kids: I could either help them or ruin education forever for them. Their proximity can easily hide the fact that they require far more than I can imagine, so much so that it would actually be easier to travel to another country and live there for awhile.

"Being unhomely can be enacted in a mere presumpuousness toward beings in order to forcibly contrive from beings in each case a way out and a site. This presumptuousness toward beings and within beings, however, only is what it is from out of a forgottenness of the hearth, that is, of being."

"A guest is that foreigner who for a time becomes homely in a homely place foreign to them, and thus themselves bring what is homely for them into the homely of the foreign and are received by the homely of the foreign... In guest-friendship, however, there also lies the resolve not to mix what is one's own, with the foreign, but to let the foreigner be the one he is. Only thus is a learning possible in guest-friendship..."

From Heidegger's reading of Holderlin's Hymn "The Ister", his most under-read work, imo.
i dont know what the hell you are talking about and it's needlessly convoluted, drifting away from a class based analysis and into some weird synthesis of mtw & eugenics
"Let me prove to you how much I am not Fascist by explaining that my worldview is informed solely by a Good:Evil dichotomy based upon racial divisions"
what's mtw?
maoism third worldism. it's an ideology that claims there are no proles in the first world, that the first world is beyond salvation and should be eradicated so that the third world can rise up and enact a global, joint dictatorship. there's also some really good music for dancing.
ohhh of course lol. Anyway, that's pretty much the point, just adding the nuances involving oppressed nations in the first world.
well, and actually dealing with the fascism issue. Because fascism is genocidal and neo-liberalism is genocidal, but they're totally different things, y'know?
i mean, i guess if you want to go traveling to the third world to find yourself and become a better marxist -- have at it. i don't think anyone here is really admonishing you for that, (rather this hand wringing and handwashing that is implicitly advancing revolutionary apathy). regardless, you should know that empirically, the end result will ultimately culminate with you moving back to the states, and then asking people on this forum for money because you just moved to NY without a job and are crashing on some stranger's couch.
I would hate to be guilty of that. I was really hoping to do the opposite, really. I meant "fuck it" in the sense of go farther, not as some weird self-hating quietism.

not even Walmart will set up shop there



marimite posted:

I would hate to be guilty of that. I was really hoping to do the opposite, really. I meant "fuck it" in the sense of go farther, not as some weird self-hating quietism.

if you can avoid posting about interior design of closet spaces, then you've my blessing to go out and be the marxist david carradine in Kung Fu: The Legend Continues

basically the world is fucked up and guess what,
[account deactivated]
i dont know where to post this but i think my offices secretary just advocated violent revolution to me shes like 85 and owns
do any of you have an sa account with archives that i can use

Impper posted:

do any of you have an sa account with archives that i can use


username: GuntControl
password: weddingtackle69

damn it didnt work bro

DildoMalone posted:

i dont know where to post this but i think my offices secretary just advocated violent revolution to me shes like 85 and owns


I saw a bumber sticker once regfarding this thread, it reads, Staying at home and die alone to help the revolution is like fucking for chastity

maybe Take_a_seat and become open to Changeā„¢?

I really had to shit the other night but I didn't want to go all the way to the bathroom and I had a fresh trash bag handy, so I just shit in the trash bag and threw it in the can outside when I was done.

I went out to take the can out to the side of the road, and oh my god it smelled stinky. It must have been cooking in the sun for like 48 hours, and it probably didn't help that I had eaten Taco Bell and had a mild case of diarrhea.

Hopefully some of my fellow NEETs will heed this warning and not get broadsided like I did. If you shit in a trash bag and leave it outside, it'll get really stinky after a day or two. Your neighbors might even smell it and then you'll be that guy who shits in trash bags until you move somewhere else or get new neighbors.

Last night I slit the back of a tinkerbell goodnite open and stuffed two luvs size fives inside. It was great, I soaked them all and snuck out before anyone woke up to throw them away. That was the biggest diaper I've ever worn. I also just bought a cloth diaper just to wear for fun and not pee in since I don't think I could regularly sneak washing it past my parents. Maybe I could wash it in the jacuzzi.

Why on earth would you think that most NEETs live alone?

Freedom to take it easy. truNEETs don't care about any social interactions and would rather not be pestered and prevented from shitting on the floor by family right? Granted family may sometimes cook and clean for you but other times it's not worth the tradeoff.

marimite posted:

haha eeeewwww!!! this is what i imagine they talk about at postgarden. somebody tell me how i can get on that forum


Squalid posted:

marimite posted:

haha eeeewwww!!! this is what i imagine they talk about at postgarden. somebody tell me how i can get on that forum

They have to cross check several different forum accounts or any other social media profile to ensure a safe space.

also two forms of picture identification, one of which you must be wearing a diaper, and your social security #
the infiltration of radical left communities by weirdo scat furry pedophiles having the effect of marginalizing, discrediting and fragmenting those communities and their core ideas is probably totally coincidental
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
tpaine make a thread of fake british place names
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I just remembered that illegal back-alley butt injections are a thing and that they can actually kill people.