actor brendan frasier pays $900,000 a year in alimony and child support lol.
discipline posted:good
swampman posted:I truly hate breaking bad. Its the dumbest shit. The caharacters, dialogues, monologues, plots. Suck. ass. I hate to hear question "Do you watch breaking bad." I hate the observation that something ive described is "like in breaking bad." I hate romaticization of drug culture, drug war, depictions of addictiona nd recovery. The narrative celebrates cursory, doomed moral struggles against atrocities. ANd so forth.
epic downvotery motherfuck.
getfiscal posted:breaking bad is one of the DEA's best shows.
weeds is even worse, drug propaganda wise. at the shows outset this woman is apparently making ends meet as a single pre-2007 suburban mom buying an ounce at a time. the enormous wad of money she uses to pay for an ounce in the first episode is practically prop comedy.
swampman posted:I truly hate breaking bad. Its the dumbest shit. The caharacters, dialogues, monologues, plots. Suck. ass. I hate to hear question "Do you watch breaking bad." I hate the observation that something ive described is "like in breaking bad." I hate romaticization of drug culture, drug war, depictions of addictiona nd recovery. The narrative celebrates cursory, doomed moral struggles against atrocities. ANd so forth.
This is one of the best posts you've ever made. Absolutely sterling opinion, top job, fuck breaking bad it is a crap show. So ridiculous, so dreadfully modern weak-minded american in nature, so unbearably awful. The last straw is the part where they have a sketch of the drug dealer, it is a spot on depiction of the main character, but somehow his brother in law agent doesn't recognise him even when he is looking at the picture in his presence, up yours breaking bad and up yours american popular television
swampman posted:I truly hate breaking bad. Its the dumbest shit. The caharacters, dialogues, monologues, plots. Suck. ass. I hate to hear question "Do you watch breaking bad." I hate the observation that something ive described is "like in breaking bad." I hate romaticization of drug culture, drug war, depictions of addictiona nd recovery. The narrative celebrates cursory, doomed moral struggles against atrocities. ANd so forth.
it's ok but it ain't no wire.
AmericanNazbro was probated until (Feb. 20, 2013 19:28:15) for this post!
AmericanNazbro was probated until (Feb. 20, 2013 19:28:20) for this post!
AmericanNazbro posted:there truly aren't any good tv shows outside of 90s cartoons.
discipline posted:Goethestein posted:whycome.
for what.
Goethestein posted:discipline posted:Goethestein posted:whycome.
for what.
teh teh teh teeeeeh
AmericanNazbro was probated until (Feb. 20, 2013 19:28:29) for this post!
1: Your Room, Lamesville, Virgin Islands
2: Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
3: Philly
4: St. Cloud, Minnesota (this one was way big in january, like 17k hits yowza)
5: Rome, Georgia
6: Walnut, California (the fuck)
7: Elizabeth, South Australia, Australia, Mate
8: San Fran
9: Turlock, California ?
10: Ottawa, Canada
Crow posted:
It's nice to see things are working out for him being separated from Tipper.
Goethestein posted:the ostensible justification as to why women are entitled to money -as back pay for their efforts in cooking, cleaning, raising children, and so on- fall apart in the upper classes. does anyone believe that the average wife of a guy making even just $500k a year does much of anything in the home? of course not, they have live-in maids, cooks, nannies, and so forth
i see a vision of your future... le deadbeat dad
If religion is a reaction of man, and nothing more, it seems to me that it represents a human desire for wrongdoers to be punished. I hate the idea of Idi Amin living in Saudi Arabia for the last 25 years of his life. That galls me to no end. I feel some sort of need for biblical atonement, or justice, or something. I like to believe there is some comeuppance, that karma kicks in at some point, even if it takes years or decades to happen. My girlfriend says this great thing that’s become my philosophy as well. 'I want to believe there's a heaven. But I can't not believe there's a hell.'