gyrofry posted:cleanhands posted:please own and wear a suit,e veryone
clown, bee or union
slim italian cut wool blend in a choice of black or grey depending on season, or dont even come into work anymore, youre done, youre fucking done here
cool, thanks journalists and news guys
marimite posted:Man, that was the best one man great proletarian people's war ever.
Police Sheriff now ordered Media not to follow the officers and cover them on the air, since it will put them in tactical disadvantage if the suspect happen to watching television.
EDIT: Arturo R. Garcia @aboynamedart Ok, update: CBS anchor just repeated a request from #LAPD for people to stop tweeting about #Dorner
EDIT: Just to clarify here is the tweet from the District attorney is to the members of the press, not the public.
@SBCountyDA The sheriff has asked all members of the press to stop tweeting immediately. It is hindering officer safety. #Dorner
last update from NBC News: NBC NEWS: The information seem to be shutting down, police scanners have gone silent, I think they may have switched to another frequency so we cannot hear what they are doing, FAA have put restrictions over the area for the protection of the news crews, they want the News Helicopters out, we can only speculate on the reason why.
discipline posted:haha it's gonna own when nobody watches the state of the union address
Lol. Totally slipped me mind. I always knew this whole Dorner thing reeked of GOP strategy.
discipline posted:now everyone is gonna tune into the state of the union address for the remarks on chris dorner's body being recovered in a burning house
Ebony magazine supports Dorner
KilledInADuel posted:marimite posted:Man, that was the best one man great proletarian people's war ever.
this cat mike davis...
discipline posted:thus ends a 9-day ordeal of the LAPD shooting at innocent people.. oh wait...
what truly counts as innocent in this sin-cursed world
stegosaurus posted:its like the scene in gattaca where the guy who broke his legs and gave his dna to the other dude crawls into the furnace to kill himself and the silver medal he won turns to gold as the flames envelop it. in death, for his sacrifice, he transmuted into something higher.
something more epic than bacon... wow.... RIP.