[account deactivated]
yeah that track is a definite standout, thats the one i told a few people to listen to, especially after seeing how badly wonder 2 scared tpaine...
[account deactivated]
bhpn i know your intentions are well-meaning but im not really sure this is really the kind of leadership ppl were looking for . . .

[account deactivated]

edit: Fixed spelling, broke up paragraphs.

Edited by Crow ()

[account deactivated]

While I think she hasnt read the marx stuff she quotes, i agree w/ her in the sense that anything which reduces the need for backbreaking toil cant be framed as the enemy and it seems cynical for liberals to suggest that unemployment should be solved through creation of more crippling labour jobs, what do u guys think
i suppose you would like a machine to push the food down your throat as well?
[account deactivated]
i read some william hinton books on china. they were good.
i'm reading leo (like lion) tolstoy's The Kingdom of God is Within You and its pretty fucking sweet because he constructs a christian moral system where the matter of holiness is only accounted in the present, so that as long as one is currently (and earnestly) striving towards the unattainable perfection of God they are blessed, and if one ever purposefully halts in their striving, no matter what they have done before, they lose God's blessing. an ideology that discourages worshiping others for past deeds and allows for internal (as opposed to external by way of priest) spiritual redemption - owns owns owns

also if you are, for whatever disgusting reason, into manga Aku no Hana is about japanese schoolchildren falling into nihilism after realizing the bleakness of their modern society and the spiritual poverty they live in; also owns real hard.

jools posted:

i suppose you would like a machine to push the food down your throat as well?

I suppose this one's a goddamn ghost

does anyone know any good books about re-enchantment or latent romanticism in modern projects of rationalization, particularly architecture? its for a modern project.
fuck and destroy by john christy
I read that From Hell comic book people were talking about a few months ago. Was good, except when Jack the Ripper traveled through time to an office building and berated modern peoples. His criticisms felt a mite trite.

jeffery posted:

i want a book on aesthetics. no not fuck n destory, but a reallll book on aesthetics.

Get to learnin.

I am into JAPANESE COMIC BOOKS (not manga why the fuck would I use Japanese all it means in Japanese is comic book jesus christ), of course for very disgusting reasons, so I also read Aku no Hana. It is very amazing, so much so that I'm tempted to interrupt my study schedule to jam in some Baudelaire, Bataille, Rimbaud, Mallarme, etc. While it initially seems like the reference point of French nihilist literature is a gimmick, I think its true to Bataille (I don't know about this Baudelaire guy, but I think they're related right) so far, well, what I gleamed of his ideas from blinkandwheeze's posts and Nick Land. And it actually went very well with the other thing I've been reading, Deleuze's Nietzsche and Philosophy. Deleuze is the greatest everyone who reads him and shows the proper reverence will be blessed.

Actually, coming from a 1st world petty-bourgeois background, it seems to me that (active) nihilism is the most revolutionary path.In the end you're better off dead, if you don't kill yourself you should kill who you are. Or at least who your friends are but lets face it that's usually who you are too. Deterritorialize like a motherfucker, fuck the consequences.
sounds like you need to get involved with your community.
[account deactivated]
that's one of many things i do Old Fuckchap
[account deactivated]

swampman posted:

sounds like you need to get involved with your community.

i tried that but all they do is drugs

[account deactivated]
stopped lurking/registered just now to say thanks for the manga rec re: Aku no Hana. good shit. i'm anxiously awaiting for the rest of the MC's past to catch up with him, wrecking whatever normalcy he and his family have going right now. the recurring theme seems to be that no one is who they seem, and their unveiling ends in a strange mixture of doom and banality. haven't read any of the authors the kid likes, might check em out later.

just started reading art powerby boris groys, liking it so far + hoping rest is cool too

e: recuperation defined: http://www.societyspectacle.com/index.html

Edited by GayDebord ()

i gave aku no hana a read and its boring and hollow, my recommendation is One Punch Man, OP

marimite posted:

Actually, coming from a 1st world petty-bourgeois background, it seems to me that (active) nihilism is the most revolutionary path.In the end you're better off dead, if you don't kill yourself you should kill who you are. Or at least who your friends are but lets face it that's usually who you are too. Deterritorialize like a motherfucker, fuck the consequences.

i think you have made a pretty egregious misreading here by seeing deterritorialization as an unmitigated good and carrying that with with an attitude of ignoring the consequences of this process, when the process that almost always follows is reterritorialization. this idea that the hypercapitalist globalization of the world-system is a force that erodes the classical hegemonic categories of traditional structures, is a f*cking delusion mate, the increasing incorporation of the periphery into the capital flows of the globalized world-system only serves to universalize the superstructure of the core. the cyberfeminist dream that hypercapitalist deterritorialization would give birth to our militant queer cyberpunk robot liberators was utopian flailing, the reterritorialization that accompanies this was the very enclosure of the bodies of women, you start seeing deterritorialization as an inherently progressive force and you start seeing the institutionalization of rape as preferable to women wearing hijab

this is completely, and i don't use this term lightly, accelerationism. this term is thrown a lot around here totally incorrectly in my eyes, as simply this idea that "conditions have to get worse before they can get better", but in truth i think it's a lot closer to the position you unfortunately seem to fall into, that the deterritorialization enabled by the acceleration of capitalist process, the mechanisms of the market logic, operates in contradiction to actually existing capitalism. that is, contrary to how it defines itself ideologically, laissez-faire capitalism does little to actually promote market competition because it lends itself to the formation of monopolies. accelerationists buy the ideological aspirations of free market capitalism (and i don't mean this in a polemical way, nick land literally promotes austrian school economics, like "skeptical of graeber's debt because it disputes mengerian accounts of the origin of money" level of promoting austrian school economics) but see these aspirations as being at odds with their material reality. i don't want to go too deep into all this because it's a whole can of worms but it is no coincidence that the two founding members of the university of warwick's "cybernetic culture research unit", nick land and anna greenspan, relocated to shanghai - where this ideology leads is monstrosity of revisionist china, state regulations against the supposedly "free market' allowing the street market, the "marketplace of ideas" of the internet (their internet may be policed by the state but ours is policed by private companies, illegal filesharing is becoming increasingly difficult here but it is completely unmitigated in china's own networks), the speculative frontiers of technological development, to flourish. beyond simply a skepticism that the proletariat exist in any meaningful way in the first world, accelerationism doubts that a proletariat exist in any meaningful way at all. it's a position close to that of the kurzweilian technological singularity, revolution is not under current conditions possible or even desirable, but taking into consideration the contradiction between the market and the "free market", the acceleration of capital flows and technological development, the deterritorialization enabled by hypercapital, will reach an inertia so powerful that it will be unable to be controlled by the bourgeoisie and eventually eradicate them entirely, leaving us with a world of sexy cyberpunk 90s cyborg warriors

which is self evidently ridiculous for a mountain of reasons (and this is not lost on nick land, who has for a long time dropped any pretense of liberatory philosophy in favor of an open acknowledgement of fascist ideas and "race realism", he has more in common with pinochet than any marxist thinker, the theoretical intrigue of his early works notwithstanding he is an absolutely vile theorist who has ceased to have anything valuable to say and mark fisher's affinity for his philosophy is pretty clear case for mark being a complete pseud) but the most glaring fault is that it just ignores the existence of reterritorialization completely, which you are also doing. there is no reason to believe the theoretical idealism, racism and misogyny of the hypermodern bourgeois as being in any way more progressive than the classical forms of theoretical idealism, racism and misogyny they replace. as a third worldist i also see absolutely no reason that the cultures and traditions of the peripheral nations and internal colonies of the core nations are inherently reactionary in the first place

but have fun with your japanese comic books i guess

Ok, I'm aware of all that, and I actually have lately generally considered myself as a third worldist after getting alienated from psychoanalytic and hermeneutic approaches to Marx that are popular among people like myself. But how does a third-worldist practice politics in the first world? I was probably missing something because I'm new to all this, but I mean to talk about my situation living in a first world country, in which a plurality of the populace is net exploiter. I live in the US, which is of course a more ambiguous case so let's set that aside, and take the best examples of the general trend in first world politics: Northern Europe and Japan. Materially speaking, these places are perpetually on the brink of fascism. Any attempts to forge solidarity could very well just blow up in your face. In that situation, don't you think it's best to say fuck it? Doesn't the 1st world working class have to be re-proletarianized to do any good? I don't really see any way out so I think I'm probably going to move to the third world, but in a way I feel like I'm avoiding the most difficult question of all if I did that.
Also, not sure what this means, but I think Nick Land was originally a third-worldist. His early essay Kant, Capital, and Prohibition of incest certainly seems that way.
After reading the Brassier lecture, everything seems to be coming to down to Nietzsche, so it's good time to quote the book I'm reading:

"Spinoza suggested a new direction for the sciences and philosophy. He said that we do not even know what a body can do, we talk about consciousness and spirit and chatter on about it all, but we do not know what a body is capable of, what forces belong to it or what they are preparing for. Nietzsche knew that the hour had come, "We are in the phase of the modesty of consciousness". To remind consciousness of its necessary modesty is to take it for what it is: a symptom; nothing but the symptom of a deeper transformation and of the activities of entirely non-spiritual forces. "Perhaps the body is the only factor in all spiritual development." What is consciousness? Like Freud, Nietzsche thinks that consciousness is the region of the ego affected by the external world. However, consciousness is defined less in relation to exteriority (in terms of the real) than in relation to superiority (in terms of values). This distinction is essential to a general conception of consciousness and the unconscious. In Nietzsche consciousness is always the consciousness of an inferior in relation to a superior to which he is subordinated or into which he is "incorporated". Consciousness is never self-consciousness, but the consciousness of an ego in relation to a self which is not itself conscious. It is not the master's consciousness but the slave's consciousness in relation to a master who is not himself conscious. "Consciousness usually only appears when a whole wants to subordinate itself to a superior whole... Consciousness is born in relation to a being of which we could be function." This is the servility of consciousness; it merely testifies to the "formation of a superior body."

marimite posted:

Consciousness is never self-consciousness

Praise Allah for that:

for every desiring machine you deterritorialize, im going to reterritorialize three

marimite posted:

But how does a third-worldist practice politics in the first world?

i've been wondering about this myself. mtw theory is incisive, but very paralyzing for us people here. we sit around with the "correct" theory posting youtube videos, while certain groups who live in the countries we exploit actually, y'know, do things to protect and fight for their families and communities. if we attempt to assist them at this point in time, we interfere with their right to self-determination, and if we attempt to build solidarity with our own communities now, people whine about how pointless it all is because it will only lead to fascism to protect the stolen material riches we have. what way is there for us to go, besides to say fuck it (as marimite said), or to destroy ourselves both figuratively and literally?


marimite posted:

don't you think it's best to say fuck it? Doesn't the 1st world working class have to be re-proletarianized to do any good? I don't really see any way out so I think I'm probably going to move to the third world, but in a way I feel like I'm avoiding the most difficult question of all if I did that.

weeelllll as a person in a similar place (first world petite-bourgeoisie japanese comicbook fan shiteater) who has struggled with the question of 'what is to be done?' i can see your position, but I think the idea of moving to the third world is a bit silly. there is A LOT of good work to be done in these United States; whole countries worth of land lay dissolving under layers of corn and poison, children have their imaginations replaced with shallow consumerism and are stuffed full of drugs when they protest, the world gets harder to even survive in and every answer society gives is actually just a scheme to squeeze a bit more money from the underclass, the midwest bakes, the gulf is toxic, hurricanes batter and cripple thousands each year - you know, all that shit.

the third world is alluring to us because they actually have culture that they can stage resistance from; we see their traditions that are more than a cloaked call of buy buy buy buy and think yes! let me be a part of that. But adopting/cooping another's culture is an easy way out, and even if you are sincere and would die for them, how can you be trusted if you take the easy way with your beliefs? and do they even need you? what can you bring to a group that has lived in the land and dealt with the struggle for generations except for the international prestige that the paleness of your skin brings; at worst your just another person to feed in a world where food and water are becoming ever more scarce.

what needs to be done is, i think, creation. creation of a new culture (the only respectable parts of the white american left generally come from religious or environmental inspiration because litterally every other part of the culture is completely toxic) not in the sense of We Must Build a New Man but that we must learn how to even be human again. the material basis for bourgeoisie mentally must be destroyed and there must be a new material basis to replace it because humans cannot live off of air. i don't mean to disregard the revolutionary potential of cities but the pathetic mewl of the occupy movement has shown that white america is still going fucking nowhere and the real legit urban cultures (minorities okay) self-create new strategies anyway so our dumbasses aren't really needed there.

go to the basics, destroy what material elements of bourgeois life (cars, teevee, etc.) that exist in your life and start working on sustainable food creation, try to create a community of people willing to not be capitalist fuckshits and work on securing a place to harbor those most abused by society. nihilism is ultimately correct in that modern life is meaningless because modernity is designed to be meaningless. kids matter more than sex, food more than spices, and land more than dreams - the crushing despair that meaningless life brings cannot be overcome by acceptance or rejection; only by the creation of meaning.

Shennong and BlinkAndWheeze had a good conversation a while back over whether or not the flight to the countryside is abandoning the masses to a selfish survivalism. I think it kind of is, but if I have to choose between being a dumbass on a street consuming the energy of 1 person screaming at a building or being a dumbass on a field harvesting the energy of 30 people tending crops i'm fucking useless either way but my family + others don't die of starvation in the latter so i choose that (trick question you shouldn't have fields FOOD FORESTRY MOTHERFUCKER).

oh and if your not white than lol this is so self-conscious but you have an anime avatar so you can't blame me for assuming you know

love god and family (if you have neither create them) peace

Edited by Scrree ()

i'm probably younger + less educated than most here since you're being all Deleuzeing it up but I think what blinkAndwheeze is trying to say is that iif you deterritorialize (remove proscribed meaning, right?) you gotta reterritorialize(create new meaning) or else you're left with a big nothing and a desire to light yourself on fire infront of your parents