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tpaine posted:


how to pronounce badiou
those clowns on reddit have done it again, what a bunch of clowns
zizek spotted

[account deactivated]
i actually bought my childhood by gorky yesterday for fifty cents

dw man i snatched that mbv and upped it here just for you


ooh whoop whoop whoop whoop

tentativelurkeraccount was probated until (Feb. 13, 2013 15:49:18) for this post!


kinch posted:

it works now

i got the 24bit like a hour ago, losers. what a disappointment.
it's good
it's really mellow. it sounds like their EPs minus the violence.

last track is good.

Edited by kinch ()

This shit is fairly fucking epic, I must say. I'm up to track 3, "who sees you," in which Kevin goes to town on the old tremolo arm to create a surreal aural soundscape, and I'd say this record already compares favorably to Grizzly Bear's Shields. I am writing this with an ironic tone, but I'm 100% serious.

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i love my bloody valentine but im not going to download this because
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my bloody valentine is one of those bands whose music i'll probably just never listen to, kind of like woody allen's films
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Pretty good, but no Trolololo. 3/5

tpaine posted:

Kevin Shields: Yeah, I normally work between 10 or 11 p.m. until about 4 or 5 a.m. That's my preferred time. The place where I'm is in a business area, and there's a photography company there, so it's surrounded by a lot of people during the day. There's about a hundred of them and one of me. They're nice people, but I avoid them because it's better just to go in and not have to say "hello" to anybody or deal with anything.

tom says hello

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i randomly bought a camera obscura cd in shanghai for $1 because the cover looked nice or something.

88888 posted:



hahaha how could anyone think this is my bloody valentine

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whenever i see delgados i just think dongatos. senor don gato was a cat
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