im going to new orleans today.
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
t money come 2 east river bar tonight ill set you up with a hott smelly bike messenger
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

Impper posted:

im going to new orleans today.

have fun in the big easy, i'm glad you are in love now

[account deactivated]

The_Schliski posted:

tpaine posted:

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:
Rap Rap Rap
i saw ravi in montreal a few years ago it was p cool

saw roy haines twice and sonny thrice, he best 5 concerts of ever seen probably
Rap Rap Rap

Lowtax actually made and sold white "RAP" t-shirts apparently without permission from The Locust


EmanuelaBrolandi posted:

t money come 2 east river bar tonight ill set you up with a hott smelly bike messenger

hey emanella

you have to be over 18 to get into chuck e cheese and they check id lol
i'm in love...with the Big Mac! *Rascal idles up to the Drive-Thru*

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Golden years? Not every senior citizen thinks so.

Murder-suicide is occurring with alarming frequency among the elderly. This week a 93-year-old man reportedly stabbed his 95-year-old wife to death early Wednesday morning in their south Kansas City, Mo. home. Then he tried to stab himself in the chest, but failed to kill himself and woke up in the hospital.

Harry Irwin told a paramedic, “Yes, I killed her. And then killed myself. Why am I still awake?”
lol that guys kinda funny but that article is really sad

btw the news media is ridiculous, they just have to open their article with that catchy "Golden years? Not every senior citizen thinks so" cutesy bullshit so we can all get a chuckle even when the next sentence is "Murder-suicide is occurring with alarming frequency among the elderly"

Edited by ilmdge ()

[account deactivated]
So, Obamarama Megathread, I come to you with a story you might like.

I was at a Halloween party Friday night that fluctuated from 25-40 people during the night. This is in a VERY conservative part of Florida, and basically everyone at this party except myself and my girlfriend is at the very low end of the socioeconomic scale, Wal-mart workers, Waffle House waitresses, etc. We are all sitting out in the backyard of my sister's place with a roaring fire and all the food and alcohol you could hope for and then some motherfucker has to bring up politics.

Can you imagine who these people are voting for? I think you can. So for the next two hours or so, I took on all comers, and won, constantly, every single time. With my trusty laptop computer I proceeded to prove every single bullshit claim about the Senator's policies wrong.

"He's going to take what I have and give it to others!" FUCKING OWNED.
"He's going to destroy small businesses!" FUCKING OWNED.
"He'll surrender in Iraq and lose all we've gained!" FUCKING OWNED.
<just about any other policy question you can think of> FUCKING OWNED.

And so, once they had exhausted all possible policy arguments against Senator Obama, it was time to pull out the racism and lies. But your humble correspondent was more than ready, and again it was time for people to get FUCKING OWNED.

"He's a 'secret' Muslim!" FUCKING OWNED.
"He's a communist!" FUCKING OWNED.
"He's friends with terrorists!" FUCKING OWNED.
"He changed his last name from Osama to Obama!" FUCKING OWNED.

At long last, there was only one fellow still standing against me, a late 20s/early 30s Navy guy who had not dared to face me directly all night but who I had seen whispering shit to other people, who I then proceeded to fucking destroy.

Now, I don't want to make too much of this, but I want you all to understand just how bad-ass this scenario really is. For 2 hours, 2 solid hours, I've been standing in front of this flickering fire taking down all comers with calmness, dignity, and aplomb. I've convinced 10+ of these people to vote for their own and their country's fucking self-interest this election instead of voting based on fear being sold by assholes. And now, at long last, their chief himself steps up.

I am not making this up. Every single person at this party is now looking at the two of us, and from the remaining McCain people there is a palpable air of "Oh, SHIT, our Navy guy is about to rip his shit up!" It's like the end of a Dragonball Z episode or something. This is what happens, nearly verbatim.

Navy Guy: "You're going to vote for a man who isn't even a fucking AMERICAN!"
JS: "What do you mean?"
NG: "He wasn't even born in America! He had to renounce his American citizenship to go to his Muslim school in Indonesia! He's not even a citizen!"
JS: "First of all, you're wrong, and second of all, he was like 4 years old. You can't renounce your citizenship when you're 4 any more than you can sign a legally binding contract. But that doesn't matter, because Senator Barack Obama is an American who was born in Hawaii."
NG: "Aw, bullshit. Go ahead and vote for someone who's not even an American."
JS: "So, you are certain about this? That a serving United States Senator whose background has been investigated probably more thoroughly than any other man in the history of the entire world has somehow managed to hide the fact that he is not even an American citizen? Is that what you are saying?"
NG: "Damn right."
JS: "And you are sure about this?"
NG: "One. Hundred. Percent."

I have you now.

JS: "Then let's put our money where our mouths are."
NG: >bright-eyed "confrontation grin" begins to crack< "What do you mean?"
JS: "Well, you've made a pretty vicious slander against Senator Obama, and you've claimed you are certain it is true. I can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is not. So how about this. If you aren't completely full of shit and just flat-out knowingly lying, let's make a bet on it. If you win, I will donate what we bet to Senator McCain's campaign. And if I win, you will donate what we bet to Senator Barack Obama."
NG: >grin is gone, I can smell panic< "Fine. How much?"
JS: "Two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars."
NG: >silence, looks around at the audience<
JS: >extends hand<
NG: "Well, now-"
JS: "Do you want to bet, or don't you? Because if you don't, I think it might be indicative that you are lying."
NG: >silence, sense of mounting panic<
JS: "I have my credit card with me and my computer, and I'm ready to put my money where my mouth is. How about it?"
NG: "Well, you know, you can get whatever you want to come up on that computer."
JS: "Does that mean you don't want to bet?"
NG: "I just know you'll cheat."
JS: "I'll let you look it up."
NG: "Bah, fuck that, like I'd trust someone who'd vote for Obama."
JS: "Does that mean you don't want to bet?"
NG: >silence<
JS: "But you were so confident."
NG: >glares, looks down, looks around at people, LEAVES PARTY WITHOUT ANOTHER WORD<

The best part of this story is what happens next. There was a group of 6 20-25ish kids there who work with my sister. As we silently watch Navy Guy take his walk of shame to his car, the "leader" of this little group indicates me and says, "Man, if that guy is voting for Obama, I am too," which is roundly huzzahed by his followers. I pretty much felt like Neo in the Matrix.

So, +17 for Obama Friday night in Florida. But even better, 2 solid hours of stomping bullshit into the ground culminating in seeing Emperor Bullshit exposed as having no clothes, after all.

I hope that dude drove home crying and punching his leg.

angelbutt_dollface posted:

So, Obamarama Megathread, I come to you with a story you might like.

I was at a Halloween party Friday night that fluctuated from 25-40 people during the night. This is in a VERY conservative part of Florida, and basically everyone at this party except myself and my girlfriend is at the very low end of the socioeconomic scale, Wal-mart workers, Waffle House waitresses, etc. We are all sitting out in the backyard of my sister's place with a roaring fire and all the food and alcohol you could hope for and then some motherfucker has to bring up politics.

Can you imagine who these people are voting for? I think you can. So for the next two hours or so, I took on all comers, and won, constantly, every single time. With my trusty laptop computer I proceeded to prove every single bullshit claim about the Senator's policies wrong.

"He's going to take what I have and give it to others!" FUCKING OWNED.
"He's going to destroy small businesses!" FUCKING OWNED.
"He'll surrender in Iraq and lose all we've gained!" FUCKING OWNED.
<just about any other policy question you can think of> FUCKING OWNED.

And so, once they had exhausted all possible policy arguments against Senator Obama, it was time to pull out the racism and lies. But your humble correspondent was more than ready, and again it was time for people to get FUCKING OWNED.

"He's a 'secret' Muslim!" FUCKING OWNED.
"He's a communist!" FUCKING OWNED.
"He's friends with terrorists!" FUCKING OWNED.
"He changed his last name from Osama to Obama!" FUCKING OWNED.

At long last, there was only one fellow still standing against me, a late 20s/early 30s Navy guy who had not dared to face me directly all night but who I had seen whispering shit to other people, who I then proceeded to fucking destroy.

Now, I don't want to make too much of this, but I want you all to understand just how bad-ass this scenario really is. For 2 hours, 2 solid hours, I've been standing in front of this flickering fire taking down all comers with calmness, dignity, and aplomb. I've convinced 10+ of these people to vote for their own and their country's fucking self-interest this election instead of voting based on fear being sold by assholes. And now, at long last, their chief himself steps up.

I am not making this up. Every single person at this party is now looking at the two of us, and from the remaining McCain people there is a palpable air of "Oh, SHIT, our Navy guy is about to rip his shit up!" It's like the end of a Dragonball Z episode or something. This is what happens, nearly verbatim.

Navy Guy: "You're going to vote for a man who isn't even a fucking AMERICAN!"
JS: "What do you mean?"
NG: "He wasn't even born in America! He had to renounce his American citizenship to go to his Muslim school in Indonesia! He's not even a citizen!"
JS: "First of all, you're wrong, and second of all, he was like 4 years old. You can't renounce your citizenship when you're 4 any more than you can sign a legally binding contract. But that doesn't matter, because Senator Barack Obama is an American who was born in Hawaii."
NG: "Aw, bullshit. Go ahead and vote for someone who's not even an American."
JS: "So, you are certain about this? That a serving United States Senator whose background has been investigated probably more thoroughly than any other man in the history of the entire world has somehow managed to hide the fact that he is not even an American citizen? Is that what you are saying?"
NG: "Damn right."
JS: "And you are sure about this?"
NG: "One. Hundred. Percent."

I have you now.

JS: "Then let's put our money where our mouths are."
NG: >bright-eyed "confrontation grin" begins to crack< "What do you mean?"
JS: "Well, you've made a pretty vicious slander against Senator Obama, and you've claimed you are certain it is true. I can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is not. So how about this. If you aren't completely full of shit and just flat-out knowingly lying, let's make a bet on it. If you win, I will donate what we bet to Senator McCain's campaign. And if I win, you will donate what we bet to Senator Barack Obama."
NG: >grin is gone, I can smell panic< "Fine. How much?"
JS: "Two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars."
NG: >silence, looks around at the audience<
JS: >extends hand<
NG: "Well, now-"
JS: "Do you want to bet, or don't you? Because if you don't, I think it might be indicative that you are lying."
NG: >silence, sense of mounting panic<
JS: "I have my credit card with me and my computer, and I'm ready to put my money where my mouth is. How about it?"
NG: "Well, you know, you can get whatever you want to come up on that computer."
JS: "Does that mean you don't want to bet?"
NG: "I just know you'll cheat."
JS: "I'll let you look it up."
NG: "Bah, fuck that, like I'd trust someone who'd vote for Obama."
JS: "Does that mean you don't want to bet?"
NG: >silence<
JS: "But you were so confident."
NG: >glares, looks down, looks around at people, LEAVES PARTY WITHOUT ANOTHER WORD<

The best part of this story is what happens next. There was a group of 6 20-25ish kids there who work with my sister. As we silently watch Navy Guy take his walk of shame to his car, the "leader" of this little group indicates me and says, "Man, if that guy is voting for Obama, I am too," which is roundly huzzahed by his followers. I pretty much felt like Neo in the Matrix.

So, +17 for Obama Friday night in Florida. But even better, 2 solid hours of stomping bullshit into the ground culminating in seeing Emperor Bullshit exposed as having no clothes, after all.

I hope that dude drove home crying and punching his leg.

*kickflips outta there*

whaps double poast

angelbutt_dollface posted:

So, Obamarama Megathread, I come to you with a story you might like.

I was at a Halloween party Friday night that fluctuated from 25-40 people during the night. This is in a VERY conservative part of Florida, and basically everyone at this party except myself and my girlfriend is at the very low end of the socioeconomic scale, Wal-mart workers, Waffle House waitresses, etc. We are all sitting out in the backyard of my sister's place with a roaring fire and all the food and alcohol you could hope for and then some motherfucker has to bring up politics.

Can you imagine who these people are voting for? I think you can. So for the next two hours or so, I took on all comers, and won, constantly, every single time. With my trusty laptop computer I proceeded to prove every single bullshit claim about the Senator's policies wrong.

"He's going to take what I have and give it to others!" FUCKING OWNED.
"He's going to destroy small businesses!" FUCKING OWNED.
"He'll surrender in Iraq and lose all we've gained!" FUCKING OWNED.
<just about any other policy question you can think of> FUCKING OWNED.

And so, once they had exhausted all possible policy arguments against Senator Obama, it was time to pull out the racism and lies. But your humble correspondent was more than ready, and again it was time for people to get FUCKING OWNED.

"He's a 'secret' Muslim!" FUCKING OWNED.
"He's a communist!" FUCKING OWNED.
"He's friends with terrorists!" FUCKING OWNED.
"He changed his last name from Osama to Obama!" FUCKING OWNED.

At long last, there was only one fellow still standing against me, a late 20s/early 30s Navy guy who had not dared to face me directly all night but who I had seen whispering shit to other people, who I then proceeded to fucking destroy.

Now, I don't want to make too much of this, but I want you all to understand just how bad-ass this scenario really is. For 2 hours, 2 solid hours, I've been standing in front of this flickering fire taking down all comers with calmness, dignity, and aplomb. I've convinced 10+ of these people to vote for their own and their country's fucking self-interest this election instead of voting based on fear being sold by assholes. And now, at long last, their chief himself steps up.

I am not making this up. Every single person at this party is now looking at the two of us, and from the remaining McCain people there is a palpable air of "Oh, SHIT, our Navy guy is about to rip his shit up!" It's like the end of a Dragonball Z episode or something. This is what happens, nearly verbatim.

Navy Guy: "You're going to vote for a man who isn't even a fucking AMERICAN!"
JS: "What do you mean?"
NG: "He wasn't even born in America! He had to renounce his American citizenship to go to his Muslim school in Indonesia! He's not even a citizen!"
JS: "First of all, you're wrong, and second of all, he was like 4 years old. You can't renounce your citizenship when you're 4 any more than you can sign a legally binding contract. But that doesn't matter, because Senator Barack Obama is an American who was born in Hawaii."
NG: "Aw, bullshit. Go ahead and vote for someone who's not even an American."
JS: "So, you are certain about this? That a serving United States Senator whose background has been investigated probably more thoroughly than any other man in the history of the entire world has somehow managed to hide the fact that he is not even an American citizen? Is that what you are saying?"
NG: "Damn right."
JS: "And you are sure about this?"
NG: "One. Hundred. Percent."

I have you now.

JS: "Then let's put our money where our mouths are."
NG: >bright-eyed "confrontation grin" begins to crack< "What do you mean?"
JS: "Well, you've made a pretty vicious slander against Senator Obama, and you've claimed you are certain it is true. I can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is not. So how about this. If you aren't completely full of shit and just flat-out knowingly lying, let's make a bet on it. If you win, I will donate what we bet to Senator McCain's campaign. And if I win, you will donate what we bet to Senator Barack Obama."
NG: >grin is gone, I can smell panic< "Fine. How much?"
JS: "Two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars."
NG: >silence, looks around at the audience<
JS: >extends hand<
NG: "Well, now-"
JS: "Do you want to bet, or don't you? Because if you don't, I think it might be indicative that you are lying."
NG: >silence, sense of mounting panic<
JS: "I have my credit card with me and my computer, and I'm ready to put my money where my mouth is. How about it?"
NG: "Well, you know, you can get whatever you want to come up on that computer."
JS: "Does that mean you don't want to bet?"
NG: "I just know you'll cheat."
JS: "I'll let you look it up."
NG: "Bah, fuck that, like I'd trust someone who'd vote for Obama."
JS: "Does that mean you don't want to bet?"
NG: >silence<
JS: "But you were so confident."
NG: >glares, looks down, looks around at people, LEAVES PARTY WITHOUT ANOTHER WORD<

The best part of this story is what happens next. There was a group of 6 20-25ish kids there who work with my sister. As we silently watch Navy Guy take his walk of shame to his car, the "leader" of this little group indicates me and says, "Man, if that guy is voting for Obama, I am too," which is roundly huzzahed by his followers. I pretty much felt like Neo in the Matrix.

So, +17 for Obama Friday night in Florida. But even better, 2 solid hours of stomping bullshit into the ground culminating in seeing Emperor Bullshit exposed as having no clothes, after all.

I hope that dude drove home crying and punching his leg.

Flawless technique.


marxism is a western-chauvinist way to oppose islamism without blatantly supporting america
[account deactivated]
publish that to the front page imo
me: bitch im lugubrious
[account deactivated]

HenryKrinkle posted:


me irl

"Roundly Huzzahed Like Neo In The Matrix" is the working title of my autobiography

discipline posted:

you better already?

ya my fever broke thurs nite

[account deactivated]

HenryKrinkle posted:


For the sake of brevity, we’ll sum up the Times’s profile of 23-year-old Bhaskar Sunkara. He was raised in Westchester County, one of the country’s wealthiest suburbs. He attended the George Washington University, ranked as America’s most expensive college while he was there. After college, he settled in Bedford-Stuyvesant, founding the country’s most exciting neo-Marxist journal, Jacobin, which recently published a “radical analysis of the Onion’s online reality-television satire ‘Sex House’ ” and is named after a movement whose signature achievement was the Reign of Terror. Naturally, all this merits glowing coverage by the Times, even though Jacobin doesn’t have enough subscribers to fill a minor league baseball stadium.

Sex House is really good.


ilmdge posted:

http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/she-the-people/wp/2013/01/26/murder-suicide-disturbing-trend-among-the-elderly/KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Golden years? Not every senior citizen thinks so.

Murder-suicide is occurring with alarming frequency among the elderly. This week a 93-year-old man reportedly stabbed his 95-year-old wife to death early Wednesday morning in their south Kansas City, Mo. home. Then he tried to stab himself in the chest, but failed to kill himself and woke up in the hospital.

Harry Irwin told a paramedic, “Yes, I killed her. And then killed myself. Why am I still awake?”

this is really sad & not surprising & ftge

jacobin is pretty good i read it even when i don't agree with everything

EO was right about sharia vis women's freedom, graph is incorrect.

Impper posted:

discipline why wld i die??

everyone who does drugs dies prematurely because drugs are immoral and cosmic karma comes back to collect what is owed.

[account deactivated]


"brilliant novel in my opinion" what a bunch of fucking clowns