ilmdge posted:Ironicwarcriminal posted:
“Heh, check out how dumb and brutal these soldiers are, they wouldn’t even hit a pregnant AMERICAN woman who was spitting on them”
cuz you'd better believe those guys that yuck it up about kids bring crushed under their wheels and gay guys being bombed from helicopters wouldn't mind socking her good if they were inthe Theatre of War.
Well yeah, soldiers are taught to dehumanize the enemy, what a scoop
Ironicwarcriminal posted:ilmdge posted:Ironicwarcriminal posted:
“Heh, check out how dumb and brutal these soldiers are, they wouldn’t even hit a pregnant AMERICAN woman who was spitting on them”
cuz you'd better believe those guys that yuck it up about kids bring crushed under their wheels and gay guys being bombed from helicopters wouldn't mind socking her good if they were inthe Theatre of War.Well yeah, soldiers are taught to dehumanize the enemy, what a scoop
Why do you quote funny

tpaine posted:Ironicwarcriminal posted:
ilmdge posted:
Ironicwarcriminal posted:
“Heh, check out how dumb and brutal these soldiers are, they wouldn’t even hit a pregnant AMERICAN woman who was spitting on them”
cuz you'd better believe those guys that yuck it up about kids bring crushed under their wheels and gay guys being bombed from helicopters wouldn't mind socking her good if they were inthe Theatre of War.
Well yeah, soldiers are taught to dehumanize the enemy, what a scope
what a scoop? oi, or is yer accent comin' threew the computah!
hope you're psyched for austraya day tomorrow T
i got punched at a baseball ceremony once for troop-hate, during the "lets give all these assholes a standing ovation" rites. i didnt stand and a guy behind me got mad and i said some very rude things to him - that i came here to watch a baseball game not to blow some cretin on his annual vacation from murdering afghani 9 year-olds - and got punched in the face. i didnt have to say that and he didnt have to punch me, all in all i consider it a fair exchange. no hard feelings.
i remember when i watched that movie 'restrepo' because i thought it could help cure me of my unpopular opinions about troops and help to humanize them and let me regard them with empathy. but it did the exact opposite - by the middle of the movie i was cheering when the taliban got a kill and sneering at the mournfully presented photos of lt. restrepo's idiot duckface and acoustic guitar. oh he writes songs? what a special little snowflake! jack johnson plays acoustic guitar too and nobody would care if he died in a war.... repulsive. the fact that tim hetherington was killed in a conflict zone after valorizing these people for public consumption proves that there is a just and loving god, and that he has a sense of humor.
thanks for creating a safe space for troop-hate on the net, it means a lot to people like me.
Edited by KilledInADuel ()
Edited by babyhueypnewton ()
KilledInADuel posted:that was BY FAR the worst part of Return of the Jedi.
No that’s the special effects quality of that thing in that dungeon at jabba’s palace that luke has to fight
ilmdge posted:mustang19 posted:ilmdge posted:I've literally irl spit on troops.
story please
there's a cute girl i know that really wanted to spit on soldiers but was afraid of being hit by them, and i told her she didn't have to worry because the same bizarre code of honor that allows troops to murder children in iraq tells them they can't hit a girl, but she was still scared so she put all this padding under her shrt to make her look pregnant and it owned so hard, she spit on them and the look on those dumb sheep's faces was one of total perplexion and you could actually see them searching for a course of action, you could read their transparent thoughts right in their eyes, but the problem with the fake pregnancy thing was that it would always give them an outlet, they'd always get on a soapbox and start talking about how it was thanks to them that her child would be able to be free so once she got a little more comfortable she ditched that safety net and now she just gets all nasty with them, screams at them and spits on them and dares them to beat the shit out of her, she a cute girl like 5'1 or something but totally full of venom like you wouldn't believe and she's a fixture now when these troops are coming thru dc and is really the best there is now at educating those dumb apes, and one time one of them actually did snap and slap her in the face and it gave her a busted lip and the whole crowd was like gasping tghat he would hit a woman and she loved every second of it and he was owned. btw huey this is karen im talking about rofl so you can just imagine what its like.
Wow, what a huge moral victory. Chalk up another win for the good guys.
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:are you trolling right now iwc??? god DAMNIT i am so pissed!!! *throws computer against wall* its a RANCOR! a GD RANCOR!!
Sorry I can’t take seriously these names that are just a modified English word
Like fukken “general grievance” or whatever his name was in episode 2
ilmdge posted:mustang19 posted:ilmdge posted:I've literally irl spit on troops.
story please
there's a cute girl i know that really wanted to spit on soldiers but was afraid of being hit by them, and i told her she didn't have to worry because the same bizarre code of honor that allows troops to murder children in iraq tells them they can't hit a girl, but she was still scared so she put all this padding under her shrt to make her look pregnant and it owned so hard, she spit on them and the look on those dumb sheep's faces was one of total perplexion and you could actually see them searching for a course of action, you could read their transparent thoughts right in their eyes, but the problem with the fake pregnancy thing was that it would always give them an outlet, they'd always get on a soapbox and start talking about how it was thanks to them that her child would be able to be free so once she got a little more comfortable she ditched that safety net and now she just gets all nasty with them, screams at them and spits on them and dares them to beat the shit out of her, she a cute girl like 5'1 or something but totally full of venom like you wouldn't believe and she's a fixture now when these troops are coming thru dc and is really the best there is now at educating those dumb apes, and one time one of them actually did snap and slap her in the face and it gave her a busted lip and the whole crowd was like gasping tghat he would hit a woman and she loved every second of it and he was owned. btw huey this is karen im talking about rofl so you can just imagine what its like.
lol this owns
KilledInADuel posted:i wish i found this lf thing sooner, i needed an outlet for this shit back in the day.
i got punched at a baseball ceremony once for troop-hate, during the "lets give all these assholes a standing ovation" rites. i didnt stand and a guy behind me got mad and i said some very rude things to him - that i came here to watch a baseball game not to blow some cretin on his annual vacation from murdering afghani 9 year-olds - and got punched in the face. i didnt have to say that and he didnt have to punch me, all in all i consider it a fair exchange. no hard feelings.
i remember when i watched that movie 'restrepo' because i thought it could help cure me of my unpopular opinions about troops and help to humanize them and let me regard them with empathy. but it did the exact opposite - by the middle of the movie i was cheering when the taliban got a kill and sneering at the mournfully presented photos of lt. restrepo's idiot duckface and acoustic guitar. oh he writes songs? what a special little snowflake! jack johnson plays acoustic guitar too and nobody would care if he died in a war.... repulsive. the fact that tim hetherington was killed in a conflict zone after valorizing these people for public consumption proves that there is a just and loving god, and that he has a sense of humor.
thanks for creating a safe space for troop-hate on the net, it means a lot to people like me.
you're welcome
babyhueypnewton posted:funniest thing about troops is they have like a million dollars worth of body armor and equipment to protect a neanderthal. because white supremacy is so absurd that even a single death of a white american against 100 arab deaths is unacceptable. america is a giant paper tiger, and the troops are the biggest paper tigers of all, million dollar "super-soldiers" who can't even fight against some 15 year old afghani kid with an ak-47.
i'd argue that the reason the military has focused so much on protecting soldiers is that they recognize the same point i made in the last paragraph: the deaths of soldiers is the only mechanism by which the american public become weary of war
babyhueypnewton posted:funniest thing about troops is they have like a million dollars worth of body armor and equipment to protect a neanderthal. because white supremacy is so absurd that even a single death of a white american against 100 arab deaths is unacceptable. america is a giant paper tiger, and the troops are the biggest paper tigers of all, million dollar "super-soldiers" who can't even fight against some 15 year old afghani kid with an ak-47.
i was reading that future weapons GIP thread and it really is astonishing how much they sincerely seem to believe that what america needs right now is fucking laser guns.
I dunno, i guess i blame popular culture for giving all these clowns a stupid idea of war
jeffery posted:bush-on-bike.jpg
Pictured: Two lying lie-guys, T1000 onlooker, and about $900 worth of sunglasses.
Edited by KilledInADuel ()
Ironicwarcriminal posted:babyhueypnewton posted:funniest thing about troops is they have like a million dollars worth of body armor and equipment to protect a neanderthal. because white supremacy is so absurd that even a single death of a white american against 100 arab deaths is unacceptable. america is a giant paper tiger, and the troops are the biggest paper tigers of all, million dollar "super-soldiers" who can't even fight against some 15 year old afghani kid with an ak-47.
i was reading that future weapons GIP thread and it really is astonishing how much they sincerely seem to believe that what america needs right now is fucking laser guns.
I dunno, i guess i blame popular culture for giving all these clowns a stupid idea of war
blame them for being awful. not every goofy pathology of every broken needledick sociopath is society's fault
Goethestein posted:Ironicwarcriminal posted:
babyhueypnewton posted:
funniest thing about troops is they have like a million dollars worth of body armor and equipment to protect a neanderthal. because white supremacy is so absurd that even a single death of a white american against 100 arab deaths is unacceptable. america is a giant paper tiger, and the troops are the biggest paper tigers of all, million dollar "super-soldiers" who can't even fight against some 15 year old afghani kid with an ak-47.
i was reading that future weapons GIP thread and it really is astonishing how much they sincerely seem to believe that what america needs right now is fucking laser guns.
I dunno, i guess i blame popular culture for giving all these clowns a stupid idea of war
blame them for being awful. not every goofy pathology of every broken needledick sociopath is society's fault
and yet it is society that produces them
swampman posted:new band name The Broken-Needle Dick Hypothesis
about 5 years ago on the radio a DJ was prattling on about some metal festival in adelaide and one of the bands was called "alleyway rape" and to this day i haven't heard a worse name