
jeffery posted:

i want a book on aesthetics. no not fuck n destory, but a reallll book on aesthetics.

the bible

on a similar note,
adorno Lol
im reading rouse up o young men of the new age and it Oens
i cant believe ppl choose aesthetics over morality, its like choosing flour over bread
nobody 'chooses' aesthetics over morality what are u talkin about
oh are we serious posting, my bad

cleanhands posted:

whats a good book on the morality of corruption, ive read a tiny amount about doping in cycling but there are obvious similarities to banking, penn state, the bbc/savile situation wrt keeping ppl in work, charity donations flowing etc and I Want Moar

“Informing yourself” about negative human behaviours such as corruption is counter-productive and will Wreck your brain. Why wallow in facts and processes that are going to make you more alienated and contemptful of humanity?


deadken posted:

adorno Lol

Minima Moralia was cool 2 read, Dialectic of Enlightenment was kinda ehh (jazz as an example of culture industry? sit down and listen to some cecil taylor, teddy, and tell me that with a straight face)

i have History and Freedom but i picked it up then put it down. i do think modernism is cool tho

adorno is an idiot
jazz fucking sucks
[account deactivated]
haha someone used the word "noobs" and it looks like it was allowed. i want to play this later when i get home. im gonna use all tpaine's favorite authors like groys, puig, grundlesworthy, prund, kleemo, borzdod, shogweef and nuggy

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

jazz fucking sucks

youre a dipshit lol

imppers posting has got a lot worse ever since he became in love now. guess thats a good reason to stay single until i die, i dont know if its possible for my posting to get worse but if it does i'll have nothing
[account deactivated]

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
jazz fucking sucks

youre a dipshit lol

cap'n jazz is alright

Jazz itself is just cacophonous mewlings to me with dreams above it’s station….america had to wait until Trap to finally get their equivalent of Europe’s classical music



Ironicwarcriminal posted:

EmanuelaBrolandi posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
jazz fucking sucks

youre a dipshit lol

cap'n jazz is alright

Jazz itself is just cacophonous mewlings to me with dreams above it’s station….america had to wait until Trap to finally get their equivalent of Europe’s classical music

Badbeedaboobupbup my ragtime honeeeey booboodop

Yeah I get it. I’m sure it was a real swell blast at the time but it’s 2012 now and needs to be put out to pasture along with flagpole sitting and leaded petrol.

discipline posted:

he probably posts these two word sick burns and then they giggle about it irl and feed each other strawberries and then nuzzle their noses together and tell each other how perfect they are

u say that like finding love and abandoning a bunch of internet degenerates is a bad thing

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

elemennop posted:

u say that like finding love and abandoning a bunch of internet degenerates is a bad thing

I love all yall too much to ever Really leave you..

you staying here forever was never really in doubt...


discipline posted:

he probably posts these two word sick burns and then they giggle about it irl and feed each other strawberries and then nuzzle their noses together and tell each other how perfect they are

Lol fagget


discipline posted:

he probably posts these two word sick burns and then they giggle about it irl and feed each other strawberries and then nuzzle their noses together and tell each other how perfect they are

well jel tbh

i like jazz but only when the drummers the bandleader

Ironicwarcriminal posted:


discipline posted:

he probably posts these two word sick burns and then they giggle about it irl and feed each other strawberries and then nuzzle their noses together and tell each other how perfect they are

dont post erotica here


gyrofry posted:

discipline posted:

he probably posts these two word sick burns and then they giggle about it irl and feed each other strawberries and then nuzzle their noses together and tell each other how perfect they are

dont post erotica here

don't romanceshame

what happened to the hardbros..... *tattoos 'NO GIRLS ALLOWED' over his heart*
unlike you, i'm not a cock-juggling-thunder-cunt who has a frozen banana up my ass with a doctor-who complex
who has the doctor-who complex??? the frozen banana? the cock-juggling-thunder-cunt? the ass?????? what the Fuck

EmanuelaBrolandi posted:


this might be more iwcs style if hes looking for something with more oomph than bop

jazz, feh
quick, someone get a doctor in here stat. *professional looking man in scrubs appears* GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE, NOT /THAT/ KIND OF DOCTOR *in stumbles a disheveled alcoholic with a torn sweater both reeking of the smell of cheap whiskey* oh thank christ, now, how do we modify this sentence clearly

Impper posted:

adorno is an idiot



stegosaurus posted:

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

this might be more iwcs style if hes looking for something with more oomph than bop

pharoah sanders is so cool

he cuts into this groove just like j.coltrane would have, explores the blue scales the same way, then glissandos and arpeggiates his way back to himself...

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