oh i thought you got that one dog. mybad
[account deactivated]
they seem happy
[account deactivated]
do you want one TG
Disproportionately Tiny Hat Is Watching You Masticate
yeah thatd be cool

tpaine posted:

so do i.

this is why i post at the rhizzone:

By allowing unobserved individual fixed effects to be factored out from the life satisfaction equation, an increase in the level of social interaction with friends and relatives is estimated to be worth up to an extra £85,000 a year. In terms of statistical significance, this is strikingly large. The estimated figure is even larger than that of getting married (which is worth approximately £50,000). It can compensate for nearly two-third in the loss of the happiness from going through a separation (minus £139,000) or unemployment (minus £143,000). It is also roughly nine times larger than the average real household income per capita in the dataset, which is around £9,800 a year.
the rhizzone. a place for friends.

actually though virtual interaction isn't a substitute for real human contact!! dont be fooled! remember to go out and press the flesh even if you rahter sit at the computer all day.

posting seems to be better than nohting however:
Conversely, as the social neuroscientist John Cacioppo has argued, loneliness is such a disabling condition that it compels the belief that the pursuit of relationships is a rock-bottom fundamental to human well-being.

Edited by ilmdge ()


ilmdge posted:

this is why i post at the rhizzone:

By allowing unobserved individual fixed effects to be factored out from the life satisfaction equation, an increase in the level of social interaction with friends and relatives is estimated to be worth up to an extra £85,000 a year. In terms of statistical significance, this is strikingly large. The estimated figure is even larger than that of getting married (which is worth approximately £50,000). It can compensate for nearly two-third in the loss of the happiness from going through a separation (minus £139,000) or unemployment (minus £143,000). It is also roughly nine times larger than the average real household income per capita in the dataset, which is around £9,800 a year.

this is really cool how they use monetary values for their life satisfaction scale. also really cool: getting married is worth 50k and a separation is -139k. are you bold enough to play those odds??


ilmdge posted:

the rhizzone. a place for friends.

actually though virtual interaction isn't a substitute for real human contact!! dont be fooled! remember to go out and press the flesh even if you rahter sit at the computer all day.

posting seems to be better than nohting however:
Conversely, as the social neuroscientist John Cacioppo has argued, loneliness is such a disabling condition that it compels the belief that the pursuit of relationships is a rock-bottom fundamental to human well-being.

hell is other people

how many euros is a girthy 8-incher worth?

are we allowed to post about our penii on here? or is that considered chode-shaming?
Would you rather have the small pox from Michael J. Fox, or have your Choda licked by Yoda?

*does indian head bobble*

ilmdge posted:

ilmdge posted:

this is why i post at the rhizzone:

By allowing unobserved individual fixed effects to be factored out from the life satisfaction equation, an increase in the level of social interaction with friends and relatives is estimated to be worth up to an extra £85,000 a year. In terms of statistical significance, this is strikingly large. The estimated figure is even larger than that of getting married (which is worth approximately £50,000). It can compensate for nearly two-third in the loss of the happiness from going through a separation (minus £139,000) or unemployment (minus £143,000). It is also roughly nine times larger than the average real household income per capita in the dataset, which is around £9,800 a year.

this is really cool how they use monetary values for their life satisfaction scale. also really cool: getting married is worth 50k and a separation is -139k. are you bold enough to play those odds??

no because thats the cost of a wedding alone. people are irrational

im going to get married. probably in my late twenties. it'll last about three years and then end in a really horrible divorce. then i'll probably do it again and i'll be really happy and my writing will get even worse
ill probably get married at the last possible minute in my mid to late thirties and not have any kids and we'll just fukkin party it up and die in a tandem BASE jumping "accident"

deadken posted:

im going to get married. probably in my late twenties. it'll last about three years and then end in a really horrible divorce. then i'll probably do it again and i'll be really happy and my writing will get even worse

i didn't know gay marriage was possible in england. Heh.


AmericanNazbro posted:

deadken posted:

im going to get married. probably in my late twenties. it'll last about three years and then end in a really horrible divorce. then i'll probably do it again and i'll be really happy and my writing will get even worse

i didn't know gay marriage was possible in england. Heh.



tpaine posted:

listen to this while you try to comprehend that image

i tried to get into sgm but they're too devin townsend monkeycheese like these canucks


deadken posted:

im going to get married. probably in my late twenties. it'll last about three years and then end in a really horrible divorce. then i'll probably do it again and i'll be really happy and my writing will get even worse

none of thi;s will happen, except, the last part


VoxNihili posted:

deadken posted:

im going to get married. probably in my late twenties. it'll last about three years and then end in a really horrible divorce. then i'll probably do it again and i'll be really happy and my writing will get even worse

none of thi;s will happen, except, the last part

clarification: the part AFTER "really happy"


mustang19 posted:

ilmdge posted:

ilmdge posted:

this is why i post at the rhizzone:

By allowing unobserved individual fixed effects to be factored out from the life satisfaction equation, an increase in the level of social interaction with friends and relatives is estimated to be worth up to an extra £85,000 a year. In terms of statistical significance, this is strikingly large. The estimated figure is even larger than that of getting married (which is worth approximately £50,000). It can compensate for nearly two-third in the loss of the happiness from going through a separation (minus £139,000) or unemployment (minus £143,000). It is also roughly nine times larger than the average real household income per capita in the dataset, which is around £9,800 a year.

this is really cool how they use monetary values for their life satisfaction scale. also really cool: getting married is worth 50k and a separation is -139k. are you bold enough to play those odds??

no because thats the cost of a wedding alone. people are irrational

weddings do not cost 50k gbp

as one of the few married members of the forum i feel it is my duty to chime in and say
[account deactivated]
she registered to post here and then realized how you're all a bunch of TURDS and didn't keep with it
does she know about goatstein's incentive program