It's a common misconception among bourgeois sources that Pol Pot is responsible for 3 million deaths. Not so; some were from the Vietnamese and the rest from the US Air Force.

However, even despite these catastrophes, close analysis of life expectancy trends coupled with comparison with appropriate control groups displays how dramatically Pol Pot permanently crushed feudalism and ensured the prosperity of generations to come.

We can see the same pattern with the Derg revolution in Ethiopia. In 1974 the Soviets aided the Ethiopian people in establishing a fraternal socialist state in the country which proceeded to liberate the country from Western imperialism. The results speak for themselves.

In conclusion, everything you learned from social studies class and Noam Chomsky is wrong.

Generative grammerists will be the first up against the wall when the revolution comes.

Edited by mustang19 ()

[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

I'll grind your bones to bake my bread

I do not believe that is scientific comrade.

seems legit
noam chomsky was among the few khmer rouge cheerleaders in the West iirc

littlegreenpills posted:

noam chomsky was among the few khmer rouge cheerleaders in the West iirc

Not so, he claimed that "Pol Pot's atrocities... may have been exaggerated by a factor of a thousand," implying such atrocities ever occurred.


littlegreenpills posted:

noam chomsky was among the few khmer rouge cheerleaders in the West iirc

apart from the united states government Lol

also what's the deal with using bourgeois methods to undermine bourgeois conclusions. why is a man who dies to put money in the pocket of a capitalist somehow mourned with equal weight of tears as a man who died while, willingly or otherwise, forging a new and pure civilization from the festering dungheap of the old. we really need to think about the proper ratio comrades

littlegreenpills posted:

also what's the deal with using bourgeois methods to undermine bourgeois conclusions.

Indeed. Using official Pol Pot-era data only strengthens the conclusions.

why is a man who dies to put money in the pocket of a capitalist somehow mourned with equal weight of tears as a man who died while, willingly or otherwise, forging a new and pure civilization from the festering dungheap of the old. we really need to think about the proper ratio comrades

No tears will be shed by this comrade for loss of Chomsky's book sales.

[account deactivated]
It is sometimes ironic to use the tools of the bourgeois against them. As the last capitalist is hanged, another will emerge to sell us an MSPaint package to draw the noose around his neck.

littlegreenpills posted:

also what's the deal with using bourgeois methods to undermine bourgeois conclusions. why is a man who dies to put money in the pocket of a capitalist somehow mourned with equal weight of tears as a man who died while, willingly or otherwise, forging a new and pure civilization from the festering dungheap of the old. we really need to think about the proper ratio comrades

Epic this. As Althusser says, Marxist science must be evaluated on its own terms and by its own method of philosophy. Only revolutionary communists are qualified to judge Cambodia based on it's adherence to Marxist-Leninist science, all bourgeois empiricism masquerading as "facts" must be fought.


mustang19 posted:

It is sometimes ironic to use the tools of the bourgeois against them. As the last capitalist is hanged, another will emerge to sell us an MSPaint package to draw the noose around his neck.

This is really the only reason to learn anything, for the value of trolling people. It's not like you can convince a liberal with enough argument that Obama is bad or that they are imperialist scum, the best you can do is make them mad. And possibly have the rest of the room erupt into applause as you OWN their arguments one by one.

[account deactivated]

mustang19 posted:

discipline posted:

I'll grind your bones to bake my bread

I do not believe that is scientific comrade.
