i kind of did the same thing there that i did here, and only a few weeks later. up until that point we had classes that were based around discussing the reading, i had some internship work that i was getting paid to do, and of course i had the graduate level workload of reading. i enjoyed a lot of that, just because it is always interesting to hear people's opinions, and i got good grades and everything, but i just didnt feel like doing the final. i have a nine page literature review for the paper on afghan opium that i never finished, that was going to be the basis of the poppy thread i haven't written. that bit on the structural adjustment program. tried to pick stuff i thought would be interesting, but in the end i didnt feel like writing any of it, and didnt feel like i could do it right there. so i kind of disappeared and stopped going, then i showed up a few weeks later all apologetic and explanatory. nobody seemed mad, i did a little bit of wrap up work for the professors i had been studying under, and i took what i guess would be my normal winter break and just sort of did whatever i felt like, which was nice, and made my family and friends pretty happy.
i had all these great posts that i was going to write or whatever. and i still like to write a lot, but i didnt feel like writing just then, which i think is understandable.
now i have made the transition from politics to aesthetics. i am working the front desk at a beauty academy. i am going to drive around a little bit. i am going to go to college for something different besides political science in a few months, which connects with some other stuff that i have studied before and am more interested in. i was going to do this funny post about a genderqueer holiday, but i never got around to writing that, and that was going to be a great pretext to sparking a discussion about... some stuff. and i still dont feel like doing that yet. this is why i am not a good moderator, but i dont think anybody super cares.
dont say someone has killed themselves unless youre really sure!! are you guys Nuts?!
AmericanNazbro posted:but how can we be sure you aren't a ghost trying to trick us
im assuming this but also i wrote a big long response to that post u made before boncles, u might like to check it out.
i would still really like to post a thread about opium in afghanistan. i will revise the lit review and turn it into a cool thread.
i would also like to post in the mali thread soon. since the worst possible thing seems to happening there we should talk about that.
please make sure to circle a section of my post and write "Tone" so i become a better writer
bonclay posted:please make sure to circle a section of my post and write "Tone" so i become a better writer
Post a picture of your abs
im a deeply sad and fucked up person lol
swampman posted:test
good use of negative space
tpaine posted:ok if tom appears and starts posting again i'm going to read the bible
not the quran?
i think i could really get into islam. it would be awesome to think that it was really important to walk around a giant cube. life would be so much more straightforward. it seems so vulgar that there are pictures of the cube. way to spoil the secret internet
animedad posted:vile rat is dead and bonclay is alive
Bad news about that - bon clay committed suicide a few minutes ago.