
Ironicwarcriminal posted:

Some Lois Waquant on hyperghettos and working class territories. I’ve decided to try and get deeper into critical geography because it’s the only thing apart from smoking that I feel I can kind of mentally excel at. Anybody with suggestions pls post them, stuff along Harvey’s lines, from anywhere in the world on any scale but relating 2 geography tia

have you read Hollow Land *says this real spookily*

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

Crow posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
Some Lois Waquant on hyperghettos and working class territories. I’ve decided to try and get deeper into critical geography because it’s the only thing apart from smoking that I feel I can kind of mentally excel at. Anybody with suggestions pls post them, stuff along Harvey’s lines, from anywhere in the world on any scale but relating 2 geography tia

have you read Hollow Land *says this real spookily*

Just finished it two weeks ago and I loved it. It’s like: there are a lot of concepts in ‘purer’ strands of philosophy or sociology that go over my head or I don’t quite understand but that make sense once I see geographical examples of it and Hollow Land definitely did that. I’m probably gonna re-read it soon.


tpaine posted:

Nice books. HOw did you get Cyclonopedia to float like that

looks like someone only has a pdf and not the real deal holyfield. here's a hint: the hard thing is to keep the print edition of cyclonopedia from floating.

[account deactivated]
o yeah
[account deactivated]
red salute.
Came here from reddit. No clue what the fuck is going on. Reading Empire of Chaos by Samir Amin.

DeathgodFranklin posted:

Came here from reddit. No clue what the fuck is going on.

You're talking to other people through the World Wide Web! Hello, pottymouth! Red salute!


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

Some Lois Waquant on hyperghettos and working class territories. I’ve decided to try and get deeper into critical geography because it’s the only thing apart from smoking that I feel I can kind of mentally excel at. Anybody with suggestions pls post them, stuff along Harvey’s lines, from anywhere in the world on any scale but relating 2 geography tia

have u read caldeira's City of Walls? about the balkanized cities of brazil, specifically sao paolo

Congrats to Keven on conquering another medium. #1 on the zzone, #1 comment on reddit. Thanks and you're welcome.

tpaine posted:

The Rhizzone is the place where all the transphobes, racists, brocialists and general sociopaths wound up once the LF community could police itself and ban these people. Having been a poster on LF before and after it got thrown off of SomethingAwful I can assure you that the clique behind the Rhizzone includes open antisemites, transphobes and a guy who used the story of a rape victim without her permission and incorporated it in his shitty 'ironic' novel "Fuck and Destroy" These people have nothing in common with the good comrades of the LF community like mccaine.

hahahhah fuck and destroy, the novel in which a gorgeous redheaded teen manic pixie dreamgirl named Avril/April is rescued from an exciting life of being serially raped by literally every male person she encounters. also features a protagonist with the same name as the author, illustrated by glowing paragraphs about his workout routine and rippling muscles that drive all the ladies insaaaane. also a cool scene where his pregnant ex girlfriend who works at a fetish club locks him in a public cage and then rips his nipples off while "punks" look on and cheer.

is this true johnathan

yeah i guess that is


Keven posted:

Congrats to Keven on conquering another medium. #1 on the zzone, #1 comment on reddit. Thanks and you're welcome.

haha getfiscals funny post was +9 when i saw it last night and it's down to +4 now

4 points (55% like it)
19 up votes 15 down votes

very polarizing, fringus

[account deactivated]
im pretty sure thats just maggotmaster
that's probably maggot master.
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

they didn't mention "a guy who is a sociopathic weirdo even though his SEINFELD GIMMICK was the highlight of old lf" and i feel bad that i'm not as notorious as tom or shirley

you couldnt really make one of that thing about wddp because it'd just be "he slept on a pile of laundry bags and never went outside but... uh.... he, uh..."


DeathgodFranklin posted:

Came here from reddit. No clue what the fuck is going on. Reading Empire of Chaos by Samir Amin.

welcome, comrade, to.... *thunderclap* a place where saying 'fail aids' is funny and acceptable


angelbutt_dollface posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
Some Lois Waquant on hyperghettos and working class territories. I’ve decided to try and get deeper into critical geography because it’s the only thing apart from smoking that I feel I can kind of mentally excel at. Anybody with suggestions pls post them, stuff along Harvey’s lines, from anywhere in the world on any scale but relating 2 geography tia

have u read caldeira's City of Walls? about the balkanized cities of brazil, specifically sao paolo

No but I just checked it out, that sort of thing about urban spaces and boundaries is (heh)….right up my alley

its pretty dope. fond memories from my intro level sociocultural anthropology class. and later other work of hers in my urban anthro class

city of walls is longer than it needs to be but im not sure you're allowed to say that about a work of social science?

along the same lines (brazilian urban environments are really interesting) i also read an article distilled from this book, The Modernist City by James Holston about the horrifying, atomizing, distopian vision that is Brasilia. he has a lot of interesting Theory in there about the definition of "the street"

Edited by angelbutt_dollface ()


DeathgodFranklin posted:

Came here from reddit. No clue what the fuck is going on. Reading Empire of Chaos by Samir Amin.

red salute!

hail skroob!


DeathgodFranklin posted:

Came here from reddit. No clue what the fuck is going on. Reading Empire of Chaos by Samir Amin.

oh have you read The Liberal Virus? i really want to read that together with Liberalism: A Counter-History by Domenico Losurdo


angelbutt_dollface posted:

its pretty dope. fond memories from my intro level sociocultural anthropology class. and later other work of hers in my urban anthro class

city of walls is longer than it needs to be but im not sure you're allowed to say that about a work of social science?

bahahaha totally

this is by a journalist (boo) and i'm trying to move into reading more academic things but it's a good read if you're interested in this sort of stuff


Brasilia is weird, but quite similar to Canberra in a lot of ways and man does Canberra suck balls. The Brazilian form is very interesting I agree, especially in the regional cities (I saw pictures of Londrina recently and totally wasn’t expecting what it was) and I don’t know much about it so thx u for your recommendations.

speaking of alienating, while i know that attitudes to modernism were a lot different 50 years ago, i will never understand how something like the Empire State Plaza got built in a provincial American city. A giant, brutalizing space surrounded by dilapitated row-homes and narrow colonial streets.

truly bizzare
that looks fuckin awesome
p sure the idea was it was supposed to have people in it, but then technology happened
like what the fuck is this doing in upstate new york, it looks like it should be the West Beijing People's Library or something


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

speaking of alienating, while i know that attitudes to modernism were a lot different 50 years ago, i will never understand how something like the Empire State Plaza got built in a provincial American city. A giant, brutalizing space surrounded by dilapitated row-homes and narrow colonial streets.

truly bizzare


wasted posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
speaking of alienating, while i know that attitudes to modernism were a lot different 50 years ago, i will never understand how something like the Empire State Plaza got built in a provincial American city. A giant, brutalizing space surrounded by dilapitated row-homes and narrow colonial streets.

truly bizzare

oh wow cool i didn't know there was a TV series on this, thx

i TAed for a modern architecture class and the whole time i was like 'do these guys have any conception of human beings real needs' and then he would every so often bring up stuff that made it clear they didn't. like the new disney concert hall was made out of shiny curved steel and was actually making spots on the sidewalk 120 degrees and blinding people in nearby office buildings, so they had to get some people to come out with sandpaper and rough up a few sections.
we watched this too



Makeshift_Swahili posted:

lol i chilled there for a bit, talked to some students, interesting place

its cool because its just across this patch of scrubland from a serbian orthodox cathedral that was half-built before the war and its now surrounded by barbed wire and heroin