Crow posted:
The_Schliski posted:What wasn't coincidental, however, was my distended abdomen, bloating beneath the ribcage of an otherwise nominally ungross, skinny tall person.
The McRib is Back, baby!!
The_Schliski posted:I started exercising again but this activity's resumption's temporal proximity to artifactual cultural norms was coincidental.
What wasn't coincidental, however, was my distended abdomen, bloating beneath the ribcage of an otherwise nominally ungross, skinny tall person.
stop drinking beer or soda
littlegreenpills posted:taco bell causes diarrhea and pizza hut causes constipation. so in theory if you eat both mixed together you will create a quantum singularity in ur butt allowing u to metabolize unlimited amounts of matter
there's no taco bell or pizza hut in downtown montreal. why did i move here.
drwhat posted:I dispute your claim of nominal ungrossness, rhizzone poster
AmericanNazbro posted:stop drinking beer or soda
drinking soda at lunch no matter what but having decaf, weakly-sweetened tea for dinner isn't bad which was surprising and eventually no sugar in the tea will help a little bit too ~watch and weight goons~
gastarbeiter posted:my 2013 resolution is to smoke more often
I hope you mean smarties. That's what I smoke., is smarties instead of weed, but nobody ever means smarties. its a lonely life i lead, smoking smarties and talking about them on message board, instead of doing that with weed. sometimes i think i've made a terrible mistake.
Crow posted:
deadken posted:i ate kangaroo. in a restaurant in the french alps. Weird,
Hahaha what did you think? I personally really like it but i wouldn't trust the fucking Swiss to cook it.
Also i got like a takeaway fried rice and chicken in switzerland and it was like 23 dollars that place is retarded
deadken posted:it was nice i guess. like beef but tougher... i mean a couple of days later i had a bleu steak and i can kinda see why cows are widely farmed meat livestock and kangaroo aren't.... you're right though, i don't know if a bunch of savoyards are the best people to be preparing it
Come to Australia and I’ll cook some for you properly on the bbq.
More people should be eating it tbqh, it’s orders of magnitude less ecologically destructive than beef for a start.
deadken posted:we drove to the airport just as the season was really starting and it was incredible, the other lane on all these narrow mountain roads was choked with parisians sitting in their cars and hooting, i don't think the traffic jam moved an inch between peisey and the motorway
I re-read the map and the territory recently and had forgotten that basically the climax of the book is Jed going to Switzerland, commenting sourly on the place then beating up a woman who works at the assisted suicide facility and catching a train back to Paris lmao.
its weird that the map & the territory was the one that finally got houellebecq recognition from the literary establishment, its far from his best work. that bit was cool tho, and the stuff about the policeman and his childless dogful economics-discussion-y marriage as well
What have you been reading recently? I tried a bit of Will Self but it might just be a bit too English for me……….Nazi literature of the Americas by Bolano was kewl
deadken posted:which one? what i like about self is his un-englishness i think, he's openly indebted to celine and his works lack the mildness that blights our culture.... i suppose its different if youre not from here. i just finished exams so ive mostly been reading course texts... it was on modernism but didnt delve into the avant-garde, dubliners rather than ulysses kinda thing.... one of them was good morning midnight by jean rhys which i really enjoyed, it had the Bitterness, some of it read a lil bit like imppers stuff lol
The Butt, but I was in a shitty post-New Years Eve mood when I started reading it so i'll keep it up
deadken posted:lol isnt that the one thats a satire on australia
Yeah but it’s not Australia it’s like a weird morphology of Australia with some Asian or African country and I can’t quite get my head around it.
deadken posted:the only place ive ever been to in switzerland is geneva airport and lemme tell ya that place SUCKS
geneva? nah mate i just met 'er!
Ironicwarcriminal posted:I don’t know why there’s so much handwringing over the fiscal problems of the EU when the obvious solution is just to invade and occupy Switzerland and use their gold to balance the budget. Like sure they’ve got their “militia” or whatever but some French and British bombing runs followed by EU cleaning squads comprising of unemployed Iberian and Greek youth would make light work of their little mountain wonderland.
also take one of the cantons and make it a Roma Homeland lol
Ironicwarcriminal posted:I re-read the map and the territory recently and had forgotten that basically the climax of the book is Jed going to Switzerland, commenting sourly on the place then beating up a woman who works at the assisted suicide facility and catching a train back to Paris lmao.
ive never read houellebecq & dont know his works but somehow knew that was to whose writing you referred
in my head i imagine he is kind of a dilettante, brand-name-dropping-in-a-hipstery-version-of-friedman-kinda-way 'french' counterpart of mishima which is exactly what that little snippet seems to evoke
Ironicwarcriminal posted:The Butt