Trade unions still seem to hold some measure of control in Philadelphia, and they are standing up to protect it. I'm sure you've heard stories about the powerful Philadelphia unions before. This time, it's the Quakers that decided to go non-union, and the union is fighting back.


It was probably back in 1997, though some think it might have been even earlier, when the Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting concluded that it had outgrown its space and that it was high time to erect a new building. But because it is not the Quaker way to rush into things, the group spent a few more years reflecting on whether it should buy land on Mermaid Lane for the new meetinghouse.

Even after the group sealed the deal in 2003, there was still plenty more talking and thinking and praying to be done about the undertaking. There was a "dialogue session" to articulate the group's "touchstone values," then, a year later, a workshop with a facilitator, and, finally - just to be certain - a retreat for members.

As agonizing as the process was, the result is a trim little design, faced in traditional Wissahickon schist, that will visibly reflect the ideals Quakers hold dear, from respect for the environment to plain old good neighborliness. And yet, in one crucial way, the $5.8 million project now under construction is also a frank acknowledgment of real-world conditions: To afford Philadelphia's first new Quaker meetinghouse in 80 years, the Chestnut Hill Friends felt their only option was to employ a nonunion contractor.

And now they are paying the price.

Four days before Christmas, the Friends' world was rocked by the sort of violence they have devoted their lives to stamping out.

Vandals with an acetylene torch crept onto the project's muddy construction site in the middle of the night. Working out of view in the meetinghouse's freshly cemented basement, they sliced off dozens of bolts securing the bare steel columns and set fire to the building crane, causing $500,000 in damage.

Police detectives deemed the attack arson because of a series of confrontational visits from union officials days before the incident. They say the torch could only have been operated by a trained professional, and believe it was almost certainly the work of disgruntled union members. The city has assigned extra investigators to the case and is working with federal forensic experts to track down the vandals, said Michael Resnick, the city's public safety commissioner.

It sounds like something out of the '50s movie On the Waterfront, not modern-day Philadelphia.

In many ways, the city's building sites are still run like those fictional dockyards. Trade unions dictate hiring at virtually all large construction projects in the city. Their dominance has had the virtue of ensuring that members receive good salaries and generous benefits, on par with those in New York. But it has also made construction exceptionally expensive here. Those high costs, real estate experts like Kevin C. Gillen at Econsult argue, have been a drag on the city's revival.

Through all the changes Philadelphia has undergone in the last decade - the surge in its downtown population, the blossoming of its inner-ring neighborhoods - the trade unions haven't budged on the cost issue. Cross them by hiring nonunion workers or demanding more efficient work rules, and you can expect a giant inflatable rat at your door - or worse. The Post brothers, who are renovating a former factory into apartments at 12th and Wood Streets, learned the hard way in the spring when union protesters laid siege to their construction site, blocking deliveries for five months.

The Quakers' decision to go nonunion may be a sign of a broader shift in attitudes. The group, known for its commitment to social justice, chose contractor E. Allen Reeves of Abington after conducting a blind review of bids. Reeves' price was 23 percent lower than the nearest union bidder, the group says.

It was not an easy decision, acknowledged Meg Mitchell, clerk of the meeting, the closest thing the non-hierarchial group has to a spokesperson. But after assuring themselves that Reeves was paying fair wages and that his company had maintained an excellent safety record, she said, the Chestnut Hill Friends dropped any lingering reservations.

Despite their frugality, the Quakers wanted to spend money where it counted, on serving their members and the public. The meetinghouse design, by Bryn Mawr's James Bradberry Architects, features two gable roof structures - the kind a child might draw - that sit perpendicularly on the wooded site, linked by a glass vestibule.

The slightly lower one contains a traditional Quaker meeting room; the taller structure houses offices, classrooms, and an event space and kitchen designed to double as emergency housing for homeless families. An elevator serves the basement, so the building is fully handicapped accessible. It was designed to be highly energy efficient.

The design also offers a gift to the wider community: an installation by the celebrated artist James Turrell. A retractable opening in the roof is intended to bathe the meeting room in a purple glow at dusk and dawn, creating a serene meditation space that will be open to everyone. The public artwork helped the Quakers win an $80,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.

In the past, city trade unions would probably never have noticed a small, nonunion project like the Friends meetinghouse. Their focus was on maintaining a union presence at big-ticket, high-rise, and institutional projects. But as growing costs make it harder to pull off such projects, Philadelphia has become a city of smaller, low-budget buildings.

The future is likely to favor a nimble and efficient workforce at construction sites. With their high level of skill and good safety record, the trade unions should have a lot to offer. But they won't be able to compete under the old terms. Like everyone else, they will need to adapt to the demands of the modern world.

The use of brute force isn't just a throwback to the past. It's the sort of behavior that diminishes the unions' valid attempts to remain relevant.

Sorry about the tone of the article, it's bad in places, particularly when it calls out picketing as "laying siege" and I don't agree with its conclusion.

I know some liberals in Philadelphia who are pretty mad about this, and they're mad at the unions (because of the arson). So are these ineffective tactics that will generate backlash, or a solid way of sending a message not to hire scabs?

modern trade unions are dreadful and have only survived this long because they pose no threat to the economic order or in fact actively abet it
remember: nixon was a quaker. also, the best president. quakers 1 unions 0
i feel like i need more than this single article to get the full context of what is going on. i mean, just how are we defining "generous benefits" here?

unions aren't always the good guys. in fact police unions and prison guard unions basically serve a v. reactionary function.

HenryKrinkle posted:

unions aren't always the good guys. in fact police unions and prison guard unions basically serve a v. reactionary function.

Most unions are not the police or prison guard unions and tbqh it’s kinda slanderous to keep associating a wider discussion of the union movement with these.

Basically it's the Marxist version of a reactionary suburban dad bringing up jimmy hoffa every time someone mentions unions
the slandering of the militant wing of organized labor as "the mafia" is one of the greatest propaganda successes of modern capital
if it isn't obvious, there is zero percent chance this action was approved by whatever union the workers came from. the professional strata of, particularly AFL-CIO affiliated unions, have gone so far from anything resembling illegal actions it would tear a hole in the fabric of space-time if this was approved or sanctioned. which is more of an indictment of the gap between union professionals and the rank and file than "unions" as such. the labor movement is not a monolithic entity
actually, i shouldn't say zero percent. i have met more than a few union staff that would be willing to do something like this. but these individuals are usually isolated and unable to translate their radical intentions into practice
It’s kinda a different dynamic here, two years ago the union movement literally overthrew the leader of the country in the middle of the night lol.
Last week the locksmiths union in Spain started refusing to change the locks on the homes of tenants who were being evicted due to delinquent payments which I thought was pretty neat.
the labor movement in the united states is dominated (but not totally controlled) by a professional class of unionists that see their interests largely in line with capitalism and fit nicely within that hegemonic space. they wouldn't exist any longer if they didn't. the AFL-CIO in particular has been run by staunch anti-communists and probably more than one CIA plant. the foreign affairs department, until it was disbanded in the 2005 shake-up, was funded almost entirely by the state department and backed right-wing corporate unions throughout the third world in the cold war. they supported the oil worker strike that nearly brought down the chavez government. they backed the corporate, state-backed unions against the more militant independent organizations in mexico. when the soviet union collapsed, it was the AFL-CIO that showed up, realizing they had a tremendous opportunity to exert influence in a 'new market'. things may have changed a bit since the 2005 split that created CTW, but their ideological position has remained mostly constant. at home, their stance has been to sit and "hold the line" rather than fund new organizing, which really means "try to slow the collapse of the movement rather than reverse that trend" which is the whole reason CTW formed. at the same time, at the local level you have unionists coming to power on independent slates, like CORE at the CTU or MORE in the UFT, and challenging the complacent posture of the old guard. you also have the longeshore workers and a host of new activists that were activated during Occupy working on campaigns like wal-mart, NYC fast food workers, and that kind of thing. so there is this....thish dialectical tenshion.... between a rising militant faction in the labor movement, fueled by younger activists, and the split and fracture within the old guard that is unable to slow or reverse the collapse in the movement.

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

Most unions are not the police or prison guard unions and tbqh it’s kinda slanderous to keep associating a wider discussion of the union movement with these.

this is true and i'm sry for mentioning it.


HenryKrinkle posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

Most unions are not the police or prison guard unions and tbqh it’s kinda slanderous to keep associating a wider discussion of the union movement with these.

this is true and i'm sry for mentioning it.


r u a union made up of egregiously underpaid and exploited workers like Walmart stackers or hotel maids. if not do you go on strike in support of them. if not ur kind of the problem with unions in this day and age really
[account deactivated]
lol at liberals like Chomsky and Zinn who think the quakers and the catholic church are progressive forces rather than reactionary feudal ones that lag behind history and sometimes happen to be in alliance with revolutionary movements. anything to avoid giving credit to the communist party and justify the "spiritual" idiots on drums who show up to every anti-war protest.
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here's a crazy idea: certain catholics and quakers are reactionary and some are progressive.

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it has nothing to do with moral qualities or emotional appeals (which are themselves based on religious evaluations) and everything to do with the objective laws of political economy. communists can ally with religious movements for social justice and economic fairness based on moral principles, but these movements can never surpass or replace capitalism, only resist it (often heroically as you point out). but the left has become far too obsessed with the idea of a noble failure and the christian morality of self-sacrifice, the goal should be to win. that you privilege the heroic action which fails over the patient, scientific action of the action which succeeds shows where your sympathies lie.

it's good to be shocked and outraged by the state of the world, it's even better to want to do something about it. but it's not enough, the world has more than enough well meaning moralists and not enough scientific revolutionaries.

babyhueypnewton posted:

it has nothing to do with moral qualities or emotional appeals (which are themselves based on religious evaluations) and everything to do with the objective laws of political economy. communists can ally with religious movements for social justice and economic fairness based on moral principles, but these movements can never surpass or replace capitalism, only resist it (often heroically as you point out). but the left has become far too obsessed with the idea of a noble failure and the christian morality of self-sacrifice, the goal should be to win. that you privilege the heroic action which fails over the patient, scientific action of the action which succeeds shows where your sympathies lie.

it's good to be shocked and outraged by the state of the world, it's even better to want to do something about it. but it's not enough, the world has more than enough well meaning moralists and not enough scientific revolutionaries.


babyhueypnewton posted:

it has nothing to do with moral qualities or emotional appeals (which are themselves based on religious evaluations) and everything to do with the objective laws of political economy. communists can ally with religious movements for social justice and economic fairness based on moral principles, but these movements can never surpass or replace capitalism, only resist it (often heroically as you point out). but the left has become far too obsessed with the idea of a noble failure and the christian morality of self-sacrifice, the goal should be to win. that you privilege the heroic action which fails over the patient, scientific action of the action which succeeds shows where your sympathies lie.

it's good to be shocked and outraged by the state of the world, it's even better to want to do something about it. but it's not enough, the world has more than enough well meaning moralists and not enough scientific revolutionaries.

where shall we focus our patient scientific actions dude, the quakers who wanna cut corners on their new meetinghouse or the highly skilled and renumerated labor aristocrats who are butthurt they got left out. also are we to hope that UFCW Local 1776 and the fucking NHL will join forces and paralyze the exploitative machine


tpaine posted:

i played on this

Thank u *trembleing*


tpaine posted:

i show up at every protest, but i'm technical prog drummer and i dazzle the audience at anti-war protests as a lead in for Yes

It's spelled Prague. Jesus, it's like, the unwashed peasants I have to post with sometimes...

[account deactivated]