
mustang19 posted:

i see i just dont believe you (not in a passive aggressive way, just in a sociological evidence way). literally every frat boy has raped or coerced someone into a sex at one point or another in their "career". i think the apparent rarity of rapists has more to do with underreporting.

wow. nice prejudicing.

if i were a girl i would rape the shit out of all kinds of dudes.

Goethestein posted:

mustang19 posted:

i see i just dont believe you (not in a passive aggressive way, just in a sociological evidence way). literally every frat boy has raped or coerced someone into a sex at one point or another in their "career". i think the apparent rarity of rapists has more to do with underreporting.

wow. nice prejudicing.


gdi priviledge


Crow posted:

are you being sarcastic or do you need to be institutionalized

ive been posting on forums so long its impossible to tell anymore


Goethestein posted:

if i were a girl i would rape the shit out of all kinds of dudes.

lol you dream about being a dickgirl

dickgirls arent girls, because by definition, if you have a dick, you are, therefore, a man. h,t,h
stop with the bigotry you retarded faggot
nice hypocristy.

Goethestein posted:

if i were a girl i would rape the shit out of all kinds of dudes.



xipe posted:

show me on the doll where it touched U

right here *points to heart*

[account deactivated]
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can someone please explain to me why so many women are willing to join an organization so clearly devoted to their rape in the complete absence of any social pressure whatsoever to do so?
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tpaine posted:

some enlisted women died of dehydration in iraq because they didn't want to drink water because they were afraid of having to go the latrine at night and risk getting raped by male Soldiers. i'm not making that up

ive done that same thing before except it was a cold floor instead of rape

[account deactivated]
most victims of rape in the military are men.
Tpaine please send me your book or the notes

Cycloneboy posted:

most victims of rape in the military are men.

The title is meant to be inflammatory but also accurate. The statistic commonly bandied about, "1 in 4 women in the US will be raped or sexually assaulted" contains the same type of lie, conflating 'rape' and 'sexual assault' together.

The CDC reports the risk of rape for men, outside of prison, is about the same as the risk women face (1.2% iirc). The cdc doesn't take into account prison rape, and statistics aren't readily available, but it is probably safe to assume the rape culture surrounding prisons puts men ahead of women when it comes to the risk for rape.

But that's not what the title is about. I want to hightlight 2 areas I think have been overlooked and highlight the second class nature of men and the shortfall of statistics and the hypocrisy of political narratives and social justice.

1) 20-80 percent of men in North America have been sexually mutilated. If this was FGM there would be little to no question that this is sexual assault.

2) I think, nearly all men, have been kicked in the balls at some point. Many women relish in the idea, have done it, and have a story about that ones time...

Combined, I think it safe to say, nearly every single man in North America has been RAPED or sexually Assaulted.
MGM is a barbaric ritual, explicitly begun to reduce male sexual autonomy and pleasure. Let's stop defending it and pretending it is at all acceptable, kthxbai.
im not circumcised and im rly g lad

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

im not circumcised and im rly g lad

lol and you claim to care about aesthetics


Cycloneboy posted:

MGM is a barbaric ritual, explicitly begun to reduce male sexual autonomy and pleasure. Let's stop defending it and pretending it is at all acceptable, kthxbai.

Not really "explicitly," the only reason given for it is to be a sign of the covenant. http://www.usccb.org/bible/genesis/17


Agnus_Dei posted:

Cycloneboy posted:

MGM is a barbaric ritual, explicitly begun to reduce male sexual autonomy and pleasure. Let's stop defending it and pretending it is at all acceptable, kthxbai.

Not really "explicitly," the only reason given for it is to be a sign of the covenant. http://www.usccb.org/bible/genesis/17

I was thinking of its origin in the United States, where it was intended to stop masturbation.

[account deactivated]