this discussion of narco-state (is there a less stupid sounding phrase for this, tia) political economy in an NC comment thread http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2013/01/latvias-economic-disaster-as-a-neoliberal-success-story-a-model-for-europe-and-the-us.html#comment-1000121
Banana Stuffed With Cocaine Republic
FAO discipline: http://www.dissentmagazine.org/article/trickle-down-feminism
har har guys very funny i take it you havent read the aforementioned work durr
[account deactivated]
Why should we worry about people living under a glass ceiling (what us Inland Emperors know better as a "skylight")? Shouldn't we be more concerned about the men who have to walk around on a glass floor?
tom friedman^
check out that.sidebar . . . Celebs sure are having a rough time of it on that screenshot.
Sexus by hank miller
lolita lol

For the past 16 years, I've been working on a five-novel sci fi cycle that spans a thousand years, the rise and fall of several states, contains a dozen sentient races and climaxes with the destruction of the universe itself. I made up an artificial language for it and described the phonology of seven others. There are close to a hundred worlds named in detail and I try to discuss Buddhism along with making sneaky references to old school video game shit. The third novel includes mashed-up versions of the Canterbury Tales, and the fourth novel has every character tell a story in a different genre.
The fifth one you should do all the letters umop ap!sdn
noice barnes and noble collection of public domain classic books kinch

Edited by ilmdge ()

Are these.. specially made..?? Like criterion collection for books though??
[account deactivated]
i feel like some joke should be made about "ah, the fiction shelf", smugly gesturing to the constitution of the united states on the end of the top shelf, but there is no joke there that hasn't been told a million times
thats not my freaking books you idiots
youre hanging me out to dry here kinch
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

whoa krinch those are YOUR books??

here's a pic of my own bookcase since that seems to be what we're doing now:


kinch posted:

thats not my freaking books you idiots

Yes, I thought, clearly what is in that picture is an object of ridicule, now why would this poster be proud of that. Then I thought, perhaps I am not intended to associate the poster with the content of the post - that in fact the books in the picture belonged to someone other than the person who posted it. Now you are on to something, I thought, to myself, and began to research how pictures get from cameras to web pages, to see if this were possible. It turns out that a modern day camera does not produce a single picture, like a Polaroid might, or even a single negative that can be turned into many pictures by using it over and over again to develop film. Rather, they produce what is essentially a set of instructions. These instructions tell computers how to display the picture that the camera took. Because the instructions can be replicated quickly, many computers can use them at once, and computers can even share the instructions one to another by communicating electronically through a widespread infrastructure that was apparently built in the United States in the last century. So, somebody can have the "file" as the instructions are called, they can have the file that contains a picture that was taken by a camera owned by someone they don't even know, who is quite geographically remote from them. Now I was beginning to seize and choke on the truth. In fact, this poster had probably done exactly this - put a picture taken by somebody else - to alert our attention not to the merits of the picture's subject but its blithe absurdity. As awareness dawned across my sweaty complexion I had a devilish impulse. Now would be an opportunity to play the buffoon, but in so doing, to lampoon that idiotic assemblage of blithely Amerikan "cinema classics," The Criterion Collection. From there the tale unfolds predictably. I determined how to make posts, how to edit them in case I should want to make further changes later on, and for years studied the social mores of angrily apathetic forums and worked my way into their inner circles, an enormously complex process that I might not have time to relate to you in detail at the moment. Suffice it to say that I became known as the smartest, best poster, who made the best posts and was universally adored as a genius and guru. At that point, I unleashed my reply, but it was here I made a fatal misstep. You see, I'd forgotten to first publically declare my awareness of the very fact that I'd previously unearthed, that these pictures aren't yours. This oversight has nearly cost me my great reputation and cheerful demeanor. It has already cost me hundreds of moments of sleep. For how can I effectively call attention to the academically juvenile and certainly counterrevolutionary content of the Criterion Collection when my own motives are unclear to even the most observant of onlookers? I have been working at cross purposes with myself, I thought as I gazed across the windswept stuff and the animals and shit, my head aching with rue. I died there at the scenic place, but stipulated in my will that this post be dictated to my mom who is typing this post. (Mom note: Hello!) Thanks for reading.


swampman posted:

so you understand theyre not mine?


kinch posted:

swampman posted:

so you understand theyre not mine?

You arent Beardy Guy there amongst the pristine King hardbacks?


swampman posted:

there's no post that can't be improved by the inclusion of the word guru

i can state this with certitude, being a posting guru of no small means myself

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
lmao the arabian nights font
[account deactivated]
papyrus really is the best font
And here is my art collection, yes that is a cheaply framed Mona Lisa poster. What? Ha, sorry, I'll turn it down. No, that's this little DYI punk band, the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Very anti-establishment.
Radiohead man! Nobody knows these guys! In one of their songs they call themselves losers!
The Five Percenter breakdowns of “Allah” as “Arm Leg Leg Arm Head” and “Islam” as “I Self Lord And Master” gave me everything that I had sought in taqwacore.
Arm Leg Leg Arm Head, it's all in the mind
Michael Muhammed Knight, a lone crusader in a dangerous world. The world... of the White Devils.