Edited by EmanuelaBrolandi ()
meanwhile stalin dropped a spiritual atomic bomb on the trotskyists and he's vilified
The execution took place on a giant square scaffold in the center of town, in front of an audience of hundreds of white people. The thirty-eight Dakota men “wailed and danced atop the gallows,” according to Robert K. Elder of The New York Times, “waiting for the trapdoors to drop beneath them.” A witness reported that, “as the last moment rapidly approached, they each called out their name and shouted in their native language: ‘I’m here! I’m here!’ ”
Lincoln’s treatment of defeated Indian rebels against the United States stood in sharp contrast to his treatment of Confederate rebels. He never ordered the executions of any Confederate officials or generals after the Civil War, even though they killed more than 400,000 Union soldiers. The only Confederate executed was the commander of Andersonville Prison—and for what we would call war crimes, not rebellion.
HenryKrinkle posted:December 26, 1862: thirty-eight Dakota Indians were hanged in Mankato, Minnesota, in the largest mass execution in US history–on orders of President Abraham Lincoln. Their crime: killing 490 white settlers, including women and children, in the Santee Sioux uprising the previous August.
The execution took place on a giant square scaffold in the center of town, in front of an audience of hundreds of white people. The thirty-eight Dakota men “wailed and danced atop the gallows,” according to Robert K. Elder of The New York Times, “waiting for the trapdoors to drop beneath them.” A witness reported that, “as the last moment rapidly approached, they each called out their name and shouted in their native language: ‘I’m here! I’m here!’ ”
Lincoln’s treatment of defeated Indian rebels against the United States stood in sharp contrast to his treatment of Confederate rebels. He never ordered the executions of any Confederate officials or generals after the Civil War, even though they killed more than 400,000 Union soldiers. The only Confederate executed was the commander of Andersonville Prison—and for what we would call war crimes, not rebellion.
Politics by any other name. Nasty brutish and short- in a word, war is hell
op is right tho
Edited by jools ()
HenryKrinkle posted:confiscating the lands of plantation owners and distributing them to freedmen would have been the absolute best policy (aside from executing the chief confederates of course)
small plots? so that a class of kulaks could arise? no thanks. i choose brutal collectivization.
Goethestein posted:i remember in A Peoples History of the US when Zinn is like "lincoln invaded to appease northern business interests" and it's like, i'm sure there was some economic component involved, but i think that it probably had more to do with the firing on a US military base by a group of traitor cunts who had been ceaselessly belligerent for the preceding two decades
A People's History is typical of that sixties new left 'history from below' strand of historiography that attacks actual progressive victories like the civil war as just being another dressed up ruling class plot to hoodwink the dumb masses/betray black people. It's not that different from a jesuit seeing the Illuminati behind every event of the last two centuries. Maybe it's not a surprise conspiracy bullshit has become so popular among the left when it's encouraged by its intellectual celebs.
B. Afraid of Mirrors
C. Looks at Maps of ww 2 where theres a blue arrow and a red arrow
D. Seriously Considering Paying to see ZZ Top Live
HenryKrinkle posted:confiscating the lands of plantation owners and distributing them to freedmen would have been the absolute best policy (aside from executing the chief confederates of course)
doing exactly this is one of the main things why Sherman was/is so vilified and despised in the south. When he marched to the sea he liberated plantations and famously promised "40 acres and a mule" from the confiscated land to each of the freed slaves. Lincoln or then-general Grant reversed the policy.
MadMedico posted:I read one of Cracked.com's lists about wacky facts about American presidents and did you know Ulysses S. Grant was a never-nude? (if you've watched arrested development you would get this reference)
I saw that too. Nice to see a fellow Cracker on this board.
MadMedico posted:Confederate States of America is a really unfunny one joke movie.
yeah it was a bit of a let down. WKYK "Civil War on Drugs" was p funny
MadMedico posted:what is WKYK?
Whitest Kids You Know