babyhueypnewton posted:Kwanzaa was created by U.S. (known by the black panthers as 'united slaves') a rival to the panthers basically created by the government to agitate and disrupt the panthers.
In case it wasn't obvious, the whole holiday is a watered down, de-radicalized version of the black power. for example, the concept of Ujamma in Kwanzaa means 'co-operative economics'. Basically, helping other black people and maintaining black businesses and black charity. Too bad that's not what it means, it's actually the term for Nyerere's radical socialist program in Tanzania.
the only Kwanzaa thing i've ever seen was a big stupid display outside of Wall Street, behind their police protection barricade
Impper posted:
this was my only christmz present
tpaine posted:i honestly find it pretty comforting that no matter what happens to me, sparks is a thing that existed and continues to exist, a coolness beyond space and time
Where we'll park our cars and meet the rest of our friends
At a place that's called, I forget what it's called
But it's really great, and all of our friends will be there

Edited by KilledInADuel ()

whatever that guy's name is now just looks like that in my head
merry christmas
tpaine posted:i honestly find it pretty comforting that no matter what happens to me, sparks is a thing that existed and continues to exist, a coolness beyond space and time
i thought you were talking about the caffeinated malternative, but i guess its about some band instead?
discipline posted:aw man dru did no one come to your party? I'm sorry man I'm sick and I have work today
nah ppl did we were all just tired and everyone left at like midnight and we didnt call the guy
EmanuelaBrolandi posted:discipline posted:
aw man dru did no one come to your party? I'm sorry man I'm sick and I have work today
nah ppl did we were all just tired and everyone left at like midnight and we didnt call the guy
im twenty six years old
she was also disgusted that i even lived in st louis.
a few weeks later i was called to his office and he asked me to close the door. he insisted that is was pointless to write political articles but instead we should focus on the real problem: shahs of sunset.
e: i guess i might be 'invited' by a few groups at my uni to give a talk about it which i'll open w/ how marxist militia woman Rousseff is a threat. meh
had to drive back home through a blizzard and it took me over 24 hours lmao. it was wild though