tpaine posted:watch millennium actress, the perfect film
yes, also Inception is just "Paprika" the live action.
babyhueypnewton posted:tpaine posted:watch millennium actress, the perfect film
yes, also Inception is just "Paprika" the live action.
babyhueypnewton posted:Dark Knight Rises is just "A Tale of Two Cities" the movie. Everyone complaining about it being a commentary on OWS or being reactionary or whatever I assume haven't read the book. Of course, the book itself is reactionary but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy a discourse on the dangers of revolutionary terror in disrupting the bourgeois order (after all Triumph of the Will is a great movie), and I don't think anyone would call Dickens a poor writer or the book crap. But I guess it's the cool thing to dislike anything popular, even SA has a bunch of people climbing over each other to state how much they disliked TDKR
no i didn't like it because of the silly plot holes, unconvincing character motivations, absolutely terrible action direction (that melee before Bane dies is pathetic, has Nolan ever seen footage of a street battle?) and also the cop worship.
i don't care about tale of two cities, i'm not going to judge this comic book movie in the context of an old book with a completely different context
Ironicwarcriminal posted:EmanuelaOrlandi posted:
its a really funny movie. this is like your review of how inception didnt have any marxist content or w/e that you did on lf. and by like i mean 'stupid'
inception was plain racist.
the french "projections" when stirred started merely pushing and shoving, the arab "projections" started looting, burning, shooting, blowing things up.
hell, fucking crimson jihad in true lies was a more rounded portrayal of arabs, at least cameron let them speak about why they were angry: "you bomb our cities from afar, and call US cowards??!?"
Nolan was just like "yeah lets have some angry people here arabs? they're heaps vicious right, let's have some arabs threaten our golden blonde hero"
lol i don't think anyone here is defending nolan as some great master, unless they're dullards

thirdplace posted:has anyone ever actually seen triumph of the will? i bet it's not all that great
its no Jud Süß
tsinava posted:paprika and inception aren't at all alike you disGUsting philistines. did you even watch paprika?? how dare you insult paprika by comparing it to 3d trash like inception
paprika's that thing with the bullshit steampunk flying adventure right...."Tetsuo, we gotta get this castle moving!" and all that crap?
Ironicwarcriminal posted:tsinava posted:paprika and inception aren't at all alike you disGUsting philistines. did you even watch paprika?? how dare you insult paprika by comparing it to 3d trash like inception
*vomits*paprika's that thing with the bullshit steampunk flying adventure right...."Tetsuo, we gotta get this castle moving!" and all that crap?
paprika was about a machine that let you enter other peoples dreams but the thing is that other peoples dreams were actually their different realities and as people used the dream machine to explore each others dreams their dreams merged and they finally merged with reality and it was really bad and a lot of bad stuff happened then someone stopped it and a cop goes to a movie. the end. anime owns
MadMedico posted:Superabound posted:discipline posted:hahaha stanley kubrick made movies for 48 years and couldn't manage to make one believable or even lifelike female character. I'm such a bloody feminazi for pointing this out *rolls eyes out of face, across the floor*
as opposed to all of his lifelike male characters such as 1. a wild eyed psychotic alcoholic wife&child abuser who sees ghosts 2. a literal pedophile 3. a drug addict mozart-loving gangleader who rapes and murders every day for fun 4. trained killers who burn women and children alive 5. hilariously incompetent and megalomaniacal naziesque warmongers who seek nuclear oblivion 6. an Artificial Intelligence (with the urge to kill) 7. a little robot boy, and 8. Tom Cruise
thank you, Stanley Kubrick, honorary Grand Dragon of the MRA movement, for giving us all of these positive and believable male role models to look up toYou forgot Sparticus.
Yoiu forgot poland/.
Impper posted:qwhy would anhone watch batman when they could watch Jack Reacher
When game six of the 2011 World Series was rained out, Tony La Russa, the then manager of the National League champion St. Louis Cardinals, texted Lee Child to say he was thrilled to get the night off. He had just bought the author’s latest Jack Reacher novel, and now he could start reading. Like former president Bill Clinton, who sends Child a handwritten mash note after finishing every book, and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who has reviewed several favorably for, La Russa can’t get enough of Reacher, the six-foot-five ex-military police major who over the course of 17 novels has outthought and outfought an array of cold-blooded villains. Known as Reacher Creatures, Child’s fans are legion.
tsinava posted:Unbreakable wasn't a comic book movie.
American splender
AmericanNazbro posted:all the movies people think are good, are actually bad. further, all the movies that are 'bad' are actually good
I actually like Tyler Perry movies. The radical tonal shifts between hacky melodrama and groaningly broad comedy, often within a single scene, are his hallmark and make his films more than entertaining. He's a black filmmaker in the south who uses mostly black casts and operates completely independent of Hollywood, permitting him to try and promote values other than murder and narcissism in his films. His particular Christian morality might be naive, but it is free of the nastier elements that make white American Christianity so absolutely vile, and for the most part he's on the right track. The harshest reckonings are always held out for the most materialistic characters, for instance, and no one is ever irredeemable. People have called him a cynic who has contempt for his audience, and compared his films to minstrel shows, but I think most people who say that haven't bothered to watch a Tyler Perry movie; I think he has genuine love in his heart. The best Tyler Perry movie I've seen is The Family That Preys, and I'm excited to see Madea's Witness Protection (2012) because Madea is funny and it has Eugene Levy in it.
Edited by KilledInADuel ()
gyrofry posted:thirdplace posted:has anyone ever actually seen triumph of the will? i bet it's not all that great
its no Jud Süß
you know how in eddie murphy movies he uses makeup and different silly voices to be four or five different characters, and it establishes the fact that he's the most important and funny guy in the film? the one who's the heart of the whole thing?
that's what the guy who played the rabbi and secretary loew, etc., did in jud suss, and everytime i see his face i can't help but smile at what a goofy conceit that is, how it's one step away from Jud Suss 2: Meet the Klumps