Impper posted:does anyone remember the Cooler
i liked the cooler.
discipline posted:hahaha stanley kubrick made movies for 48 years and couldn't manage to make one believable or even lifelike female character. I'm such a bloody feminazi for pointing this out *rolls eyes out of face, across the floor*
as opposed to all of his lifelike male characters such as 1. a wild eyed psychotic alcoholic wife&child abuser who sees ghosts 2. a literal pedophile 3. a drug addict mozart-loving gangleader who rapes and murders every day for fun 4. trained killers who burn women and children alive 5. hilariously incompetent and megalomaniacal naziesque warmongers who seek nuclear oblivion 6. an Artificial Intelligence (with the urge to kill) 7. a little robot boy, and 8. Tom Cruise
thank you, Stanley Kubrick, honorary Grand Dragon of the MRA movement, for giving us all of these positive and believable male role models to look up to
she straight-up refers to him as nothing but a "blunt instrument" in one of the movies, how is this so completely lost on you?
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:if you dont like dr strangelove you are clearly a dipshit. hth.
"war is arbitrary and nuclear proliferation is madness" might have been an interesting message in the early 60s, it isn't now, this is what i'm saying.
"gentlmen you can't fight in here, this is the war room!"
harharhar oh i get it, irony!
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:its a really funny movie. this is like your review of how inception didnt have any marxist content or w/e that you did on lf. and by like i mean 'stupid'
inception was plain racist.
the french "projections" when stirred started merely pushing and shoving, the arab "projections" started looting, burning, shooting, blowing things up.
hell, fucking crimson jihad in true lies was a more rounded portrayal of arabs, at least cameron let them speak about why they were angry: "you bomb our cities from afar, and call US cowards??!?"
Nolan was just like "yeah lets have some angry people here arabs? they're heaps vicious right, let's have some arabs threaten our golden blonde hero"
strangelove had high stakes i guess but the ending was obvious and was treated farcically rather than as something that generated tension or concern in me. As has been mentioned, Kubrick is a misanthropist so the nuclear destruction of the planet becomes a joke
Ironicwarcriminal posted:52 years since the movie without a nuke attack kinda takes the sting and urgency out of it and just renders it a bit of a redundant shallow farce
*turns on tv* "...rael threatens continued action as fears of a nuclear Iran spread"
Superabound posted:Ironicwarcriminal posted:
52 years since the movie without a nuke attack kinda takes the sting and urgency out of it and just renders it a bit of a redundant shallow farce
*turns on tv* "...rael threatens continued action as fears of a nuclear Iran spread"
sorry but that theme/subplot is played out by now, it doesn't resonate with me and has become a boy who cried wolf cliche
wasted posted:pff. black and white. uh. look man. I like classical music and all. but uh once it hits that "modernist" "atonal" "dodecaphony" "serialism" shit it's just look. it's not pleasing to the ear. you see the ear you know, there is this sense you know that certain divisions between tonal rows has a certain you know pleasing aesthetic. uh, and most people don't like it even though you'll argue that it's largely the most mass produced product towards popular sensibilities that matters most. look some things appeal to some people. we can poll it. people like certain things and the fundamental cornerstone of all free societies is the idea that the people know what they want. this blatant contrarian sensibility is just that: contrarian. it in itself has no merits in and of its own object. personally. i think romanticism was the culmination of western music. and everything after that is either improvisations on popular affectation or avant-garde UPPER CLASS drives towards something "authentic" and original. a sort of shift towards the artist as trail blazer instead of one that connects with the quotidian. that's why i support the work of pop artists. at least they don't pretend to deviate as a mode of true expression.
wasted posted:pff. black and white. uh. look man. I like classical music and all. but uh once it hits that "modernist" "atonal" "dodecaphony" "serialism" shit it's just look. it's not pleasing to the ear. you see the ear you know, there is this sense you know that certain divisions between tonal rows has a certain you know pleasing aesthetic. uh, and most people don't like it even though you'll argue that it's largely the most mass produced product towards popular sensibilities that matters most. look some things appeal to some people. we can poll it. people like certain things and the fundamental cornerstone of all free societies is the idea that the people know what they want. this blatant contrarian sensibility is just that: contrarian. it in itself has no merits in and of its own object. personally. i think romanticism was the culmination of western music. and everything after that is either improvisations on popular affectation or avant-garde UPPER CLASS drives towards something "authentic" and original. a sort of shift towards the artist as trail blazer instead of one that connects with the quotidian. that's why i support the work of pop artists. at least they don't pretend to deviate as a mode of true expression.
dunno what this means but i just find black and white aesthetically ugly, like 3D or this 48fps Hobbit shit
Ironicwarcriminal posted:also inception gets the same criticism as skyfall: the stakes are incredibly low
^^^ tHIS!! some gay capitalist might not sell his fathers widget-making company, who gives a shit
also people could build machines that psychically manipulate dreams, but no one could figure out how to smuggle two children out of the US to see their father
Superabound posted:Ironicwarcriminal posted:
also inception gets the same criticism as skyfall: the stakes are incredibly low
^^^ tHIS!! some gay capitalist might not sell his fathers widget-making company, who gives a shit
also people could build machines that psychically manipulate dreams, but no one could figure out how to smuggle two children out of the US to see their father
or he could have just gone to see them in France, Nolan is a hack
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:the funny thing about leftists/lgbt/feminist ppl is that they have this retarded idea that anything they cant enjoy and dont want to be exposed to anything they disagree with. but it turns out this has nothing to do with values and everything to do with being a whiney immature person who pathologically want to be unhappy. i find martin amis loathsome but i love to read his books. he is a mirror into all that is wrong with the world and i read him to learn about the world so that i can Destroy It.
Superabound posted:discipline posted:hahaha stanley kubrick made movies for 48 years and couldn't manage to make one believable or even lifelike female character. I'm such a bloody feminazi for pointing this out *rolls eyes out of face, across the floor*
as opposed to all of his lifelike male characters such as 1. a wild eyed psychotic alcoholic wife&child abuser who sees ghosts 2. a literal pedophile 3. a drug addict mozart-loving gangleader who rapes and murders every day for fun 4. trained killers who burn women and children alive 5. hilariously incompetent and megalomaniacal naziesque warmongers who seek nuclear oblivion 6. an Artificial Intelligence (with the urge to kill) 7. a little robot boy, and 8. Tom Cruise
thank you, Stanley Kubrick, honorary Grand Dragon of the MRA movement, for giving us all of these positive and believable male role models to look up to
hahaha why do some people feel so slighted & drowning in their own pathetic resentment that they take countervailing systemic critique as some sort of moral judgement threatening them personally? Oh thats right they're projecting their crude insecurities, and anchoring their subjectivity in making themselves & others miserable. Check out psychoanalysis for more bitch
Ironicwarcriminal posted:or he could have just gone to see them in France, Nolan is a hack
Christopher Nolan is amazing because every movie he makes I hate more than the one before it, even though I'd thought that it would be impossible upon seeing the previous one. I never thought I'd see a movie stupider than The Dark Knight, then I saw Inception. And then The Dark Knight Rises came out, which was at least more entertaining, but twice as stupid. I can't wait to see what Christopher Nolan has up his sleeve next.
edit: actually i think rises was slightly worse
why can't anybody make a fun adventure movie like back to the future anymore

Superabound posted:discipline posted:hahaha stanley kubrick made movies for 48 years and couldn't manage to make one believable or even lifelike female character. I'm such a bloody feminazi for pointing this out *rolls eyes out of face, across the floor*
as opposed to all of his lifelike male characters such as 1. a wild eyed psychotic alcoholic wife&child abuser who sees ghosts 2. a literal pedophile 3. a drug addict mozart-loving gangleader who rapes and murders every day for fun 4. trained killers who burn women and children alive 5. hilariously incompetent and megalomaniacal naziesque warmongers who seek nuclear oblivion 6. an Artificial Intelligence (with the urge to kill) 7. a little robot boy, and 8. Tom Cruise
thank you, Stanley Kubrick, honorary Grand Dragon of the MRA movement, for giving us all of these positive and believable male role models to look up to
You forgot Sparticus.
I never liked Kubrick, I would say his movies are impoverished by sexism because he is not making a point or creating a world full of contradictions, he just has flat cardboard female characters because he is limited as a director. Scorsese is the opposite, he creates racist and sexist characters like Travis Bickle and Michael Corleone to create flawed, hubristic characters and a realistic world. It also helps that using these characters as male power projections says more about the audience than the movie, since anyone who thinks Travis Bickle is a hero and his pursuit of Jody foster is masculine is crazy (literally).
This isn't me trying to defend sexism, this is a serious issue because movies like Fight Club and Boondock Saints are the new male power fantasy movies, except they are actually sexist and racist and absolutely terrible. We need good movies for men and women that understands the line between sexism and the study of it or else hollywood garbage like Iron Man will do it for us.
Ironicwarcriminal posted:]i read the other day that taxi driver was originally set in LA, that would have sucked...the garbage-stinking streets of a manhattan august are what sets the tone imo
don't worry, LA is a roiling shithole too, it just has a different odour
MadMedico posted:You forgot Sparticus.
i am Sparticus
Ironicwarcriminal posted:i watched some old movies recently that are supposedly classics: including dr strangelove citizen kane. Are people doing some elaborate troll when they say how great these movies are? i guess they might have been exciting to people at the time but they're incredibly hard to sit through, the black and white alone completely destroys any suspension of disbelief and constantly reminds me that i'm watching a film rather than being immersed in a story. The sets are lame, the dialogue stilted, the pace glacial
are you serious? "i'm not immersed"? that's your movie criticism? holy shit, fuck you
babyhueypnewton posted:hmm a bunch of dumb people who thought the dark knight trilogy sucked...interesting
what did you like about it?
Crow posted:hahaha why do some people feel so slighted & drowning in their own pathetic resentment that they take countervailing systemic critique as some sort of moral judgement threatening them personally? Oh thats right they're projecting their crude insecurities, and anchoring their subjectivity in making themselves & others miserable. Check out psychoanalysis for more bitch
Ironicwarcriminal posted:i watched some old movies recently that are supposedly classics: including dr strangelove citizen kane. Are people doing some elaborate troll when they say how great these movies are? i guess they might have been exciting to people at the time but they're incredibly hard to sit through, the black and white alone completely destroys any suspension of disbelief and constantly reminds me that i'm watching a film rather than being immersed in a story. The sets are lame, the dialogue stilted, the pace glacial
i think people who refer to films as classics don't watch film for enjoyment or mental stimulation