
stegosaurus posted:

anyone who wants a gift subscription to the american conservative magazine please pm me an address. I'm getting one for my dad and you can't get just one gift subscription lol. it makes you pick two people

does it ship internationally?

The free 2nd gift thing is domestic only I think. sorry. anyway its already been claimed.
i pmed u stegosaurus
I think since they are libertarian fucks they should have no problem shipping to a blatantly false name.
ship it 2 Drew Basuco
or EManuela Orlandi its not like theyd know who that is lol
[account deactivated]

cleanhands posted:

this is interesting stuff cleanhands. if you don't get a chance to expand upon the sandusky bit, or if you want more ideas, hollywood would be another good place to look. corey feldman said right before he died that hollywood's number one problem is pedophilia. idk if you follow hw gossip very deeply (or at all), but there are tons of stories from former child actors that involve abuse. handlers of celebrities will often make deals with tabloids to not report on the shady shit their clients get into, in exchange for exclusives and first dibs on baby pics and whatnot. a couple of guys that work for nickelodeon got busted for cp awhile back, but I don't remember there being a huge outcry from the us media about that. the way media ownership is concentrated here, I wouldn't doubt that there is a tacit acceptance that reaches all the way to the top.

here are some links if you're interested. they're both child actor advocacy groups, and they have some good articles:

BizParentz Foundation
A Minor Consideration

[account deactivated]
thats where i spend all my free time fyi ftw
i found this linked off new left project, sort of relevant to that piece im not gonna write although it explicitly deals with violence, idk if we 'do' unironic trigger warnings here but it takes a turn for the serious about halfway through, so like, heads up http://weekwoman.wordpress.com/2012/12/18/a-predatory-teenage-girl-speaks-out/
great, looks like another person is plagiarizing john christy

d4ky posted:

corey feldman said right before he died that hollywood's number one problem is pedophilia

Corey Feldman is still alive, Corey Haim is the one who is dead.

[account deactivated]

MadMedico posted:

Corey Feldman is still alive, Corey Haim is the one who is dead.

yes this is true, ty. both of them admitted to being abused, and it's rumored mj molested haim. feldman denies being abused by mj. he said awhile back that he's working on an autobiography, and supposedly he wants to name names


peepaw posted:

The Finer Arts
ulysses is the final boss of the literary canon Lol
gotta wait till the expansion pack for finnegans wake, nobody finishes it

kinch posted:

ulysses is the final boss of the literary canon Lol

i knew i attempted it too soon, i need to grind pynchon some more

Anonymous asked: My boyfriend recently asked me if we could have sex. I tried to explain to him that asking me to have sex with him counts as sexual assault, but he couldn't understand it that piv sex is ONLY okay if I am the one who asks for it. Can you help me try to explain why what he's doing when he asks for sex is misogynistic?

It seems he doesn’t understand sexual harassment to such a degree for all intents and purposes is basically sexual assault.

This is normal; men in general don’t understand even the most basic tactful ways to approach women.

A rule of thumb is that if you can see him, hear him and feel him it’s most definitely sexual assault. Now does that mean that just because you can’t feel him it isn’t sexual assault? No. That’s just something rape culture says. Going by that line of reasoning it wouldn’t be sexual assault if you simply couldn’t feel him as you’d been administered some sort of anesthesia.

So through absurdity reduction we rule out that it’s necessary to feel him. If you can hear him, see him and you feel sexually assaulted then you have been sexually assaulted.

He’s being misogynistic for saying he doesn’t understand. Declarations of boundary are to be followed, not necessarily understood. What he’s saying by replying that he doesn’t understand is that he needs to understand why he shouldn’t violate your boundaries and that’s deeply misogynistic; he wouldn’t need that justification from another man.
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

cleanhands posted:

kinch posted:

ulysses is the final boss of the literary canon Lol

i knew i attempted it too soon, i need to grind pynchon some more

yeah we know you love grinding with thomases.


Edited by wasted ()


peepaw posted:

i rly hope thats true but its prob not
anime changed my life might as well do the same for a hells angel

attention everyone I know I said i stay for another month due to personal stuff. the store will close next week. Lot of stuff and threats has come to me. I have the police on this. I know who it is, When I have the proof that party will pay for there crime towards my life. It sad that some people around here will go that far and threatening a person life or there well being. I'm sorry for this but, everything in the store needs to go. I try to be nice to everyone and give wonderful service. But when you have some people talk about you and say threatening stuff as well. It is sad because the honest ones get hurt by this. It hurts me so much that some people do this just to get away with it. I want to say this. I'm sorry for trying to be a nice guy, all I want is to be happy in life that's all.
tpaine u might like this book

Then again u might not
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[account deactivated]
the wife of yukio mishima
found a ton of great books on the curb today
Nadja by Breton
Ulysses by Joyce
Critical Race Theory: The Key Writings that Formed the Movement
Problems of Contemporary Militarism (written in 1980)
Mythologies by Barthes
Black Sun: Depression and Melancholia by Kristeva
One-Dimensional Man by Herbert Marcruse
Dictee by Theresa Hak Kyung Cha

and a lot of great art related books
In a Lonely Street: Film Noir, Genre, Masculinity by Frank Krutnik
German Bodies: Race and Representation After Hitler
The Aesthetics of Terror
The Situationist City by Simon Sadler
Topographies of Class: Modern Architecture and Mass Society in Weimar Berlin by Sabine Hake
Evictions: Art and Spatial Politics by Rosalyn Deutsche

I forewent the big piles of curating and queer theory, plus a lot of "beginner's guide to" derrida or whomever else
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