mustang19 posted:i disagree

littlegreenpills posted:true and it was an astounding work of mathematics but it converges so slowly it's of little practical use
why would i care about practical use? i'm in graduate school for probably number theory
elemennop posted:littlegreenpills posted:true and it was an astounding work of mathematics but it converges so slowly it's of little practical use
why would i care about practical use? i'm in graduate school for probably number theory
that must be nice. i'm out here in the real world, doing number practice.
deadken posted:"oh while you're there can you get n loaves of bread" - how we'll all soon be talking, if obscurantist gentrifying bourgeois mathematicians have their way
this already happens, try spending time with computer science people
also known as why i didn't get a science degree
deadken posted:despite what mathematicians keep on telling me, i refuse to believe that n is a number. it's not. it's a letter.
woah dude, not cool. keep your fucking voice down, there might be a couple of malcolm x+1s within earshot
Ironicwarcriminal posted:yeah it's rich that rational logical spergy maths types complain about deluze when the whole point of algebra is "x=1" or wahtever
there are very few "rational logical" types in mathematical research, as it seems completely counterproductive to actual productivity. you have a lot of crazies, but it's mostly of the egoist, obsessive type. and i don't know of any mathematicians that complain about deleuze and guattari