
A disoriented monkey was found wandering aimlessly outside an Ikea store in North York Sunday.
The animal sighting quickly sparked a flurry of activity among Torontonians, who tweeted and re-tweeted pictures and created at least two parody accounts on Twitter.
Dressed in a shearling coat and a diaper, the monkey managed to open its crate, unlock the car door and go for a stroll in the Ikea parking lot – clearly a “smart monkey” for having managed all that, said Toronto Police Staff Sergeant Ed Dzingala.
The monkey was ushered into a corner of the store by Ikea employees and police until animal services arrived. The monkey was unharmed, although it was a bit alarmed with all the attention, police said.
“It was pretty scared. It was a tame monkey,” Sgt. Dzingala said. “Nobody got hurt. The monkey was a little scared, that’s all.”
A city of Toronto spokesman said the monkey is a rhesus macaque, a species that is illegal in Ontario. Steve Johnston said charges were laid against the owner, an offence notice, which has a set fine of $240 for having a prohibited animal in the city.
The monkey caused quite a stir at the Ikea store Sunday afternoon, as shoppers out to pick up Christmas presents or furniture couldn’t help but be drawn to the incident.
Lisa Lin, an Aurora resident, had just arrived at Ikea, around Leslie St. and Highway 401, Sunday afternoon to make some returns and purchase Christmas cards when she noticed the activity. She immediately snapped a picture of the monkey and later posted it on Instagram.
“It was pretty surreal,” said Ms. Lin, 30. “I thought ‘Is that really a monkey?’ Who brings a monkey to Ikea?”
Bronwyn Page, a Toronto resident, was at Ikea buying a Christmas tree when she noticed the monkey. She said the small animal seemed nervous as it surrounded by a group of people, and made screeching noises.
She tweeted her pictures of the monkey, which instantly went viral on Twitter. Ms. Page received interview requests from media outlets across the city. Of her experience, she said: “I’m glad I took a picture. This day has taken a big turn. I didn’t expect it.”
The monkey was still with Toronto Animal Services Sunday night. A woman who answered the phone at animal services said the monkey was “good to go,” keeping warm and no longer scared by the new surroundings.
GoldenLionTamarin posted:me
but this tweet sent to my phone just said it wasnt you . . . Am I the victim of a Twitter Ruse? Help please?
tentativelurkeraccount posted:GoldenLionTamarin posted:me
but this tweet sent to my phone just said it wasnt you . . . Am I the victim of a Twitter Ruse? Help please?
i cant say for certain whether its me or not for legal reasons
getfiscal posted:this story made me really happy even though it's just about a loose animal in a coat and diaper
it probably reminded you of your mother when she used to come home late on friday nights

ggw posted:
so proud...
guidoanselmi posted:toronto is home to a big iranian population, one was bound to go to ikea
quoting myself because i was right.
discipline posted:this was the high point of your week
Keven posted:Koren teaching Man visits Canadian Ikea - A man who described himself as "Aeglus" was found wandering a Canadian Ikea today. He said that he was on vacation from work in Korea, and wanted a table. His jacket was really cool and everyone liked it.
aeglus is ftw

Superabound posted:my cat (missing 3 weeks) was just brought home by my brother after he and his gf found him wandering around a random park area they were grilling/fishing at, on the other side of a reservoir 10 miles away. Animals work in mysterious ways

getfiscal posted:

tpaine posted:did you cry when you saw your kitty again
no but i did when i saw a video a couple of days ago of a guy trying to rescue a cat that was half-encased in concrete because it made me worry if my cat was hurt and trapped somewhere and needed help. but i was VERY happy when i saw him. i still dont understand how its possible, the circumstances dont even make sense
tpaine posted:your kitty hates you and was trying to escape and will do so again
yeah he always wants to escape and go fight shit outside but hes on permanent lockdown from now on