an acquaintance of mine suddenly started FB messaging me asking me stuff today and i was like huh i wonder why she's so chatty all the sudden and then she's like hey wanna come to a meeting at my work? and i was like "um im busy but what is the work" and she's like "an energy drink company"

so my question is what should i do, lf? other than go fuck myself, of course? should i try to save her from what im already pretty sure must be a pyramid scheme? is that even a thing? is it too late if she's already at the phase where she's trying to honeypot creepy guys she knows into the scheme?

Edited by angelbutt_dollface ()

take the money they offer as participating in a focus group and use it to pay for rent or drugs.
I think you should bend her over a park bench and fuck her with your stinking, rock-hard fuck staff until she's dead. Use your keys to rip her creamy little dick cavity to shreds. Smear the blood all over your face and shaft. Then, you should shit into her mouth. By this, you will show her that you are in the dominant position, and that you don't care one way or the other about her behavior. It's the next best thing to fucking severing, which you should promptly do while you upvote her life and give her ass AIDS. Nuke her from orbit, but at the same time, make sure you're using fire. I am a big fat faggot. I like to pick my nose and put the boogers into my erect penis. I like to pee out little rods of my compressed penis booger. God is a faggot. God is a nigger. The Lord God Jesus Christ is a worthless faggot. I kill everything I see. I can't stop fucking. I wish I could have sex. I want to fuck so bad. I can taste your fucking vagina juice. I am a nigger. I am a stupid stupid fat fucking nigger. Give me a Snickers bar, hot dog, and some Doritos. Anime ninja. Let's watch some Naruto. God is Hitler's faggot. There is no such thing as a faggot.
that's probably true
show up with your own brand of energy drink and attempt to market it while they market to you

gyrofry posted:

I think you should bend her over a park bench and fuck her with your stinking, rock-hard fuck staff until she's dead. Use your keys to rip her creamy little dick cavity to shreds. Smear the blood all over your face and shaft. Then, you should shit into her mouth. By this, you will show her that you are in the dominant position, and that you don't care one way or the other about her behavior. It's the next best thing to fucking severing, which you should promptly do while you upvote her life and give her ass AIDS. Nuke her from orbit, but at the same time, make sure you're using fire. I am a big fat faggot. I like to pick my nose and put the boogers into my erect penis. I like to pee out little rods of my compressed penis booger. God is a faggot. God is a nigger. The Lord God Jesus Christ is a worthless faggot. I kill everything I see. I can't stop fucking. I wish I could have sex. I want to fuck so bad. I can taste your fucking vagina juice. I am a nigger. I am a stupid stupid fat fucking nigger. Give me a Snickers bar, hot dog, and some Doritos. Anime ninja. Let's watch some Naruto. God is Hitler's faggot. There is no such thing as a faggot.

if only welcome to the NHK or the increasingly poor decisions of todd margaret or the last season of big love or that one episode of peep show had been more popular then the world would know what i know about pyramid schemes

angelbutt_dollface posted:

an acquaintance of mine suddenly started FB messaging me asking me stuff today and i was like huh i wonder why she's so chatty all the sudden and then she's like hey wanna come to a meeting at my work? and i was like "um im busy but what is the work" and she's like "an energy drink company"

so my question is what should i do, lf? other than go fuck myself, of course? should i try to save her from what im already pretty sure must be a pyramid scheme? is that even a thing? is it too late if she's already at the phase where she's trying to honeypot creepy guys she knows into the scheme?

Idiot, she is trying to hook up with you!! Jesus!!!

great another poster. from tHE rHizzonE rubbing all our faces in the fact that he has female facebook friends. thats just what i need today

angelbutt_dollface posted:


[account deactivated]
some energy drink people, maybe the same, used to hold meeting outside of this apartment complexes gym that i would break into (by break in, i asked some dude for the code and he gave it to me) and it was just the most transparent shit in the world "pay us for a starter kit", "get your friends involved", "a great opportunity to network". they were literally pushing it as some type of replacement for a college internship--a career you can build, but you have to pay them for product. every time they came i would exercise super loud. just drop weights, and scream after every rep. and somehow i was always there when they were holding meetings, so after a while they stopped coming. i did my part to stop pyramid schemes by acting like a crazy asshole. i'm writing this out and am realizing it's the most boring shit i've ever written. aite, peace.
[account deactivated]
don't do it you'll be sent to england to sell the energy drink leading to a series of increasingly poor decisions which culminates in nuclear holocaust

on second thought go for it #yolo
[account deactivated]
show up drunk with all of your swarthiest friends
make good friends with everyone @ the meeting by being charming and affable. refuse to buy any of the product because 90% of small businesses with a decent plan run by people with experience with the product and familiarity with the market fail in their first year and you really don't hold out much hope for MLMed energy drinks. but you like hanging out here because the people are so nice
immediately chug any inventory they give you

Superabound posted:

show up drunk with all of your swarthiest friends

she is relatively swarthy i dunno why that would help??


shermanstick posted:

immediately chug any inventory they give you

this will give you the energy to start your own MLM scheme.

I'm starting a MLM, TW scheme this weekend
the realization of mlm thirdworldism is the worst possible future.

thousands of mexican children, offering you inferior-quality chicklets... forever

Edited by angelbutt_dollface ()

post a thread on the internet mocking her life decisions. later, show her the thread full of insults and destroy her sense of self worth. be there to scoop up the pieces in this classic cyberneg
but what if all the insults are directed... at me
maybe this was all just some kind of lucid dream

angelbutt_dollface posted:

she is relatively swarthy i dunno why that would help??

they can mingle and talk shop while you continue to slam pre-ban FourLokos without interruption

i think i just solicited a guy for a multi-level marketing scheme
i think i just got solicited for some suckin'