i started reading "platform" by houellebecq
im readeing after finitude by quentin meillassoux thanks to blink & wheeze. the cover looks like some new age cosmic self help bullshit so i wont be reading this one in public.
The ‘speculative realist movement’ exists only in the imaginations of a group of bloggers promoting an agenda for which I have no sympathy whatsoever: actor-network theory spiced with pan-psychist metaphysics and morsels of process philosophy. I don’t believe the internet is an appropriate medium for serious philosophical debate; nor do I believe it is acceptable to try to concoct a philosophical movement online by using blogs to exploit the misguided enthusiasm of impressionable graduate students. I agree with Deleuze’s remark that ultimately the most basic task of philosophy is to impede stupidity, so I see little philosophical merit in a ‘movement’ whose most signal achievement thus far is to have generated an online orgy of stupidity.
can someone point me in the direction of the online orgy??
kindly pineapple your anus

animedad posted:

what's the most positive developments in anthropology

thats the only decent picture of the graebs ive ever seen

tentativelurkeraccount posted:

hey y'all, never read houellebecq, asking my daddy for a # of books for christmas. which is the bets houellebecq? which one is it. tell me.

"I Aint No Houellebecq Girl" - feat. LAkon

i just read the part in exodus where they take a break from the story to talk about criminal justice and what you can and cant do to your slaves, good shit
then you're gonna fucking love the next three books.
Soon you will get to the extremely detailed descriptions of the tabernacle, menorah, ark and so on. Don't bother with that stuff too much.

Leviticus is nothing but dry law, a good deal of which is about sacrifices, but nonetheless arguably the most important book in the OT, and with some surprises, so slog through.

The story continues in Numbers, and is pretty interesting, but also has some boring census data.

Deuteronomy is loftily written and enjoyable, probably written much further in the future after the destruction of the First Temple.

The real genocide begins in Joshua, though.
i cant wait
a friend lent me the horror of philosophy: in the dust of this planet which is kinda babby's first cyclonopedia but not bad regardless
I just finished Castle to Castle . . . and I really had forgotten how Celine is The Fucking Shit . . . Like all Fascists, Totally Awesome.
i'm reading settlers cuz of shennong's thread about agriculture and some kwame ture youtubes, it's really elucidating for me, not even cuz of how white labour is the devil but rather cuz i didn't know shit about north american history till now

angelbutt_dollface posted:

lol is he in a storage closet? this guy is dumb though, he dismisses sakai without explaining why. he's like "sakai's thesis is there is no white proletariat. now these other guys are better, they theorized there is a white proletariat. we should still take valuable lessons from sakai."

i read this when i should have been working http://www.salon.com/2012/12/02/better_than_bourne_who_really_killed_nick_deak/

animedad posted:

what's the most positive developments in anthropology

ugh that should have been "most" rather than "the most", but here I'm going off of geertz's withering burns on levi-strauss. so it might as well be the same thing.

the hope of learning from rather than about peoples removed from us, of considering other viable modes of social order, of cultural models not entirely dependent upon developments borne out of the french enlightenment, isn't characteristic of Levi-Strauss. Instead of these hopes and of an acknowledgment of the imposing and humbling variety of the human experience, you get grand universalisms on the specific traits of the Savage Consciousness, Such As It Is.
At best (Tropiques) it's a surrender in the face of the most important challenge for the researcher, perceived distance and inabiility to communicate through it, which is then replaced by all-encompassing structural musings based on this inability on the researcher's part. At worst (the UN address) it's flat out Kulturkampf

that said, there's still interesting work in the vein of Levi-Strauss. It's basically the best model that anthropologists dealing with antiquity can hope for, as far as I know (and I'm not an anthropologist at all)
this is a pretty interesting book on the history of certain aspects of the incest prohibition that's heavily straussian.

who was the idiot who wrote transparent lies about everyone including family members banging each other in the trobriand islands
i am reading The Teleportation Accident by Ned Beauman, there's a bunch of LF discourse on fascism, hedonism, the non-conspiracy behind the LA streetcar system, and a bunch of other gay nonsense. it's pretty funny in parts e.g. this one

"Egon, why is it that every single time you're obliged to be in the same room as one of your ex-girlfriends you have to make it into a huge emergency? It's incredibly boring."

"Come on. You know how it is. You catch sight of an old flame and you get this breathless animal prickle like a fox in a room with a hound. And then all night you have to seem carefree and successful, a pretense which for some reason you have no choice but to maintain even though you know they're fully aware you're the same miserable cunt as ever."

"That's adolescent. Still, the fact you're so neurotic about your lovers makes it both predictable and fitting that you have had so few of them. It's sexual homeostasis, an elegant self-regulating system just like so many in Nature."

"I can't lose this breakup. We've all seen what happens to people who lose a breakup."

"You didn't even like her, I thought."

"I know! She was awful. But at least she had sex with me. And it was really good, sort of. When am I ever going to have sex with anyone ever again! I mean, without paying. Honestly - when? I wish I was a queer like you. I've never seen you worry for a second about this. Upon how many pilgrims have you bestowed your blessing this year?"

"God knows. I gave up keeping count in high school. Remind me what you're on now?"

"Three. Still. In my whole life. Not counting hookers. Sometimes when I walk down the street I look around at all of them and I feel like I'm being crucified on a cross of cunt. Sometimes I get out of the bath and catch sight of my penis in the mirror, and it looks so bitterly disappointed with me."

Throughout the 1920s, Germany had been full of teachers, doctors, psychoanalyists, sociologists, poets and novelists who were eager to talk to you about sex. They were eager to inform you that sex was natural, that sex ought to be pleasurable, and that everyone had the right to a fulfilling sex life. Loeser broadly agreed with the first two claims, and he even agreed in principle with the third, but given his present situation the establishment of a global Marxist workers' paradise seemed a modest and plausible aim in comparison to this ludicrously optimistic vision of a world in which he, Egon Loeser, actually got close to a non-mercenary vulva once in a while. These well meaning experts honestly seemed to believe that as soon as people were told they were ought to be having sex, they would just start having sex, as if there could not possibly be any obstacle to twenty-four hour erotic festivities other than moral reluctance. "Oh, thank you so much," Loeser wanted to say to them. "That's so helpful. I should be enjoying fantastic sex all the time, should I? That had really never occurred to me until you mentioned it. Now that I have been liberated by your inspiring words, I shall go off and enjoy some fantastic sex with someone right away."


littlegreenpills posted:

who was the idiot who wrote transparent lies about everyone including family members banging each other in the trobriand islands

sup? i was banging your family members in the trobriand islands

a sex-starved character called loeser lol
it seems cool.... i just read a review and it mentioned that one character has visual agnosia + im writing a thing about that now which is clearly some kind of Portentous Synchronicity
[account deactivated]
i read the back of the new silver mt zion EP because its pretty good
[account deactivated]

ggw posted:

littlegreenpills posted:
who was the idiot who wrote transparent lies about everyone including family members banging each other in the trobriand islands

sup? i was banging your family members in the trobriand islands

[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

yee disrespect mai late brothah...ai smesh yer fuckin windsheild. oy.

\ I really do believe this non lifting fagot had everthing to do with the passing of Az. He invited Az with him at the time he was in Thailand and then something happened.( Read and assume its unclear but you can tell his a sick fk) You can't hate someone for hating caus that would make you a hater so Chestbrah is right this guy is a child violater and predator of bodybuilders.

Hmmm giant, roid-munching psychopath with a niche talent for fucking up dodgy money borrowers and it finally took the bounty of a huge chapter of bikies to make him leave the country


A narcissistic little manchild who's only experience in confrontation is with his boyband "aesthetics crew" and his 700 cousins storming and barking threats online.

My money is on Le Shark Face.
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

i have no idea what you're talking about so here is this


deadken posted:

it seems cool.... i just read a review and it mentioned that one character has visual agnosia + im writing a thing about that now which is clearly some kind of Portentous Synchronicity

yeah the bits with him in are some of the funniest parts of the book. suspected it wd be your kind of thing actually

im reading projectiles for the people, history of the RAF. it owns.
also a lot of shit about labor and globalization. also labor imperialism of the AFL CIO.

statickinetics posted:

im reading projectiles for the people, history of the RAF. it owns.

downloading thbis *does a red salute lol*


statickinetics posted:

im reading projectiles for the people, history of the RAF. it owns.

until i realized you were talking about the red army faction and not the royal air force that title was weirding me out