D&D moderator Brown Moses is obviously some kind of propaganda officer.
D&D moderator evilweasel is a U.S. Attorney appointed by Bush in 2006.
Aug 24, 2002
Please stop talking about revolution or abolishing capitalism or the like. We do not need every thread to become a primer on those issues.
Matthijs Krul @McCaineNL
@twinkitude new shirtless
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Matthijs Krul @McCaineNL
im glad vilerats dead and i hope he burns in hell
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Twinkdude: Follow the money, dude. Let me jack your weird dick as well.
tpaine posted:d&d is nothing but megathreads now, the mods killed it and its deader than dead hahah

evilweasel posted:it's a goddamned moronic idea to start claiming that various political strategies and beliefs are evidence of mental deficiency
You don't say
getfiscal posted:maybe being permabanned because i wanted to turn the forums into a mtwist cell was actually a CIA-funded attempt to sideline me before i became a powerful revolutionary leader like Bane from batman?
You know too much!
Ironicwarcriminal posted:It makes sense, and they then navigated lf towards the hysterical identity politics of wddp, the same leftist-duping sleight of hand the CIA did with the modern art movement back in the 50s.
nah wddp developed organically, if you put a bunch of chronic depressos together its inevitable that they'll end up making a thread for them to post 500 times about how much they want to kill themselves in. the cia created the rhizzone to misredirect the energies of any serious revolutionaries towards cocaine, poetry, and youtube videos of fat people

deadken posted:the postplace anxiety attack megathread is at first really upsetting and pathos-inducing but then after the hundredth post by the same person about how they live with their mother and want to kill themselves but can't because their hands are shakign too much you get kinda desensitised to it and it starts being really kinda funny. which is really bad but whatever
Link pls
we love you! you're kind and creative and great!
my life is worthless. i deserve to be drowned in my own shit. i am a grotesque parasite. i post for twelve hours every day and never go outside.i have never done anything of any value. i have never made another person smile. i deserve only death.
you're beautiful. your skin glows with a divine light. you are a prince among men and an equal among gods. if there were any justice in this world, then you, random depresso kid, would be crowned world-prince in aeternum. you are mother theresa, jesus christ, and stalin, all rolled into one handsome, kind, charming person.
i'm not fit to be in the presence of my own pubic lice.
give me your address so i can come round and fellate you!
libelous_slander posted:deadken posted:the postplace anxiety attack megathread is at first really upsetting and pathos-inducing but then after the hundredth post by the same person about how they live with their mother and want to kill themselves but can't because their hands are shakign too much you get kinda desensitised to it and it starts being really kinda funny. which is really bad but whatever
Link pls
deadken posted:i'm shit, i'm utter shit and a turd.
we love you! you're kind and creative and great!
my life is worthless. i deserve to be drowned in my own shit. i am a grotesque parasite. i post for twelve hours every day and never go outside.i have never done anything of any value. i have never made another person smile. i deserve only death.
you're beautiful. your skin glows with a divine light. you are a prince among men and an equal among gods. if there were any justice in this world, then you, random depresso kid, would be crowned world-prince in aeternum. you are mother theresa, jesus christ, and stalin, all rolled into one handsome, kind, charming person.
i'm not fit to be in the presence of my own pubic lice.
give me your address so i can come round and fellate you!
I found out about this a little later on. Agent Smith came up to me and another PC, a female necromancer and started complaining about how other PCs were giving him a hard time about what he had done to Starr and asked her if she had "ratted him out." I asked him what he had done and he told me. I asked him why he would do something so fucked up and he said "she needed to be taught a lesson." My character is a Mind Master and the mysterium representative on the council. I told him (IC) that such behavior was extremely unethical, and that using mind magic in that way was basically sexual assualt if not rape. He grined, almost with pride and said he raped her. Then a third player, join the conversation saying that he had used mind magic on another PC before to.
I brought this up with the ST who is a woman, and she was a bit taken aback. I asked her if it would call for a Morality check if nothing else and that out of character I thought the action was inappropriate. She agreed that if she had seen it, it would have called for a Wisdom check and said to handle it in character while she thinks of what to do about it.
I brought it to the PC who was the Hierarch, and he told me Starr didn't want to "press charges." I asked Starr if she was ok and she said yeah, brushing it off.
I'm not sure if I handled it ok. Strictly speaking it didn't happen to me and Starr's player said she was over it and wanted to move on. But I was really creeped out by the PCs talking about it as if it was merely mischievous rather than something really bad.
discipline posted:dead ken send me your login info I refuse to believe there is actually an anxiety attack megathread
I didnt used to get anxiety attacks but Ive learned so much from you guys's callouts over the last few months and im a less shitty person because of it. Now i have anxiety attacks constantly