tpaine posted:and white muslim tubes. come back tom
how about you educate yourself?
discipline posted:I haven't read anything in the journal yet because I just got home but why are we qualifying "cismen" here haha this is the kind of lazy bullshit that pisses me off about contemporary feminism. that sort of thing just sneaks in under the radar. what does it matter if cismen are excluded and transmen are part of the movement? this implies a lived experience in the female body that transcends ideas of gender. and yet there is a lived experience in the male body that is excused somehow when it comes to transwomen. I'm of the mind that if you exclude cismen but not transmen you should exclude ciswomen as well, because otherwise this is dishonest. this is making an exception for inclusion that is based on cultural gender demarcations that are either arbitrary or inherent, either way if a transman is inherently affiliating theyselves with patriarchal standards of masculinity there is no "fucking" with gender there, this is either a cry for help or the admission that patriarchal standards of masculinity can be rehabilitated when assumed by a female body. it's bullshit and a huge conversation and to just gloss over it in some intro pretends it's not some explosive issue that needs to be addressed. yeah, if you want to smash capital do that. if you want to get into feminism do that. don't half ass one to accomplish the other. of course there are places to intersect, but don't assume you've invented the wheel if you still don't have anything to hitch it to.
write to them imo, or something

Keven posted:And there should be a sports section
the most dangerous game of all: hunting cis scum.
jools posted:i mean it is pretty funny ken laughing at that thing about conversations impossible around men and then the responses so far have been... this
the zine isnt conversation
discipline posted:hey jools I'm sorry I haven't sat down and read this yet. I'm back on part time and when my guest leaves I'm going to have more afternoons to sit in a coffee shop a block over and brood about my life and politics again
you might as well take the plunge and start eating garbage
have you seen
that feminist zine